the bethlehem star - bethlehem

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
418 8th Ave NE
Brainerd, MN 54601
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 148
Brainerd, MN 56401
Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
418 8th Avenue Northeast
Brainerd, MN 56401
Phone: 218-829-3330
Fax: 218-829-0792
Get updates, share pictures and RSVP for
events on our Facebook page...
Tune in to cable access channel 8 every
Sunday at 2 p.m. to watch Bethlehem’s
previous week’s worship service.
Senior Pastor: Mark Skinner
Pastor of Youth & Families: Sarah Marshall
Visitation Pastor: Vern Broughton
Organist: Cori Wrobel
Music Director: Patricia Lundeen
Senior Choir Director: Patricia Lundeen
Youth Choir Director: Patricia Lundeen
Worship Team Director: Cori Wrobel
Bell Choir Director: Sandy Nielsen
Office Manager: Scott Pederson
Office Assistant: Linda Albertson
Cooks: Pat True and Sara Larson
Custodian: Darren Randall
What’s Inside...
From the Desk of Pastor Mark ............................ 1
Worship Times
Sundays 8:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
Wednesdays 6:20 p.m.
Communion on the 1st & 3rd Sunday & Wednesday
Sunday School & Adult Forum
Sundays 9:40 a.m. (during the school year)
Church Board Members
President: Curt Nielsen
Vice President: Mary Farmer
Treasurer: Clark Tollefson
Stewardship: Jackie Burkey
Property: Craig Warner
Lay Ministry: Russ Schultz
Discipleship: Cyndi Merrill
Worship: Cheryl Severson-Nichols
Christian Education: Tonya Person
Young People: Jen Lindholm
Church in Society: Cyndy Thompson & Jon Steblay
From the Desk of Pastor Sarah ........................... 2
Youth Page .......................................................... 3
Quilts for Camp ................................................... 4
CROP Walk .......................................................... 5
Education Opportunities..................................... 5
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1 - 5 p.m.
EAT PRAY SHARE ................................................. 5
New Pathways .................................................... 7
Treasurer’s Report .............................................. 8
50th Anniversary Celebration ............................ 9
Important Dates
Our Mission Statement
We are called into compassionate community by
the Holy Spirit through the confession of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to publicly confess the faith of
the Triune God in, under, and with our daily callings in the community of God’s world.
October Worship Assistants ............................. 10
Oct 6: Mission in Motion, CROP Walk
Oct 7: Pre-Catechism Workshop
Oct 8: Young Adult Book Club begins
Oct 27: Confirmation/Reformation Sunday
Memorials ......................................................... 10
Thank-you ......................................................... 10
Women of the ELCA Gathering ......................... 12
See the calendar inside for a complete list of events.
October Service Group Coordinators ............... 15
Prayer Calendar ................................................ 16
October 2013
Y ou c an v i ew th is on lin e at b e l cn e t.n et
New Pathways @BELC
3:45p Bd/Lay Ministry
6:00p TOPS Group
New Pathways @BELC
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
4:45p Bd/Discipleship Mtg.
4:45p Bell Choir
5:30p Dinner
5:45p Youth Choir
5:50p Family Bell Choir
6:20p Worship
7:00p Senior Choir
New Pathways @BELC
8:00a Practice Discipleship in
Fellowship Hall
9:30a Stephen Ministry Mtg
4:30p Board of Stewardship Mtg
5:00p Board of Worship Mtg
5:30p Girl Scouts in Fellowship Hall
6:00p Jonah Group
New Pathways @BELC
7:00p NARCA Mtg
New Pathways @BELC
New Pathways @BELC
Commissioning of Jonah Group Members
8:30a Worship Service-Communion
9:40a Mission in Motion
9:40Adult Forum: “Why Lutheran”
10:45a Worship Service-Communion
2:00p CROP Walk @ BELC
New Pathways @BELC
6:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
New Pathways @BELC
9:15a Sarah Circle
5:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
5:30p Young Adult Book Study @
Sunshine Kitchen
6:00p TOPS Group
9 New Pathways @BELC
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
4:45p Bell Choir
5:30p Dinner
5:45p Youth Choir
5:50p Family Bell Choir
6:20p Worship
7:00p Catechism
7:00p Senior Choir
New Pathways @BELC
9:00a Quilting Group (Note change of
5:30 Board of Young People Meeting
@ Caribou
New Pathways @BELC
11:30a Young at Heart
7:00p NARCA Mtg
New Pathways @BELC
Women of the ELCA
Heartland Conference
Meeting at FLC-Aitkin.
