Pre A Writing About Reading

Pre A - Writing About Reading
1. Teacher leads students in a conversation to review the literal
comprehension of the text.
2. Broaden the discussion with additional questions – deep
conversation broader than the text.
 Turn & talk, oral rehearsal, sentence stems might be
3. The children rehearse the message as a group and
individually. The teacher supports the rehearsals as needed.
4. Draw a line for the each word in the sentence while students
repeat -- reinforcing 1:1 matching
5. Have students help you write the message on a sentence
strip. Teacher supports message construction in a variety of
 Teacher keeps students engaged in problem solving at
the message, sentence, word & letter level (rereading,
alphabet chart usage, rewriting letters on the alphabet
chart as one student writes on the sentence strip)
 Model “say the word slowly”
 Students should take turns writing the dominant
consonant sounds in each word.
 The message “so far” is reread after each word is added.
6. After completion, have students reread the message fluently
(with a partner or the whole group)
7. Discuss strategies ie. We listen for sounds we can write – we
used our alphabet chart to write the letter.
8. Cut up sentence strip word by word
● Give each student one or more words and have them
work together to remake the sentence ensuring students
recreate left to right on the table
● Mix it up and repeat the process
● Repeat construction of the sentence
Pre A Guided Reading , October 2013
Purpose / Value
Phonemic awareness (hearing sounds in words)
Concepts about print – L to R tracking, spacing
between words, capital / lowercase letters,
concepts of first and last, and letter / word
Linking letters and sounds
Letter formation
To engage children in every aspect of the
writing process w/ a high degree of support in
looking closely at letters, sounds and words
Model and support children in composing a
To use and internalize new vocabulary &
language syntax
To teach children how to go from oral to
written language to develop automaticity in
rereading and checking their work