Cathy Lisa Schneider School of International Service, American University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20016 Office: (202) 885-1666 | cell: (202) 746-0515 CURRENT PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENT 1999-present Associate Professor, School of International Service, American University PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 1993-1999 Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University 1992-1993 Visiting Assistant Professor, Government and Hispanic American Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1990-1992 Visiting Assistant Professor/Watson Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, Latin American Studies, International Relations and Political Science, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 1988-1990 Assistant Professor, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California 1987-1988 Instructor, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York EDUCATION 1989 Ph.D. in Government, Cornell University 1984 M.A. in Government, Cornell University 1980 New York M.A. in Public Affairs, University at Albany, State University of 1977 York B.A. in Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New SINGLE AUTHORED UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. Shantytown Protest in Pinochet's Chile. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. [Published as an electronic book, 2011.] CO-EDITED BOOK Castaneda, Ernesto and Cathy Lisa Schneider, ed. Collective Violence, Contentious Politics and Social Change: A Charles Tilly Reader. New York: Paradigm Press, 2015. PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES “Police Power and Race Riots in Paris.” Politics and Society 35 (2007): 523-49. [Lead article] Reprinted with correction, 36 (2008): 133-59. “Racism, Drug Policy and AIDS.” Political Science Quarterly 113 (1998): 427-46. “Framing Puerto Rican Identity: Political Opportunity Structures and Neighborhood Organizing in New York City.” Mobilization: An International Journal 2 (1997): 227-45. “Mobilization at the Grassroots: Shantytown Resistance in Authoritarian Chile.” Latin American Perspectives: Military Rule and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile 68 (1991): 92-112. EDITED JOURNALS Schneider, Cathy Lisa and Fred Rosen, editors. COPS: Crime, Disorder and Authoritarian Policing. special issue of NACLA: Report on the Americas 37(2003). [Also co-authored introduction with Paul Amar, “The Rise of Crime, Disorder and Authoritarian Policing: An Introductory Essay.”] BOOK CHAPTERS Schneider, Cathy Lisa and Trent Buatte. “Made in Marseilles: Policing and the Deactivation of Racial Boundaries in Southern France.” In Policing Divided Societies, edited by Guy Ben-Porat, 229-60. Tel Aviv: Pardes, 2013. [in Hebrew] “Crime Wars and Race Riots in France.” In Globalization and East Asia, edited by Quansheng Zhao and Wan-chin Tai, 157-228. Taipei: Shiying Chubanshe, 2007. “Political Opportunities and Framing Puerto Rican Identity in New York City.” In Frames of Protest: Social Movements and the Framing Process, edited by Hank Johnston and John A. Noakes, 163-82. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. “Chile the Underside of the Miracle." In Free Trade and Economic Restructuring in Latin America, edited by Fred Rosen and Diedre McFadyen, 151-56. New York: Monthly Review, 1995. [Reprint] “Radical Opposition Parties and Squatters Movements in Pinochet's Chile.” In The Making of Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy and Democracy, edited by Arturo Escobar and Sonia E. Alvarez, 260-75. Boulder: Westview, 1992. INVITED ARTICLES “Violence and State Repression.” Swiss Political Science Review: Debating the Arab Spring 17 (2011): 480-84. “Riots in France: The 2005 Uprisings in the Parisian Suburbs.” TamKang Journal of International Affairs 10 (2007): 37-78. “Violence, Identity and Spaces of Contention in Argentina, Chile and Colombia.” Social Research 67 (2000): 773-802. ONLINE AND JOURNALISTIC ARTICLES “Police Power and Urban Unrest in Paris and New York.” Lo Squaderno 14 (2009): 7-9. [digital Italian journal] “Crime Wars: A Comparison of Policing Practices in New York and Paris.” American Consortium on EU Studies – European Union Center of Excellence: Cases on Transatlantic Relations 3 (2005): 1-47. "Tyrant in the Dock." NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America) Report on the Americas. 