Study Guide KEY - West Branch Schools

1. What can a single snapshot LANDSAT image show?
Physical features; Man-made Structures; Shape of land; Ground Cover; Land use
What can images over time show? (think of what this unit is about)
Changes to land over time (erosion, deposition); Climate change (melting of glaciers); Changes in
vegetation; Changes in land use
Changes to the Land (ISN pg. 33)
Explain weathering. How does this impact the land?
Weathering is the breakdown of rock into smaller pieces. This impacts the land by allowing forces of
erosion to act more easily on those sediments.
Explain erosion. How does this impact the land?
Erosion is the wearing away of surface material. This moves sediment from one location to another.
Potentially constructing new land forms while destructing others.
What is deposition?
Dropping of sediments that occurs when the processes of erosion lose their energy and can no longer
carry the material.
What are the agents (methods) of erosion and deposition?
Wind, rain, floods, glaciers, coastlines, rivers/streams
What is oxidation?
Oxidation is a chemical process that gives rock an orange tint. This is occurs through lengthy periods
of exposure to water.
Explain how the Grand Canyon was formed.
The Grand Canyon formed over millions of years through a continual process of weathering and
erosion. The primary agents of these processes were the Colorado River and wind. Oxidation also
occurred over a long period of time, which is why the rocks of the Grand Canyon appear orange.
Constructive and Destructive Forces
What is a constructive force?
A constructive force is a natural force that builds up a landform.
Provide examples of constructive forces.
Flooding, coastlines, rivers/streams, wind, convergent plate boundaries, divergent plate boundaries,
and volcanic activity
What is a destructive force?
A destructive force is a natural force that wears down a landform.
Provide examples of destructive forces.
Flooding, coastlines, rivers/streams, wind, convergent plate boundaries, divergent plate boundaries,
and volcanic activity
Do these forces work together or separately? Explain how.
These forces work together. While one area is being destructed, potentially through a process such as
flooding or river/stream erosion, the sediments are carried to another location and deposited,
creating a buildup of a landform.
Do these processes happen over a short period of time or a long period of time?
While major events can cause these processes to happen over a short period of time, these processes
typically happen over a long period of time.
Be able to match a cross-section to a topographic map, like in the example above.
1-B; 2-A; 3-D; 4-C; 5-E
Be familiar with the terminology associated with Topographic maps. ISN pg. 35.
Topographic Map Vocab
What do hash marks on a contour line indicate?
Hash marks indicate a depression in the land. In other words, instead of counting up from the last
contour line, you would subtract the interval from the last contour.
Describe how to know if an incline is steep or a gradual incline.
The closer together the contour lines, the steeper the incline. If they are far apart, it is a gradual
Gallery Walk
Explain how glacial erosion and deposition differs from erosion and deposition from other
processes of erosion and deposition.
Glacial erosion and deposition differs from other processes of erosion in deposition in a couple ways.
First, glacial erosion would be more drastic. Glaciers are large chunks of ice that, while slow moving,
are very forceful. Therefore, they are able to erode large sections of land. In regards to deposition,
glaciers are capable of picking up very large pieces of sediment and moving them over many miles.
This is how large boulders were naturally moved.
Explain how erosion and deposition from a river can change landforms.
Erosion from a river can wear away at the banks, carrying this sediment downstream. Eventually, this
sediment will be deposited somewhere. It is all a matter of how much force, or energy, the water has
to continue carrying the sediment. Faster moving water has more force, so it can carry more
sediment, or large pieces of sediment. The deposition can result in the formation of river deltas.
Another method by which rivers can change landforms involves the bend of a river. Water moves
faster along the outside of a bend and slower on the inside. This leads to more erosion on the outside
of a river (due to faster moving water carrying more sediment) and deposition on the inside of the
bend (not enough energy to carry sediment).
Explain how erosion and deposition along a coastline can change landforms.
Similar to how a river can erode material, the faster the water is moving, the more sediment will be
eroded. Along a shoreline, over many years, the sand and other particles will likely erode. Deposition
occurs naturally along the shore as well, as sediment is carried in from the ocean and deposited on the
beach. Seashells are evidence of this. Erosion from the shoreline can lead to the formation of cliffs as
the water erodes sediment over many years.