Mission - University Lutheran Church of Hope

University Lutheran Church of Hope
University Lutheran Church of Hope
is a welcoming, Christian community of faith
centered in God’s grace and
called to demonstrate God’s love for the world.
Calendar for the Week of September 20, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
10:00a – Worship, with Installation of
Pastor Jen Nagel
12:00p - Vikings/Detroit Game
7:00p - SA Support Group
Thursday, continued
6:30p - Alcoholics Anonymous
7:45p - Basketball Pick-up Game
8:00p - LCM Men’s Group
Friday, September 25, 2015
9:00a - Collating “The Visitor”
Monday, September 21, 2015
9:00a - Quilters
6:30p - Joy Project Meeting
Saturday, September 26, 2015
9:00a - Work Day
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
11:00a - Staff Meeting
6:00p - Discover Your Strengths
Sunday, September 27, 2015
- Homecoming Sunday
8:30a - Worship
9:15a - Faith Formation (Children, Youth,
9:15a - Homecoming Sunday Brunch
10:30a - Worship
11:40a - Birth - 5 Luncheon
12:00p - Vikings/San Diego Game
12:00p - LCM: Leader Meeting
7:00p - SA Support Group
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
- LCM: Faith and Leadership
2:00p - Loaves & Fishes Setup
5:15p - Loaves & Fishes Serving
Thursday, September 24, 2015
1:45p - Pastor Jen’s Peer Group
Worship and Music
We warmly welcome all—and especially those who
are new. As you read these announcements, please
know you are welcome to join in all activities.
Pastor Jen Nagel, Pastor Esther Dant and other
leaders would love to talk with you. If you are
interested in membership, please speak with a pastor.
We will welcome new members this fall.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer concerns: We pray for our home-bound
members, those recovering from illness or surgery,
members of the military, those serving in other
countries, and those grieving loved ones.
We pray for the ministry and safety of St. Peter’s
Lutheran Church and Pastor Amson Hamman in
Jos, Nigeria. We pray for the school girls in Nigeria
who have been kidnapped especially for Rebeca
Installation of Pastor Jen: We welcome Bishop Ann Joseph, Hadiza Yakubu, and Lydia Simon.
Svennungsen of the Minneapolis Area Synod.
Bishop Ann will install Pastor Jen and is also our
preacher. We’ll celebrate with a festive reception
following worship. Please join us in the lounge.
Education programs for all ages will resume next
week - September 27 at 9: 15 am (note new time!).
Welcome, Zach! Our new Minister of Worship and Ages 3-6 will meet in room 103 on the lower level.
Music, Zach Busch began on Monday and leads our All students in grades 1-6 will meet in the Music
worship and choir this morning! Welcome, Zach!
Library on the upper level at 9: 15 am. Then Grades
1-2 will go to room 101 on the lower level and
Homecoming Sunday is next week, Sunday,
Grades 3-6 will go to room 205 on the upper level.
September 27. We’ll welcome those who are
homebound, celebrate the start of faith formation,
Urgent Need: We are in need of another teacher for
and gather as community. 8:30a and 10:30a
grades 1-2 and also for grades 3-6. The commitment
worship, 9:15a faith formation (note NEW time).
would be for two Sundays a month – to plan a lesson
and teach once a month, and to be the helper once a
Blessing of Animals: October 4, noon, patio. More month. Please contact Diane Shallue for more
information in the Thursday Epistle!
information. Teachers must pass a background
check and have training on the Child Protection
Confirmation classes begin next Sunday at 9:15 am
in room 204.
Adult forum next week: Poverty in the
suburbs: More Americans now live in poverty in
suburbs than in cities -- in the Twin Cities, and
across the U.S. When did this happen and
why? How does suburban poverty compare to urban
poverty, both for those who live it and those who try
to reduce it? Scott Hvizdos will present information
based on research from the Brookings Institute and
the Met Council, with perspective from his role as
Program Director of VEAP, a Bloomington-based
social services agency that runs the largest food shelf
in Minnesota.