32 (1999): 2-4. "Musica Against Drugs: Using Salsa to Fight AIDS." NACLA Report on the Americas 17 (1994): 26-27. "Chile: The Underside of the Miracle." NACLA Report on the Americas 26 (1993): 30-32. "La movilizacíon de las bases, poblaciones marginales y resistencia en Chile autoritario." Proposiciones: Chile Historia y Bajo Pueblo 19 (1990): 223-43. BOOK REVIEWS Review of Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina: The Gray Zone of State Power, by Javier Auyero. Mobilization 13 (2008): 240-42. Review of The Pinochet Case: Origins, Progress and Implications, by Madeleine Davis, ed. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe/European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 78 (2005): 107-108. Review of Poor Peoples Politics: Peronist Survival Networks and the Legacy of Evita, by Javier Auyero. Mobilization 7 (2002): 223. Review of Drug Politics: Dirty Money and Democracies, by David Jordan. Political Science Quarterly 114 (1999-2000): 717-19. Review of Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa and Brazil, by Anthony Marx. Mobilization 4 (1999): 261-62. Review of Poverty and Inequality in Latin America, by Samuel A. Morley. Political Science Quarterly 111 (1996): 381-38. Review of From Outrage to Action: The Politics of Grassroots Dissent, by Laura Woliver. A Journal of Reviews 23 (1994): 811. WORKING PAPERS “Crime Wars and Racial Intolerance in New York and Paris.” Working paper, Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultural Differences (CSGD), 2006. “Mobilization at the Grassroots: Shantytowns and resistance in Pinochet’s Chile.” Working paper, Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University, 1987. RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS May 2-May 25, 2014 Visiting Fellow, University of Gothenburg, Sweden September 2001-June 2002 Fellow, Columbia Institute for Scholars, Reid Hall, Paris September 1993-August 1994 September 1995- August 1996 Aaron Diamond Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hunter College Center on AIDS, Drugs and Community Health August 1990-August 1992 University Watson Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown June-August 1988 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies, Columbia University, New York, New York ORGANIZED CONFERENCES Organized and co-chaired (with Diane Singerman, American University) conference on “Middle East Uprisings: Social Movement and Comparative Perspectives.” Included a public panel, followed by a private round table, March 25, 2011. Organized and hosted international conference in Paris on “New Security States: Zero Tolerance, Race-based Policing, and ‘Dangerous Communities’ in Comparative Perspective.” Reid Hall, Columbia Institute for Scholars, Paris, June 6-7, 2002. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND KEYNOTE ADDRESSES “Why did Ferguson Explode? Lessons that should be learned about the policing of minority neighborhoods.” Gothenburg, Sweden, October 10, 2014. Invited by Secure and Safe City, a collaborative project of the University of Gothenburg and the City of Gothenburg. In attendance were police officers, local officials, community organizers, social workers and teachers from Angered, a poor immigrant suburb. “Revisiting the Paris Uprising.” Paper presented at conference to complete edited book: “Understanding Urban Uprisings, Protests and Movements: European Cities and the Crisis of Neoliberalism,” edited by Margit Mayor, Hakan Thorn and Ove Senhade University of “Gothenburg, Sweden, October 8-9, 2014. [In preparation for forthcoming edited book] “Police Violence and Riots: Ferguson in Comparative Perspective,” presented on a panel on “Ferguson: Race, Law and U.S. Society,” organized by Justice, Law and Criminology, American University, September 17, 2014. “Militarization of Policing in the United States,” presented on a panel on “Militarization of Policing in Comparative Perspective, School of International Service, September 10, 2014. “Policing, Riots and Resistance in Parisian Banlieues and in ‘Liberated’ Neighborhoods in Pinochet’s Chile.” Paper presented at European University Institute’s conference on “Space and Contentious Politics,” San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy, May 30, 2014. “Police Power and Race Riots in Paris and New York.” Presentation at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 14, 2014. “The U.S. Involvement in the Overthrow of Salvador Allende and Organized Resistance to the Pinochet Dictatorship.” Presentation at National Foreign Affairs Training Center, U.S. State Department, April 2011, April 2012, April 2013 and April 2014. “1968- 2011 Estudiantes y Movimientos Estudiantiles en Francia, USA y Chile.” Presentation at University of Santiago, Chile, January 