Registration from 8:309:30a
8:30a Worship Service
9:40a Sunday School
9:40a Adult Forum “Why Lutheran”
10:45a Worship Service - (2nd graders
receive Bibles)
4:00p BELC @Soup Kitchen
6:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
9:30 Homemakers Group
1:30p Joanna Circle @ Woodland
Building #300
5:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
5:30p Young Adult Book Study @
Sunshine Kitchen
6:00p TOPS Group
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
1:00p Martha Circle
6:20p Worship
7:00p Senior Choir
MEA Week
5:00p Tailgating and a Movie
5:30p Girl Scouts in Fellowship Hall
MEA Week
7:00p NARCA Mtg
11:00a Luther Crest 24th
Annual Quilts for Camp
Extravaganza at Carlos
Creek Winery
8:30a Worship Service -Communion
9:40a Sunday School/Adult Forum
10:45a Worship Service -Communion
5:30p Confirmation Dinner/Group picture
1:00p Ruth Circle
5:00p LSS Ambassadors Mtg in
Fellowship Hall
6:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
11:45a 80’s Plus Lunch Bunch @
Black Bear in Baxter
5:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
5:30p Young Adult Book Study @
Sunshine Kitchen
6:00p TOPS Group
23 7:30a Men’s Bible Study
4:45p Bell Choir
5:30p Dinner
5:45p Youth Choir
5:50p Family Bell Choir
6:20p Worship
7:00p Catechism
7:00p Senior Choir
8:00a Practice Discipleship in
Fellowship Hall
7:00p Mary Circle @ Cyndy T.
7:00p NARCA Mtg
27 Reformation/Confirmation Sunday
8:30a Worship Service-Communion
9:40a Sunday School/Confirmation
Reception in Fellowship Hall
10:45a Worship Service-Communion with
Confirmation Recognition
6:00p Kindermusik in Nursery
9:30 Homemakers Group
4:00p BELC @Soup Kitchen
6:00p TOPS Group
30 7:30a Men’s Bible Study
4:45p Bell Choir
5:30p Dinner
5:45p Youth Choir
5:50p Family Bell Choir
6:20p Worship
7:00p Catechism
7:00p Senior Choir
(Note another day to quilt)
9:00a—Quilting Group Meets
6:00p Building Vision Team Mtg
From the desk of the Senior Pastor
Welcome Tender Hearts 4 Kids
We welcome our newest community partner, “Tender Hearts 4 Kids” to Bethlehem. Tender
Hearts 4 Kids, Inc. exists to promote whole-child cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual
development in children from birth through early elementary years and to support parents
and caregivers in the nurturing and growth of their children in these four areas. Two
components of the organization will begin operating out of our building; Missy’s toy library
and the Kindermusik program. Tender Hearts 4 Kids joins our other nine community
partners in providing necessary services and support to members of the Brainerd Lakes community Those other
partners include; New Pathways, Narcotics Anonymous, Lakes Area Restorative Justice, TOPS, Scouting groups,
Lakeside Center mental health counseling, ISD 181 and Operation Sandwich, and Crow Wing County
Jonah Group
You may be asking, “What’s the Jonah group?” The Jonah group is a new launch here at Bethlehem this year.
Pastor Sarah and I have been working with fifteen of our members this year in exploring and developing deeper
spiritual growth through discipleship and leadership practices for the sake of God’s mission in the world. This
group meets monthly for three hours, sharing a meal together, along with learning and growing together in
community. At the end of the year, members of the group will be commissioned to serve in various ways within
the congregation and throughout their other various daily callings. Pray for them, as God nurtures and grows us
in deeper relationship with God and one another.
50th Anniversary Celebration
Just a few reminders as we approach the 50th Anniversary Celebration:
1. The invitation for mass worship at 10:45 am with previous pastors of this congregation joining us (including
many pastors that grew up in this congregation). Great music from all our music groups and opportunity for
celebrating community together.
2. During worship we will offer our pledges for the 2014 ministry year. Our goal will be to receive pledges to
fully fund the 2014 budget year from January to December.
3. During worship we will receive our pledges for our final, “burn the mortgage drive.” We will have the
opportunity to pledge for the next two years beginning in January 2014 and ending in December 2015. We
hope to announce the results of this drive during the program after worship.
4. Following the 10:45 am service, we will gather for a wonderful catered dinner and program in the Fellowship
Hall. This will hopefully be an important time for more celebration, conversation, and growing in God’s
community! Tickets for dinner go on sale Sunday, October 6th in the narthex.
May the peace and joy of the Lord be with you,
From the desk of the Associate Pastor
NE MN Synod Middle School Gathering – The Middle School Gathering is November 2324, 2013 at Cragun’s Resort. This year’s theme is the Lord’s Prayer. The even includes a
keynote speaker (Rolf Jacobson), band (comprised of synod youth musicians), large group
assemblies, learning clusters (small group learning), family time (time to meet as a church
group), hotel life (fun activities often including a dance, inflatable games, basketball,
swimming, Wii, DDR, and so much more), and worship. If you are interested in attending
please see Pastor Sarah and fill out the required paperwork. The cost is $73 per student. We
will also need 1 adult leader for every 7 youth who attend, so if you are interested in serving
as an adult leader please talk to Pastor Sarah.
