The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride Viewing Guide
Buttercup (aka Princess Buttercup)
Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts
Count Rugen (aka the six fingered man)
The Albino
Prince Humperdinck
1. Chart the story beats for The Princess Bride.
1. The set-up that introduces the main character:
2. The catalyst/inciting incident that will impact the hero’s status quo:
3. The first major problem/complication:
4. The point of no return – the hero must see his/her objective through:
5. The second major problem/complication:
6. A complication that threatens to cost the hero everything:
7. The resolution of the conflict:
Inigo Montoya
Miracle Max
2. What kind of narrative does the film follow (linear/nonlinear). What is your evidence?
3. Give some examples of the use of irony in the film:
4. What are some of the themes of The Princess Bride?
5. Choose one of the following quotations and give its context and explain its significance to the story. Look at
the deeper meaning as well – what is its symbolic significance?
“You be careful—people in masks cannot be trusted.” (Fezzik)
“I swear on the soul of my father Domingo Montoya. You will reach the top alive.” (Inigo Montoya)
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” (Inigo Montoya)
“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” (Dread Pirate Roberts)
“Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.” (Westley)
“Well, who says life is fair? Where is that written? Life isn’t always fair.” (Grandfather)
6. What is the moral or message of The Princess Bride?
7. What are some symbols/archetypes of the film, and what is the significance of each?
8. Choose a character from the film and list three personality traits the character demonstrates during the film.
Consider the way these personality traits are portrayed both directly and indirectly, and cite your evidence for
each trait.
Direct characterization:
Indirect characterization:
Trait 1:
Trait 2:
Trait 3: