4480 M S. Latham

HRM 4480
Cross Cultural Management
Winter 2014
Professor: Dr. Soosan D. Latham
E-mail: soosand@yorku.ca, Phone: Ext 22818
Office Hours: By Appointment
Class Time: Tuesdays, 11:30 -2:30
Location: ACW 303
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the various frameworks and practical techniques
in cross-cultural management. Some of the topics that will be covered include the epistemology
of culture, how culture affects human resource management, cross-cultural negotiations,
multicultural workplace, and comparative management practices. This course also aims to
develop students’ understanding and skills in diagnosis and solving cross-cultural challenges.
Students are expected to read the chapters and attend classes prepared to discuss key
Browaeys, M.-J. and Price, R. (2008). Understanding Cross-Cultural Management,
Essex, UK: Pearson
Mid Term
Final Exam
Group Project
20 + 10%
All final grades will be reviewed by the School of Human Resources Management and
the School reserves the right to modify them in order to maintain high standards.
Mid Term (25%): The mid term exam will be an essay question.
Final Exam (25%): The exam will be an integrated written analysis of a case
applying the theories to a situation. The case will be integrative of all material covered
during the term.
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Group Project (20% Group 10% Individual): Students are asked to work in groups
of 4-6. It is expected that the students conduct research beyond the book chapter and
make a group presentation on a selected topic. The projects are aimed at
understanding relevant cross-cultural research and must be designed to explore and /or
simulate practitioner experiences on the topic.
Groups will be formed on the first day of class. Presentations will begin the third
week of class and continue throughout the course.
Evaluation will be based on:
a. Understanding of relevant cross-cultural management theories that influence
HR practices.
b. Providing insights and contributing to understanding of cross cultural
management issues beyond the book chapter.
c. Demonstrating cross cultural awareness in working together as a team
d. Exhibiting creativity in design & delivery of the presentation in ways that has
cross-cultural appeal.
In cases where contributions of group members are in question, the instructor
reserves the right to adjust the group and individual grades accordingly.
Participation (20%): Group exercises and class discussions are designed to provide
students with the opportunity to experience cross cultural dilemmas and to contribute
to classroom learning by sharing professional experiences. All students are expected
to attend and actively participate in class discussions.
This course will involve lectures, discussions, simulations, role-plays, and group
exercises. It is expected that the students will attend every class on time and stay for
the entire session to avoid interruption to group presentations and the learning
Examination and Participation
Examination results, the quality of class participation and presentations as well as the
quality of written work will determine the student’s final grade. In the case of illness
(accompanied by a doctor’s note) or extenuating circumstances students should notify
the instructor immediately. If appealed, the grade will be reviewed. However,
students should be aware that grades could be lowered as well as raised or remain the
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Please note that this schedule is subject to change. In addition to the chapter
readings, there may be supplementary articles assigned by the instructor. These will
be announced in class and posted on Moodle. It is the student’s responsibility to keep
on top of these readings.
Readings & Assignments
Session 1
January 7
Course Context & Overview
Session 2
January 14
Defining Culture & its
Chapters 1
Session 3
January 21
Cultural Dimensions and
Interpersonal Dilemmas
Chapters 2 & 5
Session 4
January 28
Western vs Eastern Business
Cultural Practices
Chapters 3 &4
Session 5
February 4
Cultural Variations in Styles of
Chapters 6 & 7
Group 1 Presentation
Session 6
February 11
Cultural Intelligence, Leadership
and Influence on Strategy
Chapters 8 & 9
Group 2 Presentation
Session 7
February 18
Session 8
February 25
Mid Term Exam
Session 9
March 4
Cultural Diversity in
Chapters 12
Group 3 Presentation
Session 10
March 11
Cross Cultural Business
Chapters 13, 14, 15
Group 4 Presentation
Group 5 Presentation
Session 11
March 18
Working within Cross Cultural
Chapter 16
Group 6 Presentation
Session 12
March 25
Cultural Differences in Managing Chapter 17
Group 7 Presentation
Session 13
April 1
Developing Intercultural
Chapter 18
Group 8 Presentation
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