Turkish Alphabet

Turkish Alphabet (Alfabe)
Turkish alphabet consists of 29 letters including 8 vowels and 21 consonants.
Each letter has exactly one associated sound which never changes.
Three letters of the English alphabet are missing in the Turkish alphabet. (Q-q) (W-w) (X-x)
There are seven additional characters not found in the English alphabet.
(Ç-ç) (Ğ-ğ) (I-ı) (İ-i) (Ö-ö) (Ş-ş) (Ü-ü)
The letters of Turkish alphabet and the sounds associated with these are in the following table...
Letter Pronunciation
A, a
like the a in car
M, m
like the m in man
B, b
like the b in bet
N, n
like the n in neighbor
C, c
like the g in gender
O, o
like the a in ball
Ç, ç
like the ch in chance
Ö, ö
like the u in urge; French deux
D, d
like the d in debt
P, p
like the p in pen
E, e
like the e in less
R, r
like the r in rent ; Spanish pero
F, f
like the f in felony
S, s
like the s in send
G, g
like the g in game
Ş, ş
like the sh in shed
Ğ, ğ
this is a very weak sound, not pronouncing at all
will be ok, No English equivalent
T, t
like the t in tennis
H, h
like the h in hello
U, u
like the oo in good
I, ı
like the e in halted
Ü, ü
like the u in nude or museum ; German über
İ, i
like the ee in keen
V, v
like the v in vent
J, j
like the ge in garage
Y, y
like the y in yes
K, k
like the k in kelly
Z, z
like the z in zen
L, l
like the l in lamb