Minutes of Fermoy Municipal District Meeting held on Tuesday, 21st April 2015 In Attendance: Cllrs. Kay Dawson, Ian Doyle, Noel McCarthy, June Murphy, Frank O’ Flynn, Kevin O’ Keeffe; Brendan O’ Gorman SEE, Pauline Moriarty MDO, Pat O’ Connor AO, Lydia Kelly ASO. 1. MINUTES: Minutes of Fermoy Municipal District meeting held on 18th March 2015. The Minutes were agreed on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, seconded by Cllr. Ian Doyle. 2. Proposed Extinguishment of Public Right of Way and Closure of Laneway at Batt Donegan Place and Hillview Drive, Charleville. Pat O’ Connor AO explained the details of the proposal to close off this 100m laneway to prevent access/egress by those involved in anti-social behaviour. Whilst the lane would be blocked off as a ‘through’ route, there will be no changes in respect of access to rear gates of properties adjoining the laneway. The Members noted this information and on the proposition of Cllr. Ian Doyle, seconded by Cllr. June Murphy, the proposed extinguishment of public right of way was agreed. Pat O’ Connor AO advised that the process for this would be commenced this week. 3. DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY : To consider the lease of building at Forrest Hall, New Market Square, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork to Mitchelstown Community Council Ltd. for the consideration of €100.00 per annum. The Members noted the reports submitted from the Property Section. This lease of property, as detailed above, was agreed on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn seconded by Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe. 4. DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY : To consider the disposal of surplus NRA lands at Skahanagh North to Patrick Anthony O’Sullivan, Rooska, Brooklodge East, Glanmire, Co. Cork for the consideration of €3,552.75. The Members noted the reports submitted from the Property Section. This disposal of property, as detailed above, was agreed on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn seconded by Cllr. Noel McCarthy. 5. Slipway at Barnane Walk, Fermoy Both Pauline Moriarty MDO and Brendan O’Gorman SEE explained the need to put a formal arrangement in place with regard to the holding of keys for the vehicular slipway onto the river at Barnane. The current keyholders are the emergency services and the Rowing Club. For safety reasons, it is desirable to only have keys for this slipway with responsible and accountable personnel; and further to a discussion, it was agreed to compile a list of those groups who would require access to the slipway and consider the options with regard to making the keys available to them. It was also agreed that Fermoy Gardaí would be asked to act as keyholders. 6. Disabled Spaces, Fermoy Town Brendan O’ Gorman SEE asked if Members could put requests for disabled parking spaces on the Agenda going forward for discussion and agreement at MD meetings. He answered the Members queries and explained the specifications and requirements for these parking bays. He advised that he currently had a request for one such space in Fitzgerald Place, Fermoy and on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, seconded by Cllr. Noel McCarthy, the provision of this space was agreed. 7. 2015 Grass Cutting Contract Both Pauline Moriarty MDO and Brendan O’Gorman SEE informed the Members that the grasscutting contractors for the entire MD area for 2015 were appointed, namely Eire Landscapes, and that cutting had commenced in mid-April. The contract is to carry out litter picking, cutting and strimming work, but not collection of cuttings as this proved too costly. Any problems with the contractor/work can be advised to John O’ Leary AE, Mitchelstown. If, going forward, the need for additional areas to be cut is identified, these can be considered for inclusion. Further to a query, Brendan O’ Gorman advised that the approach roads will be cut under a separate contract. 8. Cork 20 Rally - Fermoy, October 2015 Pauline Moriarty MDO informed the Members that the Cork 20 Rally event is coming to Fermoy this year and reminded them that approval had been given for a grant of €3,800 from Community Grant funding. It was acknowledged that this event is a major (economic) opportunity for the Fermoy area and all the Members welcomed the news of the Rally, pledged their support for it and congratulated Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe on his involvement in bringing this event to Fermoy. Cllr. O’ Keeffe acknowledged this response and advised Brendan O’ Gorman SEE that he would have a list of the roads being used with a view to having the surfaces in prime condition for the event, scheduled for October. 