The Prehistory left, in Corsica, numerous vestiges.

The Prehistory of Corsica
The first inhabitants of the island would be prehistoric men come from Tuscany. They would
have had the boldness to cross about ten kilometers which separated, at the time, Corsica of
In the VIIIth millennium BC, these men (people) lived on the picking and on the hunting.
The quality of allowing grounds a preservation of bones, the oldest skeleton discovered in
the shelter of Araguina-Sennola (Corse-du-Sud(Araguina-Sennola ( South Corsica)) is dated
6570 before J-C and baptized ? “The Lady of Bonifacio ". The Neolithic sees arriving of new
populations which develop the pastoralism and begin to modify the landscape. In the
average Neolithic, they already trade of their oil with Sardinia.
The first menhirs and the circles dolméniques are set up at that time.
Of the Bronze Age in the IIth millennium BC, numerous dolmens, menhirs and statuesmenhirs are set up. Walls are raised (brought up) and vaults in corbelled construction built.
The Prehistory left, in Corsica, numerous vestiges.
There are still quantities of sites which were not searched. We can however discover very
beautiful alignments to Filitosa or Cauria, megalithic sites to Sotta or Lévie, "? Grotta scritta”
and its rock paintings to Olmeta-du-Cap and other numerous sites To discover in