12, 2012. “Through Martin Luther King’s Eyes.” Panel discussion, with Julian Bond and Joshua Woodfork, American University, Washington, D.C., October 5, 2011. “American Multiculturalism since 9-11: Challenges and Prospects.” Presentation at a joint conference of the Association of Americans for Civic Responsibility and the Maxwell School (Syracuse University), Paul Greenberg House, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2011. “Policing of Minority Populations in Paris, New York and Marseille.” Presentation at colloquium on “Policing in Divided Societies,” Israeli Sociology Association, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 9, 2010. Keynote address at Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt Memorial. Sheraton Circle, Washington, D.C., September 2006. “Crime Wars and Racial Intolerance in Paris and New York.” Presentation at Tamkung University. Taipei, May 6, 2006. “Latin America Revolutions and their Impact on the American Left.” Presentation at “Remaking Revolution” conference, Hobart William Smith College, April 17, 2004. “The War against Iraq.” Presentations delivered in seven cities throughout Bretagne, France, February 2003. “War as a Vehicle to Fight Terrorism and Human Rights Violations.” Presentation at University of Rennes, France, February 12, 2003. Introduced film “The Pinochet Case” and hosted subsequent Q&A session, Visions Cinema, Washington, D.C., December 2002. "Winners and Losers in the Drug War." Keynote address at conference on drug policy, University of Northern Iowa, April 5, 2000. "Racism, AIDS and the War on Drugs." Presentation at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois, October 18, 1997. "The Use of Ethnographic Methodology to Study AIDS and Drug Prevention Efforts." Presentation at the Aaron Diamond Foundation, New York, NY, April 5, 1995. [Also briefed Mrs. Irene Diamond, June 1995.] "The Economic, Social and Labor Agenda of the current Chilean government." Briefing presented to new U.S. ambassador to Chile Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, Meridian House, Washington, D.C., October 21, 1994. "Shantytown Resistance in Authoritarian Chile." Presentation to Committee on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 25, 1991. "Transition and Transformation in Santiago's Shantytowns, 1982-1989.” Presentation at the conference “Transition and Transformation in Chile," Institute of the Americas, University of California at San Diego, March 13-14, 1989. [Conference brought together American and Chilean academics and Chilean political party leaders to discuss pitfalls and promises of Chile’s pending democratic transition. One conference participant was later elected president, and several others served as cabinet ministers in other democratically elected governments.] "Economic Policy and Social Mobilization in Chile." Presentation with Jose Cademartori (Chilean Minister of Economy under Salvador Allende, 1973), Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies, Columbia University, April 22, 1988. CHAIRED, MODERATED OR ACTED AS DISCUSSANT ON PANELS “Author meets critics: Eric Schneider, Smack: Heroin and the American City.” Discussant at Social Science History Association Conference, Long Beach, California, November 12-15, 2009. “Redefining the public: Contested views from civil society actors.” Discussant at Latin America Studies Conference, Puerto Rico, March 2006. “Labor Relations Varieties and Democratic Outcomes.” Discussant at American Political Science Association Conference, Washington, D.C., September 2005. “New Directions in the Study of Conflict and Conflict Resolution.” Panel chair at University of Maryland, May 2005. "Crossing Borders: Latinos and Identity." Discussant at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Guadalajara, April 19, 1997. "Urban Politics, Spatial Conflict and Community Change: New York and Beyond." Chair at American Sociology Association Conference, New York, August 20, 1996. "Organizing in the Global Economy." Discussant at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, March 12, 1994. "Redefining the Left: Opposition Strategies in the New Democracies." Discussant at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Los Angeles, September 24, 1992. "The Consolidation of Democracy in Chile." Moderator at Brown University, November 6, 1991. CONFERENCES AND PANEL PRESENTATIONS “Police Violence and Riots,” on panel on “Policing the People: Militarization, Pre-Emption and Criminalization,” Historical Materialism Conference, London, November 6 – 9, 2014. “Police Power and Race Riots.” Book