9. Fermoy Flood Scheme - Art Commission Pauline Moriarty MDO circulated an update on the OPW Flood Works Art Commission to the Members and informed them that, further to a site visit and presentation, interested artists have been invited to submit proposals for consideration. Further to queries from the Members Pauline replied that there are strict criteria under the guidelines which have to be met and she agreed, further to a request, to forward a copy of these guidelines to the Members. She further advised that the Members will be kept informed at all stages of the process and their views will be considered, however, the ultimate decision on this artwork will be made by the OPW under whose authority this commission lies. The Members also requested a copy of the presentation (which had been made to the artists by Pauline and Ger Barry, RE Flood Relief Project) which Pauline agreed to send out. 10. Fermoy Town Twinning - Ploemeur Visit - Request for Civic Reception As part of the Fermoy-Ploemeur Twinning Programme it was customary for Fermoy Town Council to host a Civic Reception for the French visitors and in line with this tradition it is proposed that Fermoy Municipal District will host a Civic Reception in Fermoy Town Hall on Thursday, 30th April 2015. Pauline Moriarty MDO advised the Members that formal agreement to this Civic Reception is required. Cllr. June Murphy sought information on the background and benefits of this twinning arrangement which Pauline Moriarty MDO agreed to provide; and further to a brief discussion and on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, seconded by Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe, the proposed Civic Reception was agreed. 11. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (1) REPORT : Further to Deputation - Youthreach, Fermoy Cllr. Noel McCarthy, who had introduced the Deputation, and all the Members welcomed and thanked Pauline for this report and voiced their delight that the students of Youthreach were being encouraged to proceed with their endeavours and were to be facilitated with a site for their graffiti art. Pauline Moriarty MDO undertook to contact Kelly Moller at Youthreach to further advance this project. (2) PROGRESS REPORT : Roadworks / RI Programme 2015 Brendan O’ Gorman went through the contents of the progress report circulated. He advised that the wetmix programme will take a further two months to complete and the ‘blacktop’ work (marked red on the report) will start in mid-to-late May. Brendan answered any queries the Members had and the report was unanimously agreed. (3) PROGRESS REPORT : 2015 Town Development Fund Pauline Moriarty MDO informed the meeting that all works proposed under TDF funding are currently out to tender and that future progress on these works will be advised by way of monthly reports to the Members. She advised, further to a query, that the ‘development of town partnership type structures’ (item 3) is currently at development stage; and that Sgt. Hallihan will be in attendance at a future MD meeting to update the Members on the proposed installation of a CCTV system. In relation to the painting schemes, Pauline had a suggestion for each town of an area she considered suitable; but, further to an objection by Cllr. Kay Dawson on the lack of public engagement in the selection process, it was decided to write to the Business Associations, Tidy Towns Committees and other relevant groups in each town inviting them to submit their preferred location proposals for painting schemes for consideration. 12. NOTICES OF MOTION Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe (1) “that improved advance warning signage be put in place on the approach to the Cross-of-the-Groves roundabout as vehicles are not stopping at this junction”. I will ask the local Gardaí for greater enforcement of the law here as all regulatory and warning signs are in place. (BO’G) This motion was supported by Cllr. June Murphy. Brendan further advised that he will request a report from the Gardaí for circulation to the Members. Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn (2) “that Cork County Council investigate and rectify the blockages in the surface water drains in Castletownroche, specifically on the Mallow road adjacent to Caisleain an Easaigh”. Some improvements works have been completed and more are to be progressed in the coming weeks. (BO’G) Cllr. Ian Doyle (3) “that Cork County Council, in conjunction with Bus Eireann, would investigate the feasibility and provision of bus shelters in Charleville town”. Will be referred to Transportation SPC. (BO’G) Cllr. Noel McCarthy advised that, as he is on the Transportation SPC, he will highlight this issue at their next meeting. Cllr. Kay Dawson (4) “that Cork County Council would renew the roadmarkings on the approach to the CBS schools in Mitchesltown”. Awaiting completion by external lining contractor. (BO’G) This motion was supported by Cllrs. O’Keeffe, O’Flynn and McCarthy. Brendan said he would request the Contractors to highlight the school entrance by painting a red strip on the road. Cllr. Noel McCarthy (5) “that potholes be filled in on the Glenagoul Road, Kildinan, Co. Cork”. Will be done. Section of this road on