Course Syllabus Course Number: 80512932 Course Name (CH): 跨文化管理 Course Name (EN): Cross-Cultural Management Credits: 2 Prerequisites: None Teaching Language: □CH □CH+EN (EN ≥50%) ■EN Courseware Language: □CH ■EN Teaching Method: ■ lecture ■ discussion ■ case study ■ literature reading □ computer-aided assignment ■students’ in-class presentation Assessment Method: □in-class quiz ■oral presentation ■group discussion ■case analysis (report) □final report/thesis ■final exam □practice project (report) □others Semester: ■spring □autumn □summer Course Category: ■core course □elective course Target Students: □Undergraduate ■Master □PhD □MBA □EMBA □TIEMBA Instructor: Office: E-mail: Office Phone: Office Hour: TA: Class time: Classroom: CHEN, Hao, Ph. D. (陈昊) 539, Weilun Building (伟伦楼 539) (010) 62797335 Tuesday, 9:30am-11:30am TBA TBA TBA Course Description: While business organizations strive for profitability and sustainability in the global market, they face pressure from the external environment (e.g., social, economic, political, legal, technological, and natural environments) and their competitors across the globe. As an important and powerful entity of our society, business organizations need to understand the relevance of cultural issues and consider the impact of globalization in their daily operations. In this course we examine the business environment in all its complexity and discover some of the tools managers use to better understand and deal with institutional conditions to make effective management decisions in different national and transnational contexts. We explore the developing field of cross-cultural management, identifying the relevance of cultural issues to organizational and management processes and practices in different cultural contexts. We adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective in this course drawing on sociology, social psychology, organizational behavior, human resource management and strategic management theories. The main concepts and themes are introduced through lectures, communication exercises, case discussions, videos, and in-class presentations. For group work, group members will be graded based on preparation and participation as a group by the instructor. Learning Objectives Upon the successful completion of this course, you will: 1. Be knowledgeable of theories in cross-cultural management; 2. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of applying major theories; 3. Increase awareness of how business responds to challenges and the difficulties faced in cross cultural contexts; 4. Discuss critically the impact of values and cultures on business both globally and domestically; 5. Apply managerial/analytical tools to resolve problems in global business; 6. Be able to proactively analyze and manage issues in global business; 7. Apply theories in cross-cultural management and recommend solutions/strategies to business organizations. Textbooks & References: Textbooks* Peng, M.W.(2010). Global Business. Renmin University Press. ISBN: 978-7-300-11221-3. (English Version) Peng, M.W. (2011). Global Business (全球商务). Renmin University Press. ISBN: 9787300128191. (Chinese Version) (You can choose either one of the above versions.) Recommended Books Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., Minkov, M. (2010) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill USA. ISBN: 0071664181. Mor Barak, M. E. (2013) Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace. SAGE Publications Inc.; 3rd Edition. ISBN: 1452242232. Grading:. Course Requirements 1. CLASS PARTICIPATION: 30% of the grade for this course comes from effective participation in class. This includes active in class discussion and written outlines (an overview) of the assigned readings. There will be a total of 5 outlines (5%, no longer than 500 words each). Missing any one of the outlines or directly copying from the original texts will lead to a zero point grade for your participation. No late work will be accepted. 2. GROUP ASSIGNMENTS: You will be assigned to a group no larger than 5 members in the first class. Get to know your group members throughout the semester. Case Analysis One case will be assigned to each group every two weeks (4 cases in total). Prepare a case analysis (double-spaced, 12font, softcopy or hardcopy, no more than 10 pages) as a group for each case. Use theories, concepts and/or methods from class materials to analyze the case. Each case is due a week after being assigned. No late work will be accepted. Case Presentation Every two weeks, 1-2 groups will be selected to present their case analysis. Each group will present at least for one case. Prepare for a 15-minute group presentation. The oral presentation may be inclusive of a short video clip, a class exercise, a role-play, etc. 3. EXAM: Final exam will include (1) class materials and (2) textbook (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank). It is a take-home exam. Makeup exams will not be provided. Course Grading Assessment method Class Participation Class Participation Case Analysis & Presentation Group Activity Final Exam Exams Total Percentage 50% 40% 10% 100% Teaching Schedule*: Week Date 1st wk 2nd wk 3rd wk Content Syllabus and course overview What is culture? What is globalization? Cross-cultural management at crossroads The roles of formal and informal Institutions Leveraging resources and capabilities Trading internationally Literature Reading - Chapters 1 - Chapters 2,3 - Reading Materials - Chapter 4,5,6,7 Cases and In-Class Activities - Assign Groups - Assign Cases - In-class Exercise - Case 1 Presentation 4th wk 5th wk 6th wk 7th wk Managing global competitive dynamics Making alliances and acquisitions work Corporate governance in global business Competing on marketing and supply chain management Managing HR globally Entrepreneurial firm in global business 8th wk New challenges in cross-cultural management 9th wk No class - Chapters 11,12,13 - Reading Materials - Chapters 16 - Reading Materials - Chapters 14,15 - Chapter 9,10 - Reading Materials - Chapters 17 - Reading Materials - Case 2 Presentation Movie: Outsourced - Case 3 Presentation - Case 4 Presentation - Take-home final exam due *This schedule is tentative and may be changed upon the request of the instructor. Other requirements and information: I expect that all work you turn in as your own will be your own, including exams, in-class exercises, and anything else you submit for individual evaluation. Furthermore, every student is equally and collectively responsible for maintaining a good learning environment in the classroom and in study teams. Academic dishonesty in any portion of the academic work for a course shall be ground for awarding a grade of F or N for the entire course.