Launch. American University. October 30, 2014. “Riots and Other Ethnic Minority Protests in Times of Economic Crisis,” European Consortium for Political Research Annual Conference, panel on “Political Violence in Times of Economic Crisis,” University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, September 3-6, 2014. “Resisting the Privatization of Education: Students and Student Movements in Chile and Spain.” Presentation with Emma Fawcett (PhD Student) at the Latin America Conference Ireland, “Latin America at a Crossroads: Between Globalization and Regionalization,” Dublin, Ireland, May 23-24, 2013. Also presented at Council for European Studies Conference, Washington, D.C., May 22, 2014. “The other 9/11: The 40th Year Anniversary of the Military Coup in Chile,” Kay Chapel, American University, September 11, 2013. “Policing Racial Boundaries in Paris and New York.” Accepted for the American Political Science Association Conference in New Orleans, August 2012 [cancelled because of hurricane Isaac], and presented at International Political Science Association Conference, Madrid, Spain, July 6, 2012. “The Armed Forces, the Police and the Arab Rebellions.” Eastern Sociology Association Conference, special panel on the Arab Spring, March 23, 2012. “Electoral Systems, Representation and Social Movements in the United States, Chile and France.” Conference on “The Evolution of Latin American Presidentialisms in Comparative Perspective,” Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., November 14, 2011. “The Beret and the Burqa.” Presentation with Michael Wertz, American University, Kay Chapel, October 19, 2011. “Middle East Uprisings from the perspective of the southern cone of Latin America.” Presentation at “Middle East Uprisings: Social Movement and Comparative Perspectives,” organized by American University Middle East Studies Department, Washington, D.C., March 25, 2011. “Race, Space and Organized Crime: Why Marseilles did not burn in 2005.” Presentation at Social Science History Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 18-21, 2010. “Police Power and Race Riots in Paris and New York.” Presentations at Comparative Social Movements Conference, University of Manchester, Manchester, England, April 31, 2010. “Immigrant Crisis in Europe: Racial or Religious.” Presentation at East West Connection, Fireplace Mansion, November 18, 2006. “Prevention of Delinquency.” Presentation at the Conference in the French Senate, Paris, December 19, 2005. “Roots of Rage and the French Riots.” Presentation at the Institute of Policy Studies and at American University, Washington, D.C., November 2005. “Migration, Religion, and Secularism – A Comparative Approach.” Paris, France, May 2005. “Race Biased Policing and the International Diffusion of the New York Model.” Conference on “Police and Police Violence in the Americas,” Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, April 23, 2004. “Crime Wars and Racial Intolerance.” Presentation at Columbia University, February 17, 2003; Brooklyn College, April 23, 2004; University of Maryland, College Park, October 5, 2002. “Zero Tolerance in New York: The New Global Model?” Presentation at Reid Hall, Paris, June 6, 2002. “Preliminary notes on race biased policing in New York and Paris.” Presentations at Reid Hall, Paris, October 2001 and February 2002. “Should the U.S. bomb Afghanistan?” Presentation at University of Rennes, France, September 16, 2001. "Racism, Drug Policy and AIDS." Presentation at American Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco, August 23, 1998. "Contrasting Experiences of Gender and Identity: Mobilizing Women in Chile, Argentina and the United States." Presentation at American Political Science Association Conference, Boston, August 1998. "Urban Social Movements and Political Identity Formation in Santiago, Chile and New York City." Presentation at Latin American Studies Association Annual Conference, Chicago, September 1998. "Political Culture, Ethnic Identity and Neighborhood Organizing." Presentation at American Sociological Association Conference, New York, August 20, 1996. "Ethnic Identity, Political Culture and Organizing Against Drugs and AIDS in Puerto Rican New York." Presentation at Aaron Diamond Foundation Annual Meeting, New York Hospital, October 1995. "Urban Life: Santiago." Presentation at Foreign Service Officer's conference on "Inter-American Studies: Southern Cone," October 6, 1994. "Ethnographic Methods." Presentation at meeting of Aaron Diamond Fellows, City University of New York, June 12, 1994; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 13, 