Moles - Fulton County Schools

Department: ___Science_______________
Teacher: ___Davis_________________ Course: ____Honors Chemistry______________
Topic / Theme: Chemical Composition of Compounds and Molar Calculations______________________ Duration:_____~ 2 weeks_____________________
Essential Question:
Key Questions:
Essential Vocabulary:
What is the relationship between mass, moles,
particles and volume of a substance?
What is the mole ? How do you determine the molar mass of
an element? How do you determine the molar mass of a
compound? How do you convert between grams, moles,
number of atoms, number of molecules and the number of
formula units for elements and compounds? How are your
calculations rounded to the correct number of significant
figures? Given the percent composition of a compound
(including hydrates), how do you determine its empirical
formula? Given the percent composition of a compound
(including hydrates) and its molar mass, how do you determine
the molecular formula? How do you determine the percent
composition of a compound if given the chemical formula?
How are empirical formulas for compounds determined
Mole, Avogadro’s number, hydrate, molar mass,
Empirical formula, molecular formula, percent
composition, molar volume, standard temperature
and pressure, atom, molecule, formula unit
Standards (List the primary standard and the key verbs from the elements)
Higher-Order Student Engagement
(Specific activities/tasks that will actively engage students in higher order learning)
SC2 Students will relate how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to
determine the chemical composition of compounds and chemical reactions
c. Apply concepts of the mole and Avogadro’s number to conceptualize and
 Empirical / molecular formulas
 Mass, moles, molecules and formula units relations
 Molar volumes of gases
Assessment of Learning Goals : Formative and Summative
Call on specific students with content specific questions every day.
Nightly Homework Problems.
Unit Review Homework/Study Guide.
Laboratory Activities.
Unit Test
(honors chemistry tasks require students to apply knowledge to solve problems)
(How do you know if your students have learned?)
Call on specific students with content specific questions every day.
Nightly Homework Problems.
Unit Review Homework/Study Guide.
Laboratory Activities.
Unit Test
Chalk mole conversion lab
Empirical formula determination of magnesium oxide
Empirical formula determination of hydrated copper (II) sulfate
We empower students to discover, think, and succeed.
GPS Standards (Optional)
SC2 Students will relate how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to determine the chemical composition of compounds and chemical reactions
c. Apply concepts of the mole and Avogadro’s number to conceptualize and
 Empirical / molecular formulas
 Mass, moles, molecules and formula units relations
 Molar volumes of gases
We empower students to discover, think, and succeed.