Minutes of the Fermoy Municipal District held on Wednesday, 18th February 2015 In Attendance: Cllrs. Kay Dawson, Ian Doyle, Noel McCarthy, June Murphy, Frank O’ Flynn, Kevin O’ Keeffe; Brendan O’ Gorman SEE, Pauline Moriarty MDO, Lydia Kelly ASO. 1. MINUTES: (1) Minutes of Fermoy Municipal District meeting held on 20th January 2015. The Minutes were agreed on the proposition of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, seconded by Cllr. Ian Doyle. 2. Fermoy MD 2015 General Municipal Allocation Pauline Moriarty MDO circulated documentation in relation to the Fermoy MD 2015 GMA and explained to the Members the provisions of the funding. She recommended the Members encourage any groups who require funding from the Community/Amenity Grants to submit their applications to her office as a means of gauging what level of funding will be required. Pauline assured the Members that there will be no duplication of funding to any group from the GMA and the TDF (Town Development Fund) as all applications will be carefully scrutinised. Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn suggested that funding for St. Patrick’s Day parades and Christmas Lights should be provided for to the three main towns from the TDF, not the GMA, as these activities encourage economic development and therefore qualify. This was seconded by Cllr. Ian Doyle and agreed. It was further agreed that the funding need should be identified first before monetary values and allocations are decided. Pauline Moriarty MDO reminded the Members that the scheme as presented had already been agreed at CPG level and, on the suggestion of Cllr. Noel McCarthy, seconded by Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, it was agreed that a CPG report be given every three months to the Members at their meeting by their CPG delegate, Cllr. O’ Flynn. Pauline Moriarty MDO answered all the Members queries and reminded them that the closing date for Community Fund applications is 27th February 2015. In relation to the Community Fund applications for 2014, Pauline Moriarty MDO requested the Members to ask groups/applicants to get their final documents/claims/acceptance letters returned to either Pauline Moriarty MDO or Eileen Heffernan as soon as possible to finalise these applications. 3. Fermoy MD 2015 Town Development Fund Pauline Moriarty MDO circulated documentation (including figures) in relation to the TDF and went through the content thereof. She asked the Members to submit any observations they have in relation to the TDF, saying it will be on the March Agenda for adoption. She informed them that Partnership Groups are to be set up in each town. She explained how suggested proposals would work e.g. painting schemes. Cllr. Dawson commented that the proposal as outlined seemed to be a ‘top-down’ approach to the scheme, without any public involvement. Both Pauline Moriarty MDO and Brendan O’ Gorman SEE replied, saying that there was a need to put a proposal in place to get the process moving; that an umbrella group needs to be established in Year 1 to facilitate public consultation; but advised there would be enhanced public involvement in subsequent years. Pauline Moriarty MDO advised that adjustments will be made to the figures to reflect the funding of Christmas lights and St. Patrick’s Day parades from the TDF, and the matter would be discussed again at the next meeting. She pointed out that while Fermoy is benefitting more in Year 1 of the process, this is, in a way, to compensate the town for the dissolution of the Town Council, but that each town will have it’s year with higher level of funding. Further to a request, it was agreed that the fund for ‘painting schemes’ would be distributed more equitably between the three towns. 4. Re-Allocation of Community Fund 2013 : Mitchelstown Community Centre Ltd. This was agreed on the proposal of Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe, seconded by Cllr. Kay Dawson. 5. 2015 Restoration Improvement Programme RM No. 2 Fermoy MD 2015 Brendan O’ Gorman SEE spoke on these two works programmes for 2015, going through the details of the proposed works and advising that there are budgets of €1.9m for Restoration and Discretionary Improvement and €648k for Restoration Maintenance (surface dressing) works this year. Start date for the RI work is 9th March 2015. The programmes as presented were welcomed by the Members and Brendan answered any queries they had, adding that works requested by the various Deputations were included in the programme. The RI and RM programmes were adopted, as presented, on the proposal of Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, seconded by Cllr. Kay Dawson. 6. SECTION 183 : Disposal of Cottage and Site at Park, Aghern, Conna - Michael Daly As the Members considered the valuation of this property for disposal too low, it was agreed that Pauline Moriarty MDO would revert to the Council’s Property Section to request a further valuation. 7. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (1) REPORT Further to Deputation - Fermoy Business Action Group Whilst Pauline Moriarty MDO recommended waiting for the county-wide recommendations in relation to parking (currently being prepared) to be issued, the consensus of opinion of the Members is that they should be empowered to decide what parking and pay-parking arrangements are introduced in Fermoy Municipal District, as opposed to this being decided at county level. Cllr. O’ Flynn said he was not satisfied with the reply to the FBAG deputation, saying that something has to be done to support businesses in Fermoy. The Members requested that their viewpoint in respect of the pay-parking issue for Fermoy (and potentially Mitchelstown and Charleville) be conveyed to the SPC, which Cllr. Noel McCarthy agreed to do. 8. NOTICES OF MOTION Cllr. June Murphy (1) “that this Committee be supplied with a full report on the ongoing sewerage problem in the Stag Park Housing Estate in Mitchelstown including recommendations on what may solve the problem once and for all and the viability of carrying out the necessary work in the foreseeable future”. This estate includes a combination of social, private and voluntary leased houses. The housing directorate have requested further information in relation to what properties are affected and the types of issues being reported. Please forward this information to Pat O’Connor, Annabella, Mallow. Once this is known a full report will be issued at the following meeting. (PM) Further to the suggestion of Brendan O’ Gorman SEE it was agreed that the items of concern in relation to the above will be conveyed by Pauline Moriarty MDO to the Housing Department for their immediate attention and response. Cllr. Kay Dawson (2) “that Cork County Council would consider lowering the footpath at the entrance to St. Fanahan’s College Sports Hall to facilitate ambulance access to the hall”. Will be done this summer and funded under our 2015 footpath allocation. (BOG) Cllr. Noel McCarthy (3) “that drainage work and road repairs be carried out on the Garrycahera Road, Ballynoe, Co. Cork”. Will be done in due course. (BOG) Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn (4) “that Cork County Council would refurbish and replace the fallen stone wall at Glanworth Old Cemetery in the interest of health and safety”. The area of the cemetery where there is currently hoarding has been assessed by a Conservation Engineer, they have reported on same and have applied for ministerial consent, on receipt of same the conservation team of Cork County Council have said that they will undertake the works themselves, other elements of damaged wall that fall outside the remit of the ministerial consent shall be undertaken by our qualified stone mason when sufficient funds become available. (BOG) Pauline Moriarty MDO undertook to write to Mary Sleeman, CCC Archeologist requesting her to highlight the need for the above works to be carried out as soon as possible with a view to expediting the Ministerial consent required. Cllr. Ian Doyle (5) “that Cork County Council would give an update on the progress to date of sealing off alleyways in Batt Donegan Place, Charleville ”. The Council is currently seeking to establish if a Public Right of Way exists in relation to the affected alleyways in Batt Donegan Estate. When this is determined we will then proceed in accordance with the appropriate Statutory Provision to give effect to the decision. (POC) Cllr. June Murphy (6) “that this Committee calls on the Council to upgrade the windows in the remaining houses of the Ard Mhuilleann Housing Estate in Mitchelstown which have yet to receive this badly needed upgrade”. The existing windows in Ard Mhuilleann Estate are double glazed teak windows. The planned Maintenance Programme for 2015 is likely to continue to address the replacement of single glazed units only. Window upgrading at Ard Mhuilleann Estate will be considered for 2016. (POC) Cllr. Murphy stated that she was hugely disappointed with, and unwilling to accept, this reply. All the Members concurred with Cllr. Murphy as to the inadequacy of this reply and on the suggestion of Brendan O’ Gorman SEE, it was agreed that the items of concern in relation to the above would be conveyed by Pauline Moriarty MDO to the Housing Department for their immediate attention and response. Further to a proposal by Cllr. Noel McCarthy, seconded by Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn, it was also agreed that a Housing Executive would be requested to attend the Fermoy MD meeting, perhaps every three months, to deal with housing matters. (7) “that adequate signage be put in place to notify motorists of the pedestrian priority zone on Lower Cork Street, Mitchelstown”. The line markings will be renewed and additional slow marking backed in red will be provided. (BOG) Cllr. Noel McCarthy (8) “that this Committee receive an up-to-date report on the proposed works on the laneway at the back of St. Joseph’s Square between house numbers 13 to 19 inclusive” Will be done over the summer months and funded under our discretionary 2015 RI allocation. (BOG) (9) “that this Committee receive confirmation as to the date when the new building that will accommodate the toilet block and new information centre at Ashe Quay, Fermoy will be officially opened”. The Tourist Office / Toilet block is currently under the control of the Contractor and some minor works have yet to be carried out. Once works are complete (early March) control will be handed back to Cork County Council. At that stage the handover to the Fermoy Enterprise Board / Avondhu Blackwater Partnership Committee and official opening can be agreed. (PM) Following a discussion it was agreed that Fermoy Tourism Group would be included in any further discussion/arrangements being put in place in relation to the Tourist Office and also that the Members would be corresponded with first on any discussions or decisions being made about this facility. (10) “that this Committee receive a report on the impact road markings are having on the road centre north of the junction between the R639 and the L5806 at