Enterprise and Employability Challenge – KS4 Examples of content in an appropriate Teaching and Learning programme Creativity and Innovation Generation of new ideas Ownership of own ideas and respect for those of others Identify and challenge assumptions Use of imagination and initiative Consideration of options - making the most of opportunities Assessment and evaluation of ideas - use a SWOT analysis to select the most feasible Combination and development of ideas Identification, selection and application of solutions to meet new requirements Implementation of solutions Reflection on processes and outcomes Personal Effectiveness Self-Assessment Commitment to learning and self-improvement Assessment of personal skills and qualities, strengths and weaknesses Development of individual learning plan using SMART targets Record and review achievements against targets Self-Management Management of time Management of resources Set personal and team priorities and goals Seek and act on advice or help Reflection on personal performance, use of self-evaluation tools Working relationships Team building – understand roles and responsibilities, positive working relationships Use of appropriate behaviours - cooperation, compromise, encouraging, respectful Presentation of own views, value and respond appropriately to opinions and views of others In the context of the Challenge: Organisation of meetings – agenda, minutes Production of action plan and set goal in team situations Identification and selection of appropriate resources The concept of 5Ps - product, price, place, promotion and people Production of promotional materials including the use of social media Financial planning Methods of market research Preparation and pitch a business proposal Preparation of a C.V. Completion of application forms 1 WELSH BACCALAUREATE Key Stage 4 National/Foundation Enterprise and Employability Challenge Product/Service Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Available for assessment from September 2015 2 ENTERPRISE AND EMPLOYABILITY CHALLENGE Product/Service PURPOSE The purpose of the Enterprise and Employability Challenge is to develop learners’ skills, whilst providing opportunities for learners to develop enterprising skills and attributes and enhance employability. During the Enterprise and Employability Challenge learners will explicitly develop skills in Creativity and Innovation, Personal Effectiveness and Digital Literacy and apply them in an appropriate manner. BRIEF During your working life it will be unusual for you to have just one job, it is more likely you will have a number of different jobs. You will have to apply for these jobs and go through an assessment process which may include an interview and presentation. It is important you are able to sell yourself by using examples of the skills you have and how you have used them. Team work, a cando and positive attitude and being creative are particularly valued by employers. To help you experience business and the world of employment you should work together with other pupils in a team of 3-6 members to design and develop an idea that will take advantage of the opportunities presented by the creation of a tidal lagoon. You should display your idea and pitch it to a panel answering any questions asked. Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay is looking to construct the world’s first man-made Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay. Our vision is that the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon not only produces electricity, but also maximises the potential for community and tourism opportunities in areas such as sports and recreation, education, art and culture and biodiversity and conservation. As a world first, we would like the experience of visiting the tidal lagoon to have the same innovative thinking behind it. We would therefore like to see you develop a business idea that represents our company’s aim of making Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay a core local amenity and tourist attraction. The Enterprise and Employability Challenge provides you with an opportunity to show how creative and innovative you can be by including the use of digital technology, as well as demonstrating people skills such as developing a rapport, listening, negotiating and trusting others. You may also demonstrate your assertiveness and leadership qualities. 4 TASKS 1. Apply for a role in a team that will develop a business idea that takes advantage of the opportunities presented by the creation of a tidal lagoon. Produce an application to showcase your relevant skills, qualifications and experience. In preparation for producing the application, complete a personal Skills Audit including: identifying current personal and team working skills relevant to the Challenge; identifying any additional personal and team working skills likely to be needed; planning for development and improvement of relevant skills. 2. Over a period of at least four weeks, work in a team (consisting of 3-6 members) to develop a business proposal for an idea that takes advantage of the opportunities presented by the creation of a tidal lagoon. As a team: research the current market of products or services consulting with different audiences; agree one concept for a product or service, share responsibilities and combine ideas to develop the idea; hold regular meetings to plan and carry out the development of a product or service to make decisions, agree on changes, improvements and developments; develop a business proposal considering the 5Ps – product, price, place, people and promotion. Produce Minutes of Team Meetings which should be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate: roles and responsibilities (individual and team); time management, personal behaviours and team working. The team must prepare a Visual Display of the business proposal that will be used when pitching the idea to a panel. The Visual Display could include: aims, objectives and details of the idea; potential customers/clients; financial implications including cost analysis; marketing and promotional materials including use of social media. 3. As a team plan and organise a Pitch of the business idea for a product or service ensuring: effective structure and communication; use of props where appropriate; involvement of all members of the team. Deliver a 10 minute team Pitch, including use of the Visual Display of the idea, to a panel of at least 2 people. A Confirmation Statement must be completed by a responsible person to confirm this task. 5 4. Complete a Personal Reflection on your own performance of developing and applying personal and teamwork skills, the process involved in designing and developing a new concept, and drawing from feedback received relating to the suitability of the idea. 6 SUMMARY Task Number 1. 2. 3. 