Middle School Mission Trip – Partnering with Luther Crest bible camp, 7th and 8th grade youth will travel to
serve. June 22-27, 2014. The Cost for the trip will be $630 per person. Please see Pastor Sarah for more
information. To register please turn in a $50 deposit to the office or Pastor Sarah. Space is limited so reserve
your spot now. Sign up by November 3, 2013.
High School Mission Trip – Youth in grades 9-12 will travel to Cairo, Illinios July 18-25, 2014. We will be
working with YouthWorks! The cost will be $750 per person. Please see Pastor Sarah for more information. To
register please turn in a $50 deposit to the office or to Pastor Sarah. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now.
Sign up by November 3, 2013.
Catechism Schedule
Our Catechism program is geared towards youth in grades 6-9 and meets on Wednesday nights from 7:008:15pm. Catechism students meet for small group conversation with mentors along with large group times with
one of the pastors, who leads activities and teaching time. This year the 6 th-8th graders will be focusing on The
Lord’s Prayer, Holy Communion, and baptism while the 9th graders will be looking at Faith in everyday life.
Catechism is broken into two pieces this year including the meeting time and sequence of evening activities.
Catechism will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm. 6 th -8th Graders will meet with a large
group time in the fellowship hall and will then move into small group time. The 9 th graders will continue to meet
together from 7:00-8:15pm in the Fireside Room.
October 2: Warrior Day of Service
October 6: Crop Walk – 2:00 pm at BELC
October 9: Teaching Night
October 16: No Catechism – MEA break
October 23: Teaching Night
October 30: Teaching Night
2nd Grade Bibles – During the 10:45am worship services on October 13, 2013 our 2nd graders will receive their
new bibles. Please call the office and let us know that your second grader will be in worship to receive their
Confirmation – October 27, 2013 during the 10:45 am worship we will celebrate the confirmation of our
Pastor Mark Skinner
Pastoral Acts:
Funeral: 9/3/13—Conrad Emerson
Baptism: 9/22/13—Greta Rose Lang
Wedding: 9/13/13—Ingralisa Swanson & Benjamin Anderson
sophomores. Between services on that day we will have a reception downstairs in the fellowship hall for our
Confirmands don’t forget to pick up your robes in the office between October 14 th and October 18th.
Confirmation rehearsal and pictures will be October 20. Potluck dinner will begin at 5:30pm down in the
fellowship hall with pictures and rehearsal to follow. Please have your stoles finished by this date. Questions –
ask Pastor Sarah.
Happy October Birthday!
1: Hunter Hennessey3: Michael Finch 5: Jenna Lee 6: Jessica Laughton 8: Hunter Erickson 15: Neven Blum
17: Tarin Skinner 24: Mariah Erickson 26: Cooper Hennessey 26: Tucker Hennessey 26: Mike Horton
31: Nilanna Dosh
Dear Parents of Sunday School Students,
On October 6th, during our Sunday School time, Sunday School students and their
parents will be making tie blankets to be given as gifts to the children in the New
Pathways program when they are guests at our Church.
Please plan to meet as a family in the Fellowship Hall at 9:40 to help with the
project. Families are asked to bring sharp scissors for cutting fleece.
This year we are also asking for families, as they are able, to donate a tie blanket kit. They can be found at Jo
Ann Fabrics or possibly Wal Mart.
This is a great opportunity to join together to show thankfulness by sharing with others! The children who have
received these blankets in the past were very grateful to receive a blanket of their own.
See you there!
-Board of Christian Education
Pre Catechism Worshop: Overview of the Bible HAS BEEN CANCELLED This workshop
is for all 5th graders (and parents) to explore the Bible. We will share in a potluck meal,
enjoy fellowship, and learn more about the Bible. October 7 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Join us for "Tailgating and a Movie" on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 5 pm in the
lower parking lot. Bring your own lawn chairs and food! Hot chocolate
and coffee will be provided. Firepits will be available for anyone who
wants to cook over the fire. At dusk, we will project a movie (football
themed??) on the side of the church. Show your team spirit by dressing in
your favorite football jersey or sweatshirt! Call Jen Lindholm at 838-5241
with any questions.
2nd Grade Bibles – At the 10:45 a.m.
worship service on October 13th our 2nd
graders will receive their new Bibles. Please
call or email the office and let us know who
all will be attending so that we do not miss
anyone. 829-3330,
ome borrow books from the new Youth Library,
adjacent to the Trinity Center. There are board
books for the very young, picture books, story books
and books for teens. Check books out by taking them
off the shelf and taking them home to read and
enjoy. Return them by putting them in the
return basket in the Youth Library when you
are finished.