1994. "Organizing Against Drug Abuse and AIDS in New York City." Aaron Diamond Foundation Annual meeting: October 4, 1994. Also presented at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, April 12, 1994; Brooklyn College, April 18, 1994; Hunter College Center on AIDS, Drugs and Community Health, June 12, 1994. "The Social and Political Impact of Privatization and Structural Readjustment in Chile.” Presentation at conference on "The Political Economy of Privatization and Public Enterprise in Eastern Europe in Light of Global Experience," Brown University, April 24-25, 1992. "Pobladores after Pinochet: Grassroots Strategies in the New Democracy.” Presentation at New England Council on Latin America, Smith College, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 5, 1991. "Radical Opposition Parties and Squatters Movements in Pinochet's Chile." Presentation at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Washington, D.C., April 5, 1991. "Popular Movements in Chile." Presentation at City University of New York, November 25, 1990. "The Future of Democracy in Chile." Presentation at World Affairs Council, Monterey, California, March 21, 1990. "Popular Movements under Pinochet." Presentation at Latin American Studies Association conference, Miami, December 4, 1989 and at Columbia University, October 2, 1989. "Chile in Transition." Presentation at World Affairs Council, Monterey, California, May 11, 1989. "Mobilization at the Grassroots: Shantytown Resistance in Authoritarian Chile." Presentation at New England Council on Latin American Studies, Wellesley, October 22, 1988. "The United States and Chile: Foreign Policy and Human Tragedy." Presentation at Pace University, March 1987. "Protesting Pinochet." Presentation at University of Virginia, May 1987. "The Making of an Apple Republic: Economic Restructuring and Deindustrialization in Chile." Presentation at Rural Sociology Conference, San Francisco, May 1982. MEDIA INTERVIEWS “Cathy Schneider explains the 21st Century Policing Report,” March 5, 2015. Rabin, David. “American University Professor Cathy Schneider discusses her book Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York.” Community Watch and Comment, WPFW-FM, Pacifica Radio. February 10, 2015. “Racial tensions in United States.” Al Jazeera News Hour. December 13, 2014. Steve Inskeep, host, “DOJ Intervention May Help Connecticut Police Regain Community's Trust.” NPR Morning Edition. December 17, 2014, 5:04 AM. Heath Brown. “Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York.” New Books in Political Science. December 8, 2014. Greg Sanglito. “#Black Lives Matter.” American University, Student Life. December 8, 2014. Anna Roxvall. “Lovar snabb utredning om polisvåld,” TT [Sweden]. December 8, 2014. Anderson Simanca "Miles de personas marchan indignadas en EE.UU. por los abusos policiales contra la población afroamericana." December 6, 2014. “World Insight: Racial Inequality,” CCTV (Beijing) November 30, 2014. “Police survey damage after second day of Ferguson protests,” CCTV America. November 26, 2014. and on youtube as “Fury Over Ferguson: Cathy Schneider of American University discusses situation in Ferguson.” Rabin, David. “American University professor and author of Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York, gives context to the situation in Ferguson, Missouri.” Community Watch and Comment, WPFW-FM, Pacifica Radio. November 25, 2014. Christine Ferzau. “Impact of Media Coverage on Ferguson.” Sinclair Broadcast Group. November 25, 2014. OX_11-25-2014_05.44.28.mp4. Caitlin Dickson. “Riot Prep Could Fuel Violence.” The Daily Beast, November 13, 2014. Antoaneta Tileva. “The Militarization of Police at Home and Abroad.” American University, School of International Service News. September 16, 2014. Rabin, David. “Ferguson’s Lessons (hopefully) learned.” Community Watch and Comment, on WPFW-FM, Pacifica Radio, August 26, 2014: 11:35am. Faus, Joan. “Ferguson evoca incómodos ecos del pasado en Estados Unidos.” El Pais, August 25, 2014. _911176.html Also reprinted in El Periodico de Mexico and other Latin American newspapers: Wang, Hansi. “50 Years Before Ferguson A Summer of Riots Wracked the U.S.” NPR Code Switch, August 24, 2014: 9:57am. Marshall, Julian. “News Hour.” BBC World Radio Service, August 23, 2014: 2:30pm in New York (20h 30 London). Wl1X3Nz/edit?pli=1 Leiser, Ken. “How Will Ferguson Grievances Be Resolved?” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 22, 2014: 12:15am. Washington, Jesse. “Many Police Killings, but only Ferguson Explodes.” Associated Press. August 21, 2014. Pinkston, Randall. “Flashpoint Ferguson.” Al Jazeera America, August 20, 2014: 10:1010:30pm. Michael Wines and Erica Goode. “Cities Rocked by Past Unrest Offer Lessons in What to do and What Not to Do.” The New York Times, August 19, 2014: A1. Holland, Jesse. “Police Mistrust Still Prevalent Years Later.” Associated Press, August 19, 2014. Walter, Mike. “What will bring calm to the streets of Ferguson?” CCTV, August 19, 2014: 9:15-9:30pm. Sergio Gabriel Lopez. “Confrontos e prisões continuam em Ferguson nos EUA.” Journal da Band, UOLTV, August 19, 2014. Iqbal, Razia. “News Hour.” BBC World Radio Service, August 18, 2014: 8:00am New York and 14 h London. Christina Garcia Casado, “Protestos em Ferguson evocam distúrbios raciais dos 60 nos EUA,” Agencia EFE, August 17, 2014. (Brazil) Also published Spanish: Mui, Ylan. “Ferguson, Missouri, Police Shooting and Protests.” Washington Journal CSPAN, August 16, 2014: 9:15-10:00am. Olorunnipa, Toluse. “Ferguson protests drag on, Missouri Gov. may replace local police.” Southern California National Public Radio (KPCC), August 14, 2014: 2:002:30pm. Schneider, Cathy Lisa. “Externalizing their Internal Explosions.” The Penn Press Log, August 14, 2014. Also posted: MUFTAH, August 15, 2014. and Political Violence: Research and Scholarship on Civil War, Revolution, Rebellion, Insurgency and Terrorism [Blog of the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Political Violence], August 25, 2014. Johnson, J. Paul. “1964 New York Police Riot Déjà Vu in 2005 Paris: Professor Cathy Schneider Explores Racial Barriers and Politics.” American University News – Research, July 24, 2014. Piran, Leila. ”Understanding Police Violence and Riots in Paris and New York.” MUFTAH, August 7, 2014. Also posted: National Institute for Latino Policy (NILP) Newsletter and Blog, August 11, 2014. Tileva, Antoaneta. “Professor Chronicles Link Between Police Repression and Race Riots.” American University News - International, July 11, 2014. Schneider, Cathy. “Urban Upheaval.” [On my book Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York.] SIS Spotlight Video Series, July 10, 2014. Schneider, Cathy. “Rios Montt’s genocide conviction.” SIS Spotlight Video Series, May 17, 2013. Hippolyte, Stan de Saint. “Prospects for Peace in Israel/Palestine.” France 24 TV News, March 4, 2013. Portillo, Ely and Fred Clasen-Kelly. “DNC protesters try to recruit Charlotte’s poor, face some challenges.” The Charlotte Observer, August 29, 2012. Boone, James and Paige Jones. “Students protests at Dept. of Education.” The Eagle, March 6, 2012. Jepsen, Kathryn. “Immigration and Identity Issues in France.” America Abroad Media Insight, December 11, 2011. Palazzolo, Sarah. "Protest Nation: Screaming to the Wind." American Way of Life Magazine, November/December 2011. Spensor, Charles. “Through MLK’s Eyes.” America Today, October 14, 2011. [Coverage of my panel discussion with Julian Bond. Panel was also featured on iTunes.] Aliabadi, Mana. “Column: TIAA-CREF and justice in Palestine.” The Eagle, September 27, 2011. Schneider, Cathy Lisa. “Barack Obama: l’effondrement de l’enthousiame.” Basta!, November 16, 2010. “Riots in France.” Kojo Nnamdi Show, WAMU, October 23, 2006. "Irak-l'appel de pacifistes américains: Cathy Schneider, militante de la paix aux ÉtatsUnis, veut mobiliser en France." Ouest France (Edition Chateaulin/Carhaix), February 10, 2003. "La France garant de la paix en Irak: Le point de vue d'une pacifiste américaine à la Maison du Champ de Mars." Ouest France (Edition Rennes), February 10, 2003. "Mobilisation accrue contre la guerre: Une pacifiste américaine témoigne à Morlaix." Ouest France (Edition Morlaix), February 9, 2003. "Une voix Américaine parle de paix." Le Telégramme (Edition de Brest), February 9, 2003. Irak. Une Américaine à Brest pour la paix." Le Telégramme (Edition de Brest), February 9, 2003. "L'Américaine C. Schneider s'oppose au conflit." Ouest France (Mayenne), February 10, 2003. Schneider, Cathy. “En Combat contre la Guerre en Irak: Une Américaine à la MPT de Pen-ar-Créac'h ce lundi 10 pour dénocer la guerre en Irak."Le Têlêgramme (Edition de Morlaix), February 11, 2003. Panel discussion on prospects for better relationship between the United States and Mexico after the election of Vicente Fox. Univision TV, December 2, 2000. “Racism, Drug Policy and AIDS.” The Black Eagle Radio, November 30, 1998. Morin, Richard. “Blacks, AIDS and the War on Drugs” in series “Unconventional Wisdom: New Facts and Hot Stats from the Social Sciences.” Washington Post, November 29, 1998. [Featured my article “Racism, Drug Policy and AIDS”] “Sandinistas