GEOLOGY MIDTERM REVIEW 2013 You may use a 3x5 card of hand written notes LAB STATIONS Identify mineral names hematite magnetite plagioclase pyrite halite galena calcite K-feldspar muscovite quartz fluorite graphite olivine gypsum hornblende talc calcite corundum biotite chalcopyrite Identify IGNESOUS- granite, andesite, pumice, basalt, gabbro, scoria, obsidian, peridotite, rhyolite Identify SEDIMENTARY-crystalline limestone, fossiliferous limestone, rock gypsum, shale, sandstone, coal, chalk, arkose, coquina, conglomerate, breccia , flint, chert Identify METAMORPHIC- slate, gneiss, marble, quartzite, schist ,metaconglomerate MINING Evaluate the pros and cons of surface and underground mining *Describe solution mining *Calculate the mass of ore from a pit (assaying Jaspillite lab) Describe reclamation solutions Give examples of mines in Michigan Describe the Mining Law of 1872 Explain the Reclamation Act of 1977 *Describe specific dangers of coal mining MINERALS (chapter 2) Use the geologic definition to determine if a substance is a mineral identify mineral properties and use the correct terms to describe them: luster (define) hardness ( know the common test standards, glass=7) define cleavage (explain why cleavage exists) (recognize directions) *streak (type of mineral this is most useful for) color (why is this unreliable?) diaphaniety (define) (how different from luster?) Classify a mineral as a silicate, oxide, sulfate, carbonate or sulfide based on i’s chemical formula or common properties *Explain why silicate minerals are so common Recognize the subgroups of silicates based on pictures of their atomic structure GEMS/CRYSTALS *define the 4 C’s of diamond buying, recognize appropriate abbreviations and quality convert grams to carats and vice versa identify common gems from descriptions or samples identify crystal systems: isometric, hexagonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic Describe how geodes form Calculate the % gold from karats ROCKS (PETROLOGY) explain the rock cycle sketch it including rock types and processes IGNEOUS ROCKS (chapter 3) *Recognize igneous textures and relate to cooling rate explain Bowen’s reaction series (melting temp. vs. composition) recognize batholiths, sills, dikes and laccoliths Compare mafic and felsic rocks Compare intrusive and extrusive rocks What is the difference between magma and lava? Describe how a porphyritic texture forms Describe the environment of formation of igneous rocks *Explain how temp, pressure and water influence the melting of rock VOLCANOES (chapter 4) recognize the 4 types of volcanoes, describe eruption type, cone shape and products produced *recognize the type of volcano related to the plate boundary (ocean-ocean, ocean-continental, divergent, hot spot) compare rhyolitic and basaltic lava’s viscosity and how this effects eruptions Calculate the rate of plate movement from hot spot islands and the direction of plate movement SEDIMENTARY ROCKS (chapter 6) explain what clues sedimentary features can tell: mud cracks, ripple marks, cross bedding, grad. recognize transgressive/ regressive sequences describe which sed. rocks will form in the following environments: alluvial fan, glacial, beach, swamp , hot spring, tidal zone, reef, deep marine Explain how sediments can turn into sedimentary rocks (4 ways) *METAMORPHIC ROCKS (chapter 7) *explain how foliation forms *list the 3 causes and effect of metamorphic agents (heat, pressure, chem. fluids) *describe difference between regional and contact metamorphism relate the degree of metamorphism to the minerals found in met. Rocks relate the degree of metamorphism to met. Rock (page 161) WEATHERING (Chapter 5) distinguish between mechanical (physical) and chemical weathering recognize examples of hydrolysis, dissolution and oxidation explain how various rock types weather relate climates with weathering types and rate use the soil triangle to classify soils explain how most caves form describe the usefulness of various soils (clay, loam, sand, gravel) MASS MOVEMENTS (Chapter 8) recognize: rockslides, lahar, mudflow, creep, slump, solifluction determine the main cause of mass movements describe other factors that affect mass movement describe how humans increase the risk of mass movements relate angle of repose to sediment size GEOLOGIC TIME (Chapters 18 and 19) recognize dominate organisms that lived during each of the 4 eras Explain the theory for the “Great Dying”. When did this occur? Explain the ending of the Mesozoic. Describe evidence for this event Recognize the following fossils: Trilobite, coral, stromatolite, brachiopod, ammonite, crinoid, cephalopod