The Young at Heart Group will meet October 11th at 11:30 AM for their
potluck lunch & meeting. Program: Coincidences or God?
We invite and welcome anyone 55 and older to join us.
Young Adult Dinner Group: Join us for three nights of great food and conversation at the
Sunshine Kitchen and Moonlight Lounge in NE Brainerd. We will meet on Tuesday nights from
5:30-7:00 p.m. October 8, 15, and 22. We will be reading and discussing Rob Bells book, Love
Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. Our time
together is especially geared for people in their 20’s through 40‘s. Extra copies of the book
are available in the Brainerd library, or you can purchase your own online or let us know and
we will purchase a copy for you. Cost for the book is $11.00.
80’s Plus Lunch Bunch: You must be 80 years or older to join this elite group with Pastor
Mark! Join us as we gather for lunch together at different locations once a month for
food, prayer, community, and sharing time together. Tuesday, October 22 at 11:45 a.m. at
Black Bear in Baxter. (NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION)
Brainerd Lakes Area CROP Hunger Walk
Walk or sponsor someone in our congregation or group
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Registration @ 1:30 PM—Step-off @ 2 PM
at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Call the church @ 829-3330 for more information
Hosted by Bethlehem - sign-up table in the Narthex
We challenge YOU to form your own group of 6-10 people, including
someone new to you!
Each group will meet once in October, November, and December.
You set the time/place and you make the “rules!” Everyone will contribute
to a shared meal of your choosing (breakfast, brunch, lunch, or supper).
Pastor Mark will provide written “conversation sparks” and a short devotion to assist your group.
If you’d like to “join” a group, sign up on the Opportunity Sheet and we will find a group for you!
If you’d like to “form” a group, please sign up on the Blue Opportunity Sheet. Be ready to hear more
information next Sunday. If you have any questions, please call Sandy Janssen at 828-3481.
The Men’s Bible Study Group meets
on Wednesday mornings at 7:30am
for breakfast and Bible study in the
Coffee Room in the basement. We
would love to have new members!
Lutheran World Relief Blanket Sunday
is November 10. Everyone is
encouraged to donate a blanket or
Bethlehem Women Circle Meetings
Joanna Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 15th@1:30 PM at Woodland in the 300 Bldg.
Martha Circle will meet on Wednesday, October 16th @ 1 PM in the Coffee Room at BELC
Ruth Circle will meet on Monday, October 21st @ 1PM in the Coffee Room at Bethlehem
Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, October 8th@ 9:15 AM in the Coffee Room at BELC
Mary Circle will meet on Thursday, October 24th @7 PM at Cyndy Thompson’s home
any people in our
congregation have
found great support and
comfort in knowing that
people in the Bethlehem Prayer
Chain are praying for them.
If you have a prayer request for the
chain, you can either put it in the
offering plate on Sundays and
Wednesdays or call Deloris Ebinger
at 829-2333 or Barb Johnson at
829-6388. If you would like to be a
member of the Prayer Chain,
please call the Church Office at
Tune in to Charter & CTC
channel 8 at 2 p.m.
every Sunday to watch
Bethlehem’s previous
Sunday worship service.
Bethlehem’s Quilting
Group will meet on
Thursday, October 10th
AND October 31st from
9AM—12 Noon.
Camp Knutson Quilt Auction News
The 27th Annual Camp Knutson Quilt Auction held
August 3rd brought in a total of $57,000. There
were 96 quilted items in the silent auction and 135
quilts in the actual auction. Adeline Murphy, from
Bethlehem, donated a quilt that had been made
by her Aunt many years ago. This vintage quilt
brought $700. One young man, who is autistic, and has been
coming to “Camp K” for several years, spoke about how coming
to this camp has improved his social and communication skills.
The camp, located near Cross Lake, serves children with special
needs. Next year’s auction will be Saturday, August 9th.
If you check into the hospital and would like a visit from
one of our pastors, please call the Church Office at 829-3330
or let the hospital know you are from Bethlehem Lutheran
Church and would like a pastor to visit.
Entire labels: Campbell’s Soups, beans, or tomato juice & General Mills
“Box tops for Education”.
Stamps: Please tear a generous corner out of the envelope including the
stamp, and the Women of Bethlehem will trim the stamps at the
OPERATION LOVE workday held in May.
Pennies: We continue to collect pennies, the amount collected this year
was $306.37, this amount was sent to the Heartland Conference and
will be used in the conference at their discretion. Please place pennies in
the penny jar located in the office.
Stay Up To Date!
Following Bethlehem on Facebook is the best way to keep up to date on what is going on. Go to and click ‘Like’ to get updates and view pictures of events.
Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen
Treasurer’s Report
August Statistics
Meals – 1741
The New Pathways families are staying at Bethlehem the week of September 29-October 13. New Pathways
have been extremely busy during the summer months and the number of families in the program continue to be
high. At the time of this printing there were 6 families/16 people needing a roof over their heads. Please pray
for these families that, for 2 weeks, will call Bethlehem home. As always, thank you to the many volunteers
who are willing to provide an evening meal, spend a few hours during the evening shift, spend the night at Bethlehem and transport the guests to and from the Day Center. This is a great ministry that we can all be a part
of. God bless all of you.
Offerings: 21,980
-Expenses: $22,008
-Benevolences: $1,975*
=Net: -$2003
Days of service – 28
Average Meals served per day – 62
*LSS, Luther Crest, Missionary Support, Synod
Your generous support makes our ministry
happen. Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen still
provides meals for the hungry every day!
Offerings: $194,673
+Misc Income: $8,568**
-Expenses: $197,081
-Benevolences: $18,027
=Net: -$11,867
New Pathways Facts:
The number of homeless families with children in MN has tripled since 1991 from 889 to
3251 children. New Pathways Brainerd Site has served 215 families since 2003. Over 90% of
our families go on to permanent housing.
**Estate donation, payroll tax refund
The New Pathways Thrift and Consignment store is open and filled with great treasures! They are accepting
donations of gently used clothing, household items, small furniture, and antiques. Visit the store at 711 Laurel
Street in Brainerd.
Building Fund
Donations we are accepting at the New Pathways location to provide for our families daily needs:
A sturdy kitchen table, booster car seats, personal hygiene items (adult, children and baby), blankets, sheets and
bedding, dishes, paper ware and plastic ware for the kitchen, paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, office
supplies, diapers and baby wipes.
Drop off small items in church office and call for directions to drop off larger items.
On Saturday, Nov. 16, New Pathways will have its fall fundraiser with a retro 80s prom. The event will be held at
Arrow Wood Lodge in Baxter from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. For more information, call (218) 824-0460.
Brainerd Lakes Area 6th Annual Buddy Walk & Roll
A Walk & Roll to Raise Awareness & Celebrate the Lives of
Children & Adults with Disabilities.
Sunday, October 13, 2013 @Confidence Learning Center
Activities: NOON Walk & Roll: 2 PM
Original Loan Balance (May 31, 2005) $ 650,000
Current Loan Balance
$ 132,072
The current pledge period ends on 12/31/13
The AmeriCorps Legacy Corps, through Lutheran Social Service of
Minnesota, is seeking caring, committed individuals who are willing to
spend an average of 12 hours a week providing friendly visiting and
companionship to the elderly veterans and military families in our area. The
volunteers go into the homes of the frail elderly to give caregivers a break
from their caregiving responsibilities. The program is a one-year
commitment, beginning October 1st, with benefits including a monthly
living allowance of $200, eligibility for a $1,468 educational award and the
satisfaction of making a difference in the lives of those you care for in the community where you live. If you
are interested, please contact Rana Peeling, LSS Caregiver Respite Coordinator by calling (218) 820-8144 or
* * U P D AT E D ! P L E A S E R E A D * *
READERS 8:30 AM: 6: Larry Embertson 13: Cheryl Severson-Nichols 20: Sue Skinner 27: Kayli Skinner
10:45 AM: 6: Laura Roberts 13: Jackie Nornes 20: Nancy Bogenschutz 27: Steve Bontjes
8:30 AM: Rosenows & Lindholms
10:45 AM: Rosenows & Lindholms
COMMUNION SERVERS 8:30 AM: 6: Larry, Natalie, Erica & Jaret Embertson 20: Jeff Nichols
27: Curt & Sandy Nielsen 10:45 AM: 6: Pam & Sydney Stock, Tonya & Turner Person 20 & 27: Needed
USHERS (please call Linda Schuster 829-2129 if you would like to usher)
8:30: AM 6: Dave & Bev Emery 13: Harvey & Gloria Munsch 20: Roy & Karen Cheney 27: The Albertsons
10:45: AM 6: 13: Pam Finch Family 20: Scott & Carla Stall family 27: The Persons
8:30 AM: 6 & 13: Shelly Birchem and Phyllis Stall 20 & 27: Bob & Kay Pederson
10:30 AM: 6: Sue Schmeckpepper 13: Bill & Cheryl Bailey 20 & 27: Gene & Lynn Teufert
WEDNESDAYS: Ushers, Communion Prep, Communion Servers: Nelson Family. Call 828-4003 to volunteer.
Please consider sharing your fall blooms and celebratory flowers/plants with the
congregation. We have moved the flower chart to a more prominent place on the
front of the narthex Kiosk and hope you will check it.
$20 in memory of Bev Somerville by Jon & Margaret Steblay
* * U P D AT E D !