this year’s RI Programme. (BO’G) Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn (6) “that Cork County carry out a safety audit on the N73 at Ballinamona Cross, Shanballymore and put in place traffic calming measures in the interest of safety of road users at this very busy junction”. As the junction is on a National Road, I will refer the motion to the NRA / NRDO for observation, comment and report. (BO’G) (7) “that Cork County Council, in the interest of safety, erect signs indicating Castletownroche, Ballyhooly and Fermoy on the existing signpost at Egan’s Cross, Glanworth”. Will be done. (BO’G) (8) “that Cork County Council give a date for putting in place the new pay parking arrangements for Fermoy town following the recent adoption of its new Cork County pay parking policy, especially in relation to on street parking in order to help promote Fermoy as a shopping and tourist town and to encourage shoppers back into Fermoy”. Item No. 5 of the Cork County Council Parking Control Bye-Laws Policy 2015, adopted at Full Council on 9th March 2015, states that “Where the introduction of Parking Control Bye-Laws or modification of existing Parking Control Bye-Laws is being considered, a Report shall be commissioned on the financial and other implications of same. The Municipal District shall fully consider this report and shall ensure that any decision by the Municipal District to introduce or modify Parking Control Bye-Laws has full regard to the findings of the report”. I will prepare this report and present it to Members at the May meeting. (PM) Further to a discussion, it was agreed that a decision on the adoption of the policy will be deferred pending receipt of the MDO’s report. (9) “that Cork County Council review its policy on graves in Kilcrumper new cemetery in Fermoy”. It is unclear from the Motion which policy Councillor O’ Flynn is requesting be reviewed. Current Council policy unique to Kilcrumper relates to the “Pricing Structure” as follows: Cost of grave space for one burial €600 from 17/11/2014 Cost of grace space for two burials €750 from 17/11/2014 Two Adjacent Single Grave Spaces €1,000 from 01/01/2015. All other policy is “County Wide” Policy which is formulated at County Level and agreed by Members at Full Council. (PM) Further to a discussion, it was agreed that Pauline Moriarty MDO would bring this issue to the attention of senior management for review and recommendation (with a view to allowing flexibility on the number of spaces that can be purchased from three to four). Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe (10) “that the footpaths in the proximity of the former St. Francis Welfare Home, Fermoy be put on the next Works Programme”. Will be considered in terms of budgets allocated. (BO’G) (11) “given that the N73 is upgraded at Guerin’s Cross, I now request that enhanced road safety signage be put in place by the NRA”. As the junction is on a National Road, I will refer the motion to the NRA / NRDO for observation, comment and report. (BO’G) Brendan said he hoped for a positive response from the NRA on this issue. (12) “that measures be taken to ensure internet services at Fermoy Swimming Pool”. Broadband was installed in the Leisure Centre in early 2015 to facilitate Cork County Council’s financial management system and maintenance of ‘Till’ system. There were issues with the website and timetable software but this has now been resolved. (PM) (13) “that a report be given as to the delay in the estates in this Municipal area being taken over (especially those brought before Members a number of months ago)”. * John Aherne, Estates Engineer All the Members fully supported this Motion as, despite being informed at the December meeting that a number of estates were approved to be taken in charge; no progress had been made in this regard. Further to a discussion, it was agreed that the Director of Services be requested to advance the taking-in-charge of these estates as a matter of urgency; and that John Aherne, Estates Engineer would be requested to provide an update to the Members. Brendan O’ Gorman undertook to contact John O’ Neill, Director of Planning and Andrew Hyde, Senior Executive Planner with these concerns; and also to request John Aherne to attend the May meeting. Cllr. Ian Doyle (14) “that Cork County Council would follow up on the repair of the graveyard wall in Holy Place, Charleville, the damage having been caused by an accident”. Repairs will be carried out in due course. (BO’G) (15) “that Cork County Council would do a once-off cleanup of pathways and boundaries in Newtown New graveyard where material has been dumped”. Will be considered but only if our budget allows us. (BO’G) Brendan will arrange for a designated area for flowers/wreaths etc. in the cemetery. (16) “that Cork County Council, in conjunction with the Environmental department, following on the An Taisce Spring Clean month, would do a cleanup of the identified dykes and drains where dumping has been ongoing