4. Evidence Learning Outcome Personal Skills Audit, development plan and application for team role LO1 LO2 Visual Display and minutes of team meetings LO1 LO3 Confirmation Statement LO1 LO3 Personal Reflection LO1 LO2 LO3 Controls Time 2 hours Resources Access to ICT hardware/software; access to Internet; results of skills analysis Supervision You will be supervised throughout by a responsible person Collaboration Individual task Feedback You cannot be given feedback on your work for this task until it has been presented for assessment (work cannot then be altered) Time 15 - 20 hours Resources Access to ICT hardware/software; access to Internet; results of research previously undertaken Supervision You will be supervised throughout by a responsible person Collaboration Team (3-6 members) Feedback You cannot be given feedback on your work for this task until it has been presented for assessment (work cannot then be altered) Time 15 minutes Resources Access to ICT hardware/software; access to Internet; Visual Display; supporting evidence for Pitch Supervision You will be supervised throughout by a responsible person Collaboration Team (3-6 members) Feedback You will be given feedback on your Pitch before starting task 4 Time 1 hour Resources Access to ICT hardware/software; feedback from peers/participants Supervision You will be supervised throughout by a responsible person Collaboration Individual task Feedback You cannot be given feedback on your work for this task until it has been presented for assessment (work cannot then be altered) 7 Assessing Enterprise and Employability Challenge Where there is no evidence or work is not worthy of credit - 0 marks Learning Outcomes Performance Bands Band 1 1 – 3 marks Band 2 4 – 6 marks Band 3 7 – 9 marks Band 4 10 -12 marks LO1 Be able to apply Creativity and Innovation Limited ideas generated for an enterprise concept including consideration of strengths and weaknesses. A suitable idea selected, developed and implemented. Limited reflection of the process involved in developing a new concept. Basic ideas generated for an enterprise concept including consideration of strengths and weaknesses. A realistic idea selected, developed and implemented. Basic reflection of the process involved in developing a new concept. Appropriate ideas generated for an enterprise concept including consideration of strengths and weaknesses. An appropriate and feasible idea selected, developed and implemented. Detailed reflection of the process involved in developing a new concept. LO2 Understand Personal Effectiveness Limited audit of personal and team skills including plans for improvement. Basic performance of own role and responsibilities including time management, behaviours, personal skills and team work. Limited reflection on the development and application of personal and team work skills. Basic audit of personal and team skills including plans for improvement. Adequate performance of own role and responsibilities including time management, behaviours, personal skills and team work. Basic reflection on the development and application of personal and team work skills. Detailed audit of personal and team skills including plans for improvement. Effective performance of own role and responsibilities including time management, behaviours, personal skills and team work. Detailed and reasoned reflection on the development and application of personal and team work skills. LO3 Understand factors involved in an Enterprise and Employability Challenge Limited understanding of factors involved in developing a business proposal. Visual Display with limitations in structure and relevance. Pitch demonstrates limited communication skills. Basic understanding of factors involved in developing a business proposal. Clear and appropriately developed Visual Display. Pitch demonstrates basic communication skills. Detailed understanding of the factors involved in developing a business proposal. Structured and effectively developed Visual Display. Pitch demonstrates effective communication skills. Appropriate and realistic ideas generated for an enterprise concept including consideration of strengths and weaknesses. A feasible, realistic and effective idea selected, developed and implemented. Detailed and balanced evaluation of the process involved in developing a new concept. Detailed and effective audit of personal and team skills including plans for improvement. Efficient and effective performance of own role and responsibilities including time management, behaviours, personal skills and team work. Detailed and wellreasoned reflection on the development and application of personal and team work skills. Detailed and effective understanding of the factors involved in developing a business proposal. Wellstructured and creatively developed Visual Display. Pitch demonstrates highly effective communication skills. 11 Enterprise and Employability Challenge Assessment Guidance LO1 Be able to apply Creativity and Innovation Ideas generated Generating multiple ideas for new concept In collaboration assessing and comparing strengths and weaknesses of multiple ideas Selection, development and implementation of idea Collaborating to determine the selection of one idea to take forward Developing new concept through combination of team members imagination, initiative and active engagement Reflection of process Reviewing creativity and innovation of new concept Lessons learned during the process LO2 Understand Personal Effectiveness Audit Assessing strengths and weaknesses of personal and team work skills relevant to the Challenge Planning the development of personal and team work skills identified as necessary to carry out the Challenge Performance of own role and responsibilities Deploying roles and responsibilities to team members utilising individuals strengths Demonstrating personal organisation and self-management skills including time management, personal skills and setting of priorities and goals to carry out role and responsibilities Demonstrating team working skills including positive working relationships, cooperation, compromise, encouragement and respect of others views Reflection on development and application of personal and team work skills Lessons learned from collaborating with others to develop a new concept Assessing personal and team work skills Assessing how personal employability has been developed LO3 Understand factors involve in an Enterprise and Employability Challenge Understanding factors involved in developing a business proposal Applying principals of the 5Ps – product, price, place, promotion and people Visual Display Pitch Organising multiple visual components of business proposal e.g mood board, marketing materials, prototype Quality of visual components Organising team delivery of pitch Applying communication skills both individually and as a team 13