50 YEARS IN THIS BUILDING - Let’s Celebrate
On November 17, 2013 Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
will celebrate 50 years in northeast Brainerd. The celebration
planning committee would like to learn about the many
blessings people have experienced during Bethlehem’s
existence at this location. Please write a short note of 50 words
or less expressing why you love Bethlehem or why it is
important to you. We would like to use some of them to share
in a booklet for the celebration. Your notes can be placed in
Margaret Steblay’s church mailbox or emailed to by October 15.
$50 in honor of Tammy Praught for being named “Day Care Provider of the Year” for Crow Wing County by the Bell Choir
Dear Bethlehem members, Thank you for the scholarship for this upcoming year at Concordia! I
really appreciate it! -Jeff Emery
Thank you for your recent gift of $940.00 to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Your faithful generosity
makes a life-changing, life-saving difference. -Jessica Nipp Hacker, ELCA Malaria Campaign
Thank you for your recent gift of $10.00 to Lutheran Disaster Response. Your gift means that our church can
continue its effective and efficient response to disasters that have already occurred and can stand ready for
those that may come in the future. -Rev. Daniel Rift, Director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal
Thank you for your recent gift of $67.00 to ELCA World Hunger. Your faithful generosity makes a life-changing
difference for people in need around the corner and around the world. Your gift is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your recent gift of $313.50 to ELCA Missionary Sponsorship. Your generosity is appreciated now
more than ever. -Lanny Westphal, Director, Missionary Sponsorship and Global Appeals
Thank you so much for your generous hospitality for our concert on Saturday night! What a wonderful place to
sing! We were very pleased to be there. With many thanks, Consensus
LSS Caregiver Respite and Support Program
Feeling stretched caring for a family member or friend? Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a
class designed to provide you with the skills you need to take care of yourself as a caregiver
and increase your confidence to provide care in difficult situations. The LSS Caregiver
Respite Program will offer the two six week class beginning Friday October 11 to November
15. The Brainerd class will be held at First Lutheran church from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. The
Crosslake class will be held at Crosslake Lutheran from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Rana Peeling and Cindy Scott
certified class leaders, will share tools to help you reduce stress, improve self-confidence, balance your life,
better communicate your feelings, increase ability to make decisions, and learn to locate helpful resources.
Whether you provide care for a family member at home or in a care facility, whether down the block or miles
away, yours is an important role. Sign up for the class today; when you take care of yourself, everyone
benefits. To register, please contact Rana Peeling, LSS Respite Coordinator, 218 820-8144 or
Do you want to make a difference?
Do you have just one hour per week to help elderly in your community? Lutheran Social
Service Senior Nutrition Program desperately needs volunteers for Meals on Wheels.
Food is packed and ready for you to deliver around 11AM weekdays at the Lakes Area
Senior Activity Center in Brainerd. Volunteers to help in the dining room are also
welcome! Pick any day of the week that works for you…and make a difference!
Referrals for those in need of Meals on Wheels also welcome.
Call 218-824-6026 before 1PM for more information.
The high school youth group is back in full swing and ready for fun and fellowship as we
continue to grow in our relationships with God and one another. Youth Group meets in the
Living Room from 7:00-8:15pm every Wednesday night. All 10th-12th graders are invited to
come and see how fun youth group is- you’ll come back for more! Youth Group will spend a
night each quarter in worship and prayer using music, singing and various prayer practices.
Come join the fun!
Bethlehem's Farmer's Market:
The Bethlehem Farmer's Market will now also be known as the Operation
Sandwich Produce Market. Please feel free to bring in items and place in the
baskets on the table in the Narthex. If you have produce too large, or the table
is full, please place them below and they will be taken care of. The Market will
continue well into the fall. Thank you for considering this opportunity to raise
money that helps feed hungry kids in the summer.
LOVE LIKE JESUS: What Does This Mean?
A few weeks ago, I was asked to officiate at a memorial service for an 89-year old man who spent the
last years of his life at Carefree Living in Brainerd. Del Melberg was born in Pine River in 1924. At an early age,
it was determined that he would not be able to speak or learn or live as most people do. For most of his life, he
was institutionalized, first in Fergus Falls, and then in Brainerd.
When I was asked to lead Del’s service, I agreed immediately because I had met him many times when
I conducted services at Carefree Living. Del was the kind of guy you couldn’t help but love. He often held his
hymnbook upside down, and he belted out each hymn, sounding like an off-key bagpipe, as if his life depended
on it. Del’s love for God was so contagious that after being with him for one 30-minute worship service, I felt
like dancing for the rest of the day.
Although he never had a family of his own, by the time Del died, he had acquired a devoted fan club.
At his memorial service, folks from his day activity center praised him, staff and volunteers at Carefree Living
told stories about Del that were filled with tears and laughter, and everyone agreed that whenever you met
him, Del could make you smile or dance or just stop in your tracks and be thankful to be alive. Del was a gift
from God, a servant and a clown, a man who could speak only a few words, but he was a man whose very life
spoke volumes about loving kindness. One of the most touching stories I heard at Del’s memorial service was
about his “fairy dust.” Apparently, Del had the ability to sense people’s joys and sorrows. Staff people said that
just when their nerves were frayed and they could not take on another demand or setback, Del would appear
and sprinkle imaginary fairy dust on their foreheads. Somehow their loads were lightened whenever Del
offered his special blessing.
