Wednesday, Oct 14th Lesson Microsoft Word Document


Thermal Expansion Notes


Explore the following simulations to learn how particle motion changes with temperature.

Click on the link. Chapter 1: Lesson 1: Multimedia:


In the “ Particles of a Liquid” simulation, zoom in on the liquid. Each little sphere represents _______________________. Describe your observations:


Click the arrow on the right to continue to the “

Water Molecules

” illustration. Draw an example of one molecule in motion in the box .

Click on the link. Chapter 1: Lesson 2: Multimedia:


Slide the bar back and forth in the “

Heating and Cooling a Liquid

” simulation to observe changes in the liquid.


Next, click the arrow on the right to continue to the “ Water Molecules at Different


illustration. Using that illustration as an example, use the models of particle motion at three different temperatures in the boxes below. (Click on the particle. Ctrl+C to copy,

Ctrl+V to paste).

Cold Water Room-Temperature Water Hot Water

Chapter 1: Lesson 3: Multimedia:


Observe changes in particle motion with changes in temperature in the “

Heating and

Cooling a Thermometer”

simulation. Then click on the arrow on the right to continue to the

“Molecules in a Thermometer”



Apply what you have learned about molecular motion to explain how your thermometer responded to changes in temperature. You must include the following words in your explanation: molecules , motion , distance , and speed .

Click on the link. Chapter 1: Lesson 4: Multimedia:


Explore the resources: a.

Zoom in on the object in the “

Particles of a Solid

” simulation and observe the movement of particles in a solid object. b.

Click on the arrow on the right to continue to the “ Comparing Solid and Liquid” simulation. c.

Click on the arrow to continue and watch the

“Heating and Cooling a Metal Ball”

video clip. d.

Click on the arrow to continue to the “ Heating and Cooling a Solid” simulation. Observe changes in molecular motion with changes in temperature. e.

Click on the arrow to continue to the

“Molecules in a Room Temperature and Hot Metal

Ball ” illustration.


How does the movement of particles in a solid object compare to the movement of particles in a liquid? Explain, based on your observations in the simulations:


Using what you have learned about particle motion, explain why the room-temperature ball fit through the ring, but the heated ball did not.


Suppose the ring is heated, but the ball remains at room temperature. Use the models below to make a particle motion diagram for the ring before and after it is heated. (Click on the particle.

Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste):

Room-temperature Ring Hot Ring


Why do you think the room-temperature ball passes easily through the heated ring? Explain:
