SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Name:Cynthia Hart______
Key: SW = Students will; TW = Teacher will; SWBAT = Students will be able to…:
Content Objective(s): State Content Standards
Language Objectives:
2T-R1. Work cooperatively and
collaboratively when using technology in the
See: Arts {Theatre} (1AT-R5)
PO 1. Demonstrate respect for other students
while using technology (e.g., take turns,
share resources)
PO 2. Demonstrate appropriate behavior (e.g.,
use only your documents and folders)
ELL Proficiency Standards
3. Identify the initial and final sounds (not letters) of a spoken word. (KR 12: PO7)
WIDA Standards K-5 Produce letters of
beginning sounds from
pictures in context
Conversation/Listening and Speaking
Grammar: Discrete Skills Inventory
Singular common nouns related
to self, classroom, and home
Singular common nouns related to
animals, foods, and occupations
Plural common nouns
Read the word on the program and then on your paper
Write the word on your page
Higher Order Questions:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Question Starters
What is a word that begins with A?
Teacher Activities:
Building Background
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Use Kidspiration images to create an alphabet book
2.Instructional Focus: Today we will practice the alphabet and beginning sounds of words by creating an
alphabet book.
3. Instruction: When we decode, we put the sounds of letters together to make words. This helps us figure
out words when we are reading/ Tell students that they can use the beginning letter/sound to help them
decode. To create an alphabet book with the beginning sound of a word we will use Kidspiration. Teacher
chooses letter “A” from the tools and prints it on the screen, then teacher drags a picture of a word that
sta rts with A.
4. Guided Practice: Before the computer: Students are each assigned a letter of the alphabet, students have a
working knowledge of the software (how to place text and pictures)
On the computer: Students place the letter they have been assigned at the top of the screen, students find
pictures that has the beginning sound of the letter and place it on the screen. Students each print one copy
of their work. Use color printer. Teacher binds all student work into an alphabet book. The book should
be placed in the classroom for the children to practice reading it.
5. Check for Understanding: Have the students make another alphabet book choosing a different picture
for their letter.
Comprehensible Input
Guidelines to Achieve Comprehensible Input
This component comprises some of the features that make SIOP instruction different from “just good instruction.”
Check those that apply and describe below. Include those selected to the lesson sequence section below.
__Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level
__Clear explanation of academic task
__Techniques used to make content concepts clear for:
1. Pre-Emergent/Emergent
2. Basic
1st graders
3. Intermediate
Types of Scaffolding
_x_Guided Practice
__Independent Practice
Partnering or grouping students for reading activities, with
more experienced readers assisting those with less experience
Procedural Scaffolding:
Cooperative Learning Structures
__Whole class
_x_ Small group
Description of Cooperative Learning Structure/s:3 groups at a time on the computers
Work with partner kinder matched with 1 st grader
Use of Students’ Primary Language/s:
Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizers in English and Spanish
_x_Hands-on __xMeaningful _x_Linked to objectives _x_Promotes engagement _xListening
Integration of Processes
Description of Hands-on activity:
Choose words with a partner and apply to page, then write the word, you can copy off the page and you can look up the word to
verify it is a noun and you can listen to the pronunciation.
Lesson Delivery __Pacing
_X_Student engagement __Content objectives
__Language objectives
Description of Lesson Delivery components: In the library the teacher on the promethean will model how to use the program.
Lesson Sequence
On the promethean board in the library model how to use
the program.
In the classroom pair up kinder and 1st grade partners.
Each day work on a different letter of the day.
Review and Assessment (Check all that apply and describe) Assessment for ELLs
Have student read their page to the teacher and then to the class.
Notes regarding differentiation
Visually the students are engaged
initially. Working in pairs they
developed oral and aural
language. The kidspiration is very
hands on.
Review Key Vocabulary:
Animal names
video: The Magic of the Alphabet
Review Key Concepts:
Adapted from Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners, 2nd/ 3rd editions
Revised on 10-23-08