All of this is an introduction to the message that I shared at Del’s memorial service. I invite you to read
it, in honor of Del, who loved like Jesus, and also in honor of a church which opened its arms to a guy like Del.
As you read the following words, ask yourself, “Can we be a church and a people who show such love?
My scripture passages were the following: Psalm 33: 1-4, 13-22 and Mark 10-13-16.
Last night I had dinner with some friends who are members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church here in
Northeast Brainerd. When they saw my name listed in Del Melberg’s obituary, they said that I needed to know
something very special about Del. My friends said, “Did you know that we joined Bethlehem Lutheran Church
because of Del?” “Del?” I asked. “Del could only say a few words. How did Del Melberg get you to join a
“Oh,” they answered. “Del got many people to join Bethlehem!” “How?” I asked in amazement.
“Churches hire specialists, they invest in lots of new member materials, they buy billboard space to get people
to join their congregations. What could Del Melberg have done that would convince people to attend Bethlehem Lutheran?” This is the story they told me.
Many years ago, Del lived in a group home in NE Brainerd – Austin’s Home. It was located several
blocks west of the CUB Food Store. Del and several of his friends from the group home began to attend Bethlehem Lutheran every Sunday. Every Sunday, regardless of the weather, Del and his friends walked the four
blocks to church. Why, even in the worst of snowstorms, people noticed that Del made it to church, clearing a
path in the snow for his crew from the group home! Every Sunday, Del sat in the front pew of the church. Every Sunday, when it was time for the first hymn to be sung, Del was the first one on his feet. Every Sunday, the
whole congregation waited for Del to stand before they got up to sing. In no time at all, Del became the exofficio worship leader at Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
Now, every Sunday there was usually some whispering and shuffling, some mumbling and some jostling, some yawns and some paper rattling, all of which came from the front row where Del sat. Did the people
at Bethlehem Lutheran frown and speak sternly to Del and the other guys from the group home? No, they did
not. In fact, they smiled at Del in the front row. They loved having him stand and lead the singing. They loved
that fact that Del even bellowed off key. They loved the sound of Del’s voice, ringing in the church long after
the tones of their very expensive organ pipes had faded away.
So, some 40 years ago, when my friends were new in town, they visited lots of congregations. When
they got to Bethlehem Lutheran and saw that Del was accepted as a worship leader, they decided that Bethlehem was the place for them. They surmised that if Del was welcome at Bethlehem, then the church was a place
where differences were more than OK. Over the years, still other folks visited Bethlehem Lutheran. They noticed that Del sang loud and off-key, and they decided that Bethlehem was the place for them. If people who
sang off-key were actually welcome, they knew that their disparate voices could join in praise of God. More
visitors showed up at Bethlehem Lutheran. They brought kids who were noisy and restless, just like Del and his
friends in the front pew. When those visitors saw how the congregation loved Del and his buddies, they knew
that their children could come to Jesus at Bethlehem, too.
Yes, my friends told me, Del brought many people to Jesus. Remember the words of Psalm 33? Del
was not a king with a mighty army. Del was not a warrior with great strength. Del rode no mighty warhorse.
Yet, he led people to God with a new song, a joyful song, a song full of loud shouts and praise. People could
feel the kingdom of God in Del Melberg’s presence. Snowstorms could not stop God’s love in Del. People who
wanted “orderly and proper worship” could not shush God’s love in Del. God’s love became new and surprising
in Del’s presence. The little child who was institutionalized back in the 1920’s showed everyone that Jesus was
his loving and living friend. And Del loved like Jesus for decades!
In 2005, Pastor Mark Skinner was new to town. He happened to ask a simple question. “Has Del ever
been asked to become a member of Bethlehem Lutheran?” No one had! Del had been drawing people to the
church for years, but no one had ever asked him to join the church. So, after blessing others for decades with
his “fairy dust,” Del Melberg became a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in 2005. And Del said the few
words he could manage:, “Hey, ho and yea, yea!” and the people of Bethlehem responded, “Thanks be to God!”
The psalmist wrote,
The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all humankind.
From where
he sits enthroned he watches all the inhabitants of the earth— he who fashions the hearts of them all, and observes all their deeds.
God fashioned Del’s heart. God observed the deeds of love in Del’s life and God saw that it was good.
And, when Del snuggled up in his bed on August 31st and died, God looked down from heaven and God said,
“Well done, good and faithful servant. . . enter into the joy of your master.”
