electronic appendix 1 - Springer Static Content Server

Geodynamic tectonic settings of East Asia-East Australia zircon study sites
The present mantle thermal upwelling zones within the tectonic framework surrounding the eastern Australasian
(southern panel) and Asian-Russian (northern panel) regions were modelled using seismic parameters from the
tomographic GyPsuM model of Simmons et al. (2010). The Antarctic margin lies bottom left and the east
Australian margin top left of the southern panel, while the SE Asian-East Chinese margin and South China Sea
lie centre left and the Korean-Russian margin top right of the northern panel. The past positions of initial
Tasman (90 Ma), Coral Sea (65 Ma) and South Fiji (35 Ma) rift/ triple point spreading along the Australian
margin and South China rift/spreading floor (40 Ma) are indicated using GPlate reconstructions (Seton et al.
2012). The slower seismic velocity perturbations are depicted in warmer yellow, orange and brown hues and
faster velocity perturbations in cooler light to dark blue hues. The slower ‘thermal’ upwelling zones may mark
relatively intact, stationary features in the convective mantle extending back to 200 Ma (Burke and Torvik
2004). The positions of current active volcanoes and former ‘hotspot’ volcanoes and other tectonic features are
included in the geodynamic reconstruction (Sabin Zahirovic modelling 2012).
Burke K, Torsvik T (2004) Derivation of Large Igneous Provinces of the past 200 million years from long-term
heterogeneities in the deep mantle. Earth Planet Sci Lett 227: 531–538
Seton M, Müller D, Zahirovic S, Gaina C, Torsvik T, Shepherd G, Taisma A, Gurnis M, Turner M, Maus S,
Chandler M (2012) Global continental and ocean basin reconstructions since 200 Ma. Earth Sci Rev 113:
Simmons NA, Fote AM, Boschi L, Grand SP (2010) GyPsuM: A joint tomographic model of mantle density and
seismic wave speeds. J Geophs Res 115: B12310, doi 10.1029/2010JB007631