Youth & Young Adults
Sunday morning youth group will resume
September 27th. An evening youth group will also
launch soon. More info is forthcoming.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the
Dream Team, our youth group’s youth and adult
leadership committee, please contact Jim Vitale at
jvitale001@luthersem.edu .
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Welcome All Students! Pastor Kate's contact info
is: pastorkate@umnlutheran.org, or
612.605.8010, or visit umnlutheran.org. Please
Birth-Five Lunch and Social: Bring your children,
search for “umnlutheran” on Facebook, then
their siblings, and yourself to a chili lunch after
like our page for more updates. Liaison Tim
church next Sunday at 11:40am in Fellowship
Schroeder and also Student LCM Ambassadors
Hall. There will also be chicken nuggets, corn chips, are present in worship and available to connect
fruit, and vegetables. Paul Odenbach will have his
before or after. Ask them about “pause”, the
guitar and can entertain the kids while the parents
Wednesday evening 9pm weekly service that
talk. A great way to make some connections and
happens at Grace University Lutheran, a fall
get lunch before nap time. We hope to see you.
retreat, Tuesday Soup (also at Grace)-stop by
Questions? RSVP Melissa Odenbach
anytime between 11:30 and 1:30pm, and plenty
Relational Ministries
Hope in the World
Hope Quilters: The Hope Quilting Group will
generally meet twice a month through the fall, winter Families Moving Forward’s next date is the week of
and spring. However, with fall quilt weather coming October 26, 2015 to November 1, 2015. Please save
these dates on your calendar.
on and a burst of energy we experienced at our first
session, we are going to meet the next two Mondays:
Sept. 21 and 28, 9a.m. to noon. Please watch the
church calendar and the Thursday Epistle for info
about future sessions.
Pastor on Call: Pastor Jen Nagel
Office (612) 331-5988, ext. *812
Cell (612) 227-9673
Save The Date - Women’s Retreat - January 29-31,
2015 Location - Dunrovin Retreat Center, Marine
New Exterior Keys for the Building: It’s good
on St. Croix - Young adult to 99 plus! Questions:
practice to occasionally re-key facilities like ours.
Beata Rydeen at beatarydeen@comcast.com and
This keeps us secure and helps us to monitor who
Ann Beane spirit.beane@gmail.com
has keys. The exterior locks and “D” keys have been
Prayer Shawl Ministry: We need your help! Check changed. If you have these, please turn them in at
your convenience to Gayle in the office. A few will
it out - Located next to the Welcome Center.
be reissued, and many others will be available for
Contacts: Beata Rydeen at
temporary use. “A” keys are not affected.
beatarydeen@comcast.com and
Ann Beane spirit.beane@gmail.com
Fall work day on September 26, 9:00a – 3:00p.
Hope Connections Small Groups will begin this fall.
This is not a true Bible study but primarily a way to
A Special Invitation! Celebration for Diane
connect with other people. Each group meets in
Shallue Oct 11: You are all invited to attend a
homes for 4-6 meetings over 3 – 6 months. The
special Fellowship Meal on Sunday October 11th,
purpose of these groups is to connect with others and immediately following the second service. We will
grow in our relationship with God. Get to know
be celebrating Diane Shallue’s retirement, and will
new people! Be part of a Hope Connections Small
pray Godspeed for her. We will give thanks for her
Group! Please sign up at the Welcome Center or
faithful ministry at Hope and for her whole career of
contact John Beane. .
25 years serving congregations as an Associate in
The focus is “Seeking Home, Seeking God,”
Ministry. Diane has served at hope since 2004 as
following people of the Bible who are “seeking home Director of Education and Small Group Ministries.
and seeking God” – Abraham, Ruth, King David,
Jacob, Esther, and the disciples of Jesus. We will
examine how these ‘pilgrims’ sought God in the
places where they journeyed. Indeed, their concept
of home, family, and community are closely bound
up with their close, intimate relationship to God.
And God blesses them to be a blessing to others.
Indeed, God blesses us to be the “Kingdom of God”
in serving others.