Center for Mathematical Modeling Universidad de Chile An international unit of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS Essential Science Indicators Version 2.3 COUNTRY/TERRITORY RANKINGS IN MATHEMATICS Display items with at least: Sorted by: 1 - 20 (of 37) 2000 Papers Cit at ions per Paper [1 | 2 ] View Country/Territory Page 1 of 2 Papers Citations Citations Per Paper 1 SERBIA 2,030 11,291 5.56 2 SWITZERLAND 3,972 20,778 5.23 3 USA 82,306 428,212 5.20 4 SCOTLAND 2,472 12,807 5.18 5 NETHERLANDS 3,987 19,221 4.82 6 ENGLAND 15,597 75,107 4.82 7 BELGIUM 4,076 19,330 4.74 8 FINLAND 2,113 9,595 4.54 9 AUSTRIA 3,615 16,368 4.53 10 FRANCE 28,412 126,273 4.44 11 AUSTRALIA 6,965 30,932 4.44 12 SWEDEN 3,581 15,817 4.42 13 CANADA 15,173 66,826 4.40 14 GERMANY (FED REP GER) 22,994 99,739 4.34 15 CHILE 2,100 8,977 4.27 16 ITALY 18,005 75,863 4.21 17 SPAIN 15,170 62,028 4.09 18 ISRAEL 5,650 22,521 3.99 19 TAIWAN 5,956 22,247 3.74 20 SAUDI ARABIA 2,971 10,971 3.69 1 - 20 (of 37) [1 | 2 ] Page 1 of 2 Key Figures Mathematics ISI 10 years Key Figures Mathematics ISI 10 years Math. Professors PAPERS CITES ≈250 2100 8977 CHILE CMM 42 (17%) 854 (41%) 4600 (51%) Co-authorship CMM TOTAL 95% International 70% National other institutions 43% Some numbers 2013 2 Researchers (32 from U. de Chile and 10 from U. de Concepción) Researchers from CNRS and Université Paris 6 10 Scientists 24 Research engineers 11 Staff (administrative, lawyer, journalist,designer) 80 Visitors 10 Postdoctoral fellows 50 Ph.D. (U. de Chile + U. de Concepción) 3500 Undergraduate engineering students 6+12+6 External Associated Researchers UAI + UTFSM+UAB 5 International conferences 10 Workshops 2 Schools 75 Periodic seminars 2 Patents 42 Director Executive Committee Scientific Committee Industrial Board Principal Investigators Lab. 1 Director Professionals … Lab. n Director Professionals Scientific Committee John Ball (President), Oxford University. Jean Bertoin, Universität Zürich. Martin Gröetschel, Tech Universität Berlin. Luis Caffarelli, University of Texas. Masayasu Mimura, Meiji University. Ivar Ekeland, University of British Columbia. Olivier Pironneau, Université Paris VI. James Yorke, University of Maryland. Industrial Board Yuji Inoue, Toyota TIC, NTT, Japan José Luis Daza, QFR, USA Maurizio Arienzo, Nova Ware, USA Alvaro Fischer, Fundación Chile, Chile Fundamental Research Optimization Stochastic Modeling Nonlinear Analysis Discrete Mathematics Math. Mech. & Inv. Prob. Numerical Analysis Laboratories LBMG GeoM Net-Eco Education HPC LM4 ——— Stochastic Simulation BioProcess Image-Analysis Planning-Logistics Astro-Informatics Industry/sector Sec Mining Telecom Energy Water Biotechnology Environment Education International Network Centers • Latin America • Brazil (IMPA, USP) • Mexico (CIMAT, CINVESTAV) • North America (Brown, UC Davis, • • • • • • • IMA Minneapolis, IBM-Watson, MSRI Berkeley, PIMS) Europe (BCAM, U. Cergy Pontoise, École Central, École Polytechnique, ICMAT, Paris VI, Paris Dauphine, Paris Math Foundation, Matheon Germany) China (Shanghai JiaoTong, Peking Japan (Tokyo, Kyushu, Meiji, NTT, Toyota) Singapore (NUS, Nanyang) Australia (NewCastle U. , Ballarat) Chile (AURA, ESO, F. Chile) Supporting similar Centers in Peru, IMCA, Ecuador MODEMAT, Colombia U. Nacional, Paraguay Text Text Text Associated Institutions and projects • CNRS Mathematics, Informatics and Engineering • INRIA : Bioinformatics, Bioprocess, Energy • Innova CORFO- Aquiculture, Geomechanics • National Cancer USA • ECOS, MathAmSud, STICAmSud • European Projects. Energy • Soros’s Foundation Text Text Text Yearly average budget US$ 10,000,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 Basal+MSGs Industry State-Industry University Mining • Bio-mining and Genomics-BioSigma • Rock-blasting in Mine Excavations- ET • Mine Planning- ET and ES • In situ leaching- Chuqui- ES • Risk Analysis -New Level Mine -ET • Stochastic Simulation-Seismicity- Micomo, ET • Intelligent geo system for mining GeoAlert. BHP Real Time Mining Networks Economics • • • Transport Cargo trains Energy and Networks Optimization and Equilibrium in the Telecommunications Market • • • INTEGRAIL (Intelligent integration of Railway Systems) European project Modurban (Modular Urban Guided Rail System) European project Water Tariffication! Renewable Resources • • • • Salmon Genome Consortium Grapes and wine. Logistic and bioinformatics. Wineries. Management of Fishery Resources, IFOP. Control and Optimization of BioProcesses: Applications to Waste-Water Treatments. INRA. To contribute to mathematics education of children through long term, national efforts: • • • • • Elaboration of National Standards for the Preservice Elementary and High School