B IG R O C K : Io wa C o r e I o wa ’s wr i t t e n s t a n d a r d s /e x p e c t a t i o n s f o r l e a r n i n g (W h a t ) WHAT IS IOWA EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS + IOWA CORE? The work is focused on ensuring that high quality, rigorous standards are being taught, assessed, and learned in every classroom. WHAT ARE THE MAJOR COMPONENTS OF EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS + IOWA CORE? There are three major components of Early Learning Standards + Iowa Core— 1. Each pre-K-12 educator will embed the standards in rigorous and relevant instruction informed by ongoing formative assessment. 2. Each and every educational leader will support and ensure an aligned system of standards, instruction, and assessment. 3. The Iowa Department of Education, Institutes of Higher Education (IHE), Area Education Agencies (AEAs), Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and collaborative partners will work together to provide the necessary systems of supports to sustain the structures needed for the successful implementation of the Iowa Early Learning Standards and the Iowa Core. WHAT IS THE CURRENT WORK OF EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS + IOWA CORE? Current work of Iowa Core includes: 1. Standards: Implement high quality, rigorous standards and build quality professional learning to move standards to instruction and disseminate that professional development broadly across the state 2. Instruction: Identify, compile and distribute instructional resources and materials aligned to the Standards 3. Assessment: Build/select high quality assessments aligned to the Standards 4. Early literacy framework: To determine the background research, curriculum maps and strategies to support Iowa Core Literacy standards; 5. Collaborative Inquiry Questions (CIQ): To review and revise the original CIQ approved for use within C4K; 6. CIQ – Universal Tier: To develop sequential steps, processes and tools for the original CIQ approved for use within C4K; 7. Early Literacy Criteria Task Group – Class-wide [Tiered Supports]: To identify universal supports as a triage for schools with 60% or fewer students identified as on target to be proficient by the end of the year on a general outcome measure. 8. Early Literacy Criteria Task Group – Targeted [Tiered Supports] with Iowa Reading Research Center: To identify evidence-based standard treatment protocol. 1