within the electoral area of Newtown, Charleville, Ballyhea - a list of the affected areas can be supplied”. No funding available to roads operations to carry out this extensive work. I will refer the motion to the Environmental department for comment. (BO’G) Cllrs. Dawson and McCarthy supported this Motion. Brendan said he will get further clarification on this issue from the Environment Department for the next meeting. Cllr. Noel McCarthy (17) “that this Committee gives an up-to-date report on when the bridge at Gortnaskehy Lower, Araglin will be repaired”. When a funding stream becomes available, it will be attended to. (BO’G) (18) “that this Committee receives an Engineer’s report on the possibility of extending the footpath on the Duntaheen Road to the entrance of Glenabo Woods, Fermoy”. The costs involved would be in the order of €17,000 but there is a pinch point over the bridge that cannot accommodate a footpath, owing to the restricted road width at this point. (BO’G) Brendan agreed that this is a worthwhile project and may be considered for next year. Cllr. O’ Flynn supported the Motion and agreed to check with the JPC if there would be any funding available for this footpath. (19) “that this Committee write to the Environmental Department of Cork County Council with a view to accommodating Clondulane Community Council with the provision of dog fouling bins at Clondulane, Fermoy”. Will be done. (PM) Pauline further clarified that she will contact the Environment Department in relation to the provision of dog fouling signs, but the provision of bins will not be possible. (20) “following works carried out by Cork County Council at the entrance to Corrin View Estate, Fermoy that signage be provided to indicate the direction of Corrin View Estate”. There is no budget and no requirement to provide additional signage for established estates. Even though the junction has been made safer by tightening, it is the same entry / exit point. (BO’G) Further to clarification received from Cllr. McCarthy, Brendan undertook to look at this again. 13. CORRESPONDENCE (1) draft Cork County Council Corporate Plan 2014-2019 (circulated by email) Noted. (2) Notification for Members to meet Minister Donohue in Leinster House on 29.4.2015 to discuss funding for Mallow Northern Relief Road. Noted. Cllr. O’ Flynn asked the Members to attend a meeting with the Consultants for this project on 24.4.2015 at 11.00am in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow; and that a prior to meeting Minister Donohue on 29.4.2015, the Members are to meet with Tom Stritch DoS in Buswell’s Hotel, Dublin at 3.30pm. 14. TO CONSIDER MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES RE 13(2) Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe - Overhanging trees on Rathealy Road, Fermoy Cllr. O’ Keeffe was informed that one landowner has cut the overhanging trees; and Pauline Moriarty MDO agreed to write again to the two other landowners. RE 14(6) Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe - Damaged bridge and parapet between Doneraile and N73 Kildorrery (R522). Brendan undertook to follow up on this with Irish Water. 15. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (1) Cllr. June Murphy - Traffic Management Issues at Bunscoil na Torbaithe, Mitchelstown Cllr. Murphy raised the problems being experienced with traffic at Bunscoil na Torbaithe which were conveyed to Brendan by letter from the Parent’s Association. These included requests for the appointment of a School Warden and the provision of speed ramps. Brendan recommended increased Garda enforcement at this location and to this end he will contact Mitchelstown Gardaí asking them to attend to this and to report to him on their observations in due course. He will then consider the most suitable options to remedy the situation. He also confirmed that he will respond to the Parents Association’s letter and copy this reply to the Members. (2) Cllr. Kay Dawson - Water ponding at speed ramp near Mitchelstown P.O. Brendan will look at this with a view to providing a resolution. (3) Cllr. Kay Dawson - Support Wall at Kilshanny Bridge Brendan undertook to examine the support wall at Kilshanny Bridge which Cllr. Dawson advises is starting to fall in. (4) Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe - Query re: Cemetery walls. Broken wall at Knockmourne Cemetery, Conna - Brendan replied that Gateway staff will be assigned to repair this. Damage of back wall of Glanworth New Cemetery - Brendan advised that there are ongoing legal / insurance proceedings in relation to this. Re-instatement of boundary wall Glanworth Old Cemetery - Brendan advised that this is the subject of a Ministerial order. (5) Cllr. June Murphy - Drains at Stag Park, Mitchelstown Cllr. Murphy enquired if there is any progress to report. Pauline Moriarty MDO replied that she will again contact Pat O’ Connor AO, Housing in this regard. Signed: _______________________________ Date: _________________________