Scartbarry, Watergrasshill”. There is a concern that drivers are driving illegally over the hatched ghost island. May need to consider reducing the length of the overtaking lane. Will be investigated further in the coming weeks. (BOG) Brendan O’ Gorman SEE agreed to prepare a further report, to include recommendations, in relation to this junction for the Members. (11) “that this Committee receive a deputation from the staff and students of Youth Reach, Fermoy” This was agreed on the proposition of Cllr. Noel McCarthy, seconded by both Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe and Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn. Cllr. Frank O’ Flynn (12) “that Cork County Council would alleviate the water ponding on the Main Street, Killavullen outside the Haven Bar in the interest of safety of all road users”. Will be done over the summer months. (BOG) (13) “that Cork County Council would consider putting traffic calming ramps in the vicinity of Shinnick Place, New Road, Castletownroche in the interest of safety of pedestrians and road users”. No funding for stand alone traffic calming on the division. (BOG) (14) “that Cork County Council put a yellow no parking box outside the gate of Glanworth National School in the interest of safety of children and road users”. Will be done in due course. (BOG) Cllr. Ian Doyle (15) “that Cork County Council would investigate the resurfacing of the back square on original houses 1 to 20 of Batt Donegan Place, Charleville” Will be considered for resurfacing under a future RI Programme. (BOG) (16) “that Cork County Council would look into the provision of appropriate warning signage/reflective bollards at the entrance to Charleville Rugby Grounds, Smith’s Road, Charleville”. Private property and Rugby Club must themselves look at improving the sightline at the entrance. (BOG) (17) “that Cork County Council would repair all damaged bollards within the town confines”. A prioritised programme of refurbishment is planned this summer. (BOG) (18) “that Cork County Council, having taken charge of Orchard Estate, Clanchy Terrace Charleville, would provide an update on the work schedule for this estate and a timeline for completion”. Works are planned May/June under the 2015 Blacktop Contract. (BOG) 9. CORRESPONDENCE (i) LETTER Bus Eireann 30.1.2015 RE: Bus Stop on the R639 Cllr. Noel McCarthy stated that he is not happy with this reply from Bus Eireann and Brendan agreed to write again to Mr. Walsh, Bus Eireann to query the non-use of the better equipped and more advantageous bus stop on Cork Road just 300m away from the contentious one outside the private residence 10. TO CONSIDER MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (1) The next MD to be re-scheduled to Wednesday, 18th March 2015 (re: public holiday on 17th March) Agreed. (2) Cllr. Kay Dawson - Query re: assigning a ‘road number’ to a road. Brendan O’ Gorman SEE replied that every public road has a road number, and that a number is assigned to a road when it is taken in charge by Cork County Council and it is deemed a public road. He added that there is a continuous process of identifying, classifying and categorising roads to get an up to date road schedule. (3) Cllr. Ian Doyle - Query re: School Warden for Charleville Cllr. Doyle enquired if a Gateway employee could be assigned to work as a School Warden at Baker’s Road, Charleville as there are three schools on this road. Pauline Moriarty MDO replied that the Gateway staff cannot carry out this work but she undertook to contact the Personnel Department with a view to recruiting a School Warden for this location. (4) Cllr. Noel McCarthy - Illegal parking at College Road & Kevin Barry Hill, Fermoy Cllr. Noel McCarthy requested Pauline Moriarty MDO to write to the Gardaí highlighting the illegal parking of cars at the above locations in the vicinity of the schools at drop-off and collection times. Brendan O’ Gorman agreed to undertake road lining works that may help the situation on the ground. (5) Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe - Overhanging hedge on Rathealy Road Brendan O’ Gorman SEE replied to this query that Cork County Council cannot cut this hedge as it is on private property. (6) Cllr. Kay Dawson - Thanks for removal of barriers at Bank Place, Mitchelstown Noted. (7) Cllr. Noel McCarthy - ESB to tidy up electricity wires on Oliver Plunkett Hill, Fermoy Cllr. Noel McCarthy requested Brendan O’ Gorman SEE to write to the ESB asking them to tidy up electricity wires on Oliver Plunkett Hill, Fermoy, which Brendan agreed to do. (8) Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe - proposed ‘Rose Garden’ burial facility. Cllr. Kevin O’ Keeffe enquired if there was any update on his proposal for a ‘Rose Garden’ burial in Kilcrumper Cemetery; Pauline Moriarty MDO replied that she will have a report for the Members on this in due course. (9) Grasscutting Contract 2015 implications re: three Fermoy estates. Pauline Moriarty MDO advised the Members that as there are new parameters for the Municipal District grass cutting contract for 2015, three areas previously cut by Fermoy Town Council will now be required to apply for funding through the Amenity Grant mechanism and commence their own grass cutting operations. (10) Lay-out of Aldi Roundabout Brendan O’ Gorman SEE advised the Members that the proposed ‘Aldi’ Adopt-a-Roundabout scheme for the Firgrove Roundabout has to go to the NRA for approval in the first instance as it is on a national road. Signed: ______________________________ Date: _____________________________