About Rocket University

Rocket University
Raritan High School initiated its Rocket University Project this year, a tiered
incentive system designed to celebrate the efforts and achievements of any students
enrolled in one or more college level (Advanced Placement or dual enrollment)
courses and/ or MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Nineteen AP or dual
enrollment classes are offered to students grades 9-12, and a massive list of MOOC
offerings is available to any student free of charge from prestigious universities like
Stanford, Duke, and Princeton. Students can take a MOOC for credit and a pass/fail
grade on their RHS transcript.
Any student enrolled in an AP or dual enrollment level course, or any student
currently completing a MOOC, automatically becomes a member of the Rocket
University. As they complete additional college level courses and/or MOOCs,
students not only bolster their RHS transcripts, but also earn the status of “Scholar,”
“Commended Scholar,” or “Distinguished Scholar.”
Over 240 RHS students are members of the inaugural class in Rocket University.
Eighteen RHS seniors are poised to graduate with “Distinguished Scholar” status in
June, having completed five or more AP/dual enrollment classes during their
careers at Raritan. “Commended” and “Distinguished” scholars will be identified in
the graduation program.
More information on the Rocket University Project can be found in the Raritan High
School Student-Parent Handbook or directly from the counseling staff.