Geology Test Vocab Review

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Geology Test Vocab Review
1. Copies of organism form from minerals in ground water
3. The mechanical and chemical processes that change objects on Earth's surface over time
4. A material composed of two or more minerals
10. Is the age of rocks and geological features compared with other rocks and features nearby
12. How light is reflected from the surface of a mineral
15. The laying down or settling of eroded material
16. The removal of weathered material from one location to another
17. A fossil copy of an organism made when a mold of the organism is filled with sediment or
mineral deposits
19. Mixture of weathered rock, rock fragments, decaying organic matter, water, and air
20. Rocks formed from magma that has cooled and hardened
1. Rocks formed when older rocks are heated and squeezed
2. The preserved evidence of the activity of an organism
5. The color produced when a mineral is scratched on a white tile
6. The chemical weathering where a substance react with oxygen, example is rust
7. When actual remains of organism are preserved as fossils in things like ice, amber, or tar
8. Fossilized carbon outline of an organism or part of an organism
9. Rocks formed in layers from pieces of other rocks, minerals or living organisms
11. Based on Mohs scale, determines if one mineral can scratch another
13. A naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and an orderly
arrangements of atoms