electoral loss and the future of El Salvador.” KSMS TV Monterey, California, February 26, 1990. “Pinochet loses the Plebiscite in Chile.” KSMS TV, KQUET TV, and KSBW TV, Monterey, California. October 6, 1988. UNIVERSITY SERVICE University-wide Committees 2013-present Advisory Board of Arab Studies 2011-2014 Institutional Review Board 2009-2012 Hearing Committee 2005-2008 Grievance Committee 1999-2001 Equity Committee, Chair School of International Service (SIS) Committees 2013-present Undergraduate Thematic Area Director: Justice, Ethics and Human Rights 2009-2013 PhD Committee 2011-2012 2002-2003 2003-2005 and 1994-1997 1999-2000 1994-2000 Regional Studies 1994-1997 PhD Committee, Chair Variable Teaching Load Committee Graduate Studies Committee President of the SIS Faculty Director of Americas Program in Comparative and Committee to Rewrite the SIS Constitution EXTERNAL SERVICE Peer Reviewing University of Pennsylvania Press, Lynne Rienner, Temple University Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Ashgate, University Press of Florida, Urban History, Dubois Review: Social Science Research on Race, Comparative Migration Studies, Journal of Latin American Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Demokratizatsiya, Political Science Quarterly, World Politics, Mobilization, Studies in Comparative International Development, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Health Education Quarterly, Social Problems, Social Forces, Political Power, Latin American Politics and Society, Urban Affairs Review, Qualitative Sociology and Social Theory. Professional Service 2014 Rapporteur for the Economic & Social Research Council. Evaluated the output of a £500,000 project on urban violence in four cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America 2005 Reviewer and signatory on amicus brief filed in Johnson v. Bush, the legal case that successfully challenged Florida's felon-disenfranchisement rule. 1993-2002 Member of the Editorial board of NACLA Report on the Americas 2000-2001 Member of APSA selection committee for the Harold Laswell Award for best doctoral dissertation in Public Policy 1993-1995 Co-Chair Latino Task Force of the Latin American Studies Association 1993-1996 Associate at the Institute of Puerto Rican Policy and at the Center for Studies of Social Change, New School for Social Research Funding and Implementation of Community-Based Projects 2005-2015 Treasurer, Refuser Solidarity Network: raise funds for Israeli groups that refuse military service in occupied territories or more generally, educate others to refuse military service or organize against militarism and occupation 1987 Raised $2,000 for a Chilean shantytown youth organization and $17,000 for a community based health care "teaching center" and clinic in the poblacion Yungay PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Political Science Association, American Sociological Association, American Anthropology Association, European Consortium for Political Research, Council for European Studies. Previous Membership: International Studies Association, Social Science History Association, Latin American Studies Association, Eastern Sociology Association, Irish Latin American Studies Association, International Political Science Association. FIELD RESEARCH May 2014 Gothenburg and Angered Sweden (an immigrant suburb): interviewed residents, scholars, activists and police on police violence and the riots that had erupted there in 2009 and 2011. July 2012 Madrid and Barcelona, Spain: interviewed M-15 activists January 2012 Santiago, Chile: interviewed Chilean student leaders July 2010 Marseilles, France: ethnographic field research in poor black and Arab neighborhoods in the northern part of the city May-June 2012 July-August 2009 July-August 2008 New York, New York: interviewed police officers; those whose sons were killed by police; and black and Puerto Rican community activists organizing against police violence September 2001-June 2002 Paris, France: ethnographic research on policing, One or two months a year neighborhood organizing and riots in banlieues 2002-2012 June 1993-September 1996 New York, New York: ethnographic research on neighborhood June-August 2001 organizing around drug abuse and AIDS and interviewed former 1960s activists, particularly founders of the Young Lords Party and the Real Great Society July 1990-August 1990 Chile: participant observation and ethnographic research July 1989-December 1989 on the protest movement that toppled Pinochet September 1985-January 1987 June-August 1983 July-August 1975 LANGUAGES Spanish and French