Web Quest Title: A habitat just for you Standards: Next Gen # SC.2.L

Web Quest
Title: A habitat just for you
Next Gen # SC.2.L.17.2
Next Gen # SC.2.L.17.1
NETS #1 Creativity and Innovation
Common Core # CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.1
P21-Learning and innovation skills
-If you could live any place on Earth, where would it be?
-You can tell everyone in class, because during and after this web quest, you will be
creating your own habitat that you want to live in!
-You get to choose where it is located around the world, the terrain, the climate, what
animals and plants live there, and how it will meet all of your basic needs.
-You will be reading the websites I give you to gather the information you need to create
your very own habitat.
-Your final project will be to write a short essay about your habitat. Then, you will create
a shoebox habitat and present it to the class.
The first thing you need to know is this: You are creating your very own habitat
that YOU would like to live in! You need to give your habitat a name, chose where it will
be located, chose the animals and plants that will live there, chose the terrain of your
habitat, chose the climate conditions, and make sure everything in your habitat can help
meet your basic needs (food, water, shelter, and air). You will be turning in a short essay
about your habitat that answers all of the questions above, so keep them in mind while
-First off, explore the websites below. These sites will remind you what a habitat is, as
well as the basic needs each habitat has to meet for the animals that live there. This will
help you to think about how the habitat you create will meet your basic needs.
-Hint: Throughout this web quest, think about what you will eat, where you will get
water, and where your shelter will come from.
-Look at some examples of real habitats in the websites below. You can use any
characteristics from any habitat. You can also mix the characteristics of the habitats
together to create your original habitat. This will help you with ideas of what kind of
terrain you will use for your habitat, as well as the climate of your habitat.
-Hint: The type of terrain and climate might help you with your basic needs of water and
shelter. (Is there a river near by? Is the weather too hot or too cold for me?)
-You will need to include some animals that will live in your habitat. Look at the website
below to get ideas for the types of animals you might find in the habitat you create. Make
sure you read about the animals you want to include, making sure that they can live and
survive in your habitat.
-Hint: Animals can provide food for you.
-The website below provides a list of plants. If you can’t think of any plants or trees
yourself, you can use some of these in your habitat.
-Hint: Some trees or plants can help out with two of your basic needs, shelter and food.
(Some plants grow fruits and veggies, and some provide shade).
-The websites below provide maps of where different habitats are located. You can use
these to choose where your habitat will be located around the Earth.
-The last website will help you in putting everything together to create your habitat.
-What animals and plants will live here?
-What type of terrain is there?
-What climate does your habitat have?
-You can choose all of this at the website below, and it will tell you if the terrain, plants,
animals, and climate can all work together to meet the basic needs of the animals living
there (including you!)
-From this web quest, you learned a lot about the different habitats located all around the
world, their climates, their terrain, and their plant and animal life. You also learned how
the animals survive in their habitats (basic needs). Now, you need to take what you have
learned and create something new!
-Since you have gathered all of your information to form a habitat just for you, you need
to give it a name. Then, write the short paper answering these questions:
-What is your habitat called?
-What animals and plants live in your habitat?
-Where is your habitat located around the Earth?
-What terrain does your habitat have?
-What are the climate conditions in your habitat?
-How does this habitat meet your basic need of food?
-How does this habitat meet your basic need of water?
-How does this habitat meet your basic need of air?
-How does this habitat meet your basic need of shelter?
Now that you have answered all of these questions, you are going to make a miniature
version of your habitat in a shoebox at home!
Instructions for shoebox habitat:
Get an adult sized shoebox to make your shoebox habitat.
Decorate the inside of the shoebox to look like your habitat. For example, if you
created your habitat to be like a forest, it will have many trees and leaves.
Then add 3D animals and plants. These can be hand made, printed pictures,
drawn pictures, or figures of the animals and plants.
You must include at least 2 animals from your habitat and at least 2 plants that
live in your habitat.
On the back of the shoebox, attach a piece of paper with your name, the name of
your habitat, and where your habitat it located.
Present your very own habitat to the class and tell them about why you created
your habitat and its inhabitants.
On the next page there is a grading rubric.
Below is the rubric you will be graded on for the web quest/ projects:
Basic Needs
Shoe Box habitat
Does not Meet
The student did
insufficient research
to complete the web
quest and projects
The student shows no
understanding of the
basic needs of
animals and humans
The student did not
create a sufficient
habitat for him/her to
live in
The student did not
follow the directions
of the web quest
The student did not
answer the listed
questions sufficiently
in the essay
The student did not
sufficiently show
their habitat in the
shoebox project
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
The student did
sufficient research to
complete the web
quest and projects
The student shows
understanding of the
basic needs of
animals and humans
The student did
create a sufficient
habitat for him/her to
live in
The student followed
the directions of the
web quest
The student answered
the listed questions
sufficiently in the
The student
sufficiently showed
their habitat in the
shoebox project
The students did
plenty of research to
complete the web
quest and projects
The student shows a
great amount of
understanding of the
basic needs of
humans and animals
The student created a
great habitat that
he/she would be able
to live in
The student
completely followed
the directions of the
web quest
The student answered
the questions
correctly and fully in
the essay
The student showed
their habitat entirely
in their shoebox