Oh, there must be joy in heaven now! The angel choirs have a new voice, a hearty voice, a voice that
will never tire of singing praises to God. Let us be glad that Del’s voice is a part of the heavenly throng, for
when we arrive in heaven and hear his off-key bellow, we will know that we, too, are welcome. We will know
that we, too, are God’s blessed children. We will know that we, too, belong to Jesus, because Jesus’ love is like
that. Del has showed us the way. Thanks be to God.
Bethlehem’s New Member Sunday is November 24th.
New Member classes will be held on Sunday, November 10th & 17th
@9:40 AM. If you or someone you know would like to become a
member of Bethlehem please call the Church office @829-3330.
Baptism Seminar This seminar is for anyone contemplating
baptism for themselves or for their child. This seminar is
intended to be informational, stressing biblical and theological
roots for baptism along with providing an opportunity for small
group interaction. November 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Service Group Coordinators
PLEASE call the Church office (829-3330) with your cell phone number if you
no longer have a land line so we are able to call you to help with a funeral.
October ’13 Coordinators:
November ’13 Coordinators:
Kevin & Joyce Brick: 828-9605
Jim & Carolyn Cole: 829-7712
Clark & Clary Tollefson: 829-9083
Wayne & Tricia Dosh: 828-2853
Mike Finch: 218-232-0495
Ardelle Boelter: 828-4123
Pamela Finch: 218-820-2268
Paul & Sue Bremer: 825-3716
Barb Johnson: 829-6388
David & Luanne Hallgren: 829-0087
Bernice E. Johnson: 828-8087
Cheryl Johnson: 829-4319
David & Shelly Johnson: 828-1950
Dawn Koep: 829-4817
Brenda Jonak: 829-9024
Rev. Dick & Olive Lafer: 828-0183
Chuck & Gwen Kienholz: 828-0806
Corky & Lana LeDoux: 764-2798
Jean Krueger: 829-8565
Bruce & Norma Miller: 764-3178
Curtis & Renee Lundeby: 764-3483
Hans Miller: 764-3178
Shirley Lundeby: 454-0078
Adeline Murphy: 829-6144
Tom & Marie Numedahl: 825-8039
Mitch and Lynn Nelson: 218-839-5806
Joyce Nygaard: 829-2602
Patricia Nelson: 828-1903
Paul & Sarah Rhoda: 764-3540 or 839-1160 (Cell)
Steven & Mary Olson: 828-8148
Dale & Jackie Spaulding: 764-2356
Jeffrey & Darbie Pulak: 828-0534
Ryan & Michelle Tollefson: 828-8067
Phyllis Roberts: 829-5632
Doreen Swedberg:
Dan & Leah Rouland: 746-4436
Phyllis Stall: 821-2208
Kimberly Spencer: 825-9095
Joyce Wagner: 330-0660 (Cell)
Thor & Kimm Thorson: 828-3418
Ruth Unger: 821-1919
October Prayer Calendar
Prayer Calendar: An active prayer life is one of the ways in which faith is nurtured and passed on. It deepens our connection
with God as it strengthens our relationships with one another. As we grow in care and compassion towards one another in
faith, we encourage you to pray each day using this calendar, lifting up fellow members of the church, our ministries and the
concerns of the world around us.
Example of Prayer: Gracious God, be with ____ this day and provide them with what they need to see, hear and feel your
loving presence. Amen
Jon & Margaret Steblay
Pam Stenberg
Casey & Doris Stengel
Pam & Sydney Stock
Jerome & Marjorie Streich
Merrill & Jackie Stromback
Tom, Jean & Ingralisa Swanson
Doreen & Erica Swedberg
Todd & Erica Swedberg
Rick, Nancy, Derek & Carlie Sweet
Orv & Ginny Tengwall
Gene & Lynn Teufert
DeEtta Theien
John & Kay Theien
Joyce Wagner
Craig, Tricia, Kayla & Krista Warner
Bruce & Kelli Weaver
Earl & Bev Wells
Greg, Susan, Christopher & Sarah Wiger
Grant & Janie Wilcox
Kris Wyman
Charles & Donna Zeman
Virgil & Marie Aakre
Doris, Eric & Brad Aasen
Pearl Aasen
John & Judy Jourdan and Janey Adair
Alicia Ahrens
LeRoy & Linda Albertson
Shirley Albertson
James Albie
Bruce & Cyndy Thompson
Vanessa Thompson
George Aldous
Greg & Mary Anderson
Mike, Debbie, Jacob & Justin Toth
Stefan, Patricia & John True
Hans, Geremy, Meghan & Nicole Anderson
Kris Anderson & Tate Magnan
Tamara True, David & Malcolm True
John, Ruth, Amanda & John Unger, Devin Hollingsworth
and Orella Brickheimer
Linda Anderson
Sandra, Nikki & Ashley Anderson
Jean Vinje
Dan, Amy & Cody Vleck
Jean Anhalt
Lee & Trudy Austin