WATER ON THE LAND 1. Label the diagram Extension: describe what each word mean. 1 WATER ON THE LAND 1. Explain how each process erodes river banks/beds. 2 WATER ON THE LAND 1. Label each of the following transportation processes. 2. Describe how the river transports (moves) material. 3 WATER ON THE LAND 4 WATER ON THE LAND Add each of these labels onto the long profile diagram below: LABELS: CROSS PROFILE DESCRIPTION OF CROSS PROFILE TYPE OF EROSION SIZE OF LOAD SHAPE OF LOAD RIVER FEATURES Shallow, narrow channel Lateral (sideways) erosion becoming more important Very small – dissolved or in suspension Jagged, sharp edges Big meanders and flood plains Widest, deepest channel A little lateral erosion occurs Large Becoming smoother due to erosion Waterfalls and v shaped valleys Wider, deeper channel Vertical erosion (river trying to reach sea level) Size getting smaller Smooth, fine material in the load Meanders 5 WATER ON THE LAND Explain how a V shaped valley is formed: What are interlocking spurs? 6 WATER ON THE LAND Answer these questions: What is this and how was it formed? 7 WATER ON THE LAND Add the labels. Explain what is happening 1. Explain the formation of an ox bow lake: Where is erosion occurring? Why? What is happening to the neck of the meander? Why? Where is deposition occurring? Why? What will eventually happen to the ox bow lake? 8 WATER ON THE LAND Explain how erosion and deposition help form a flood plain (complete the passage below using the words provided) Flood plains form due to both erosion and deposition. The narrow river valley is widened as the river begins to erode laterally (or ______________). The interlocking ____________________ are eroded away by the meandering river. The meanders create a wide, ____________ valley floor which is the flood plain. As the river floods, ____________________ is deposited on this wide area and its level is built up to form the flat area on either side of the river. The _______________ sediment is dropped first because the river has less _________________ to transport it. sideways Heaviest sediment spurs energy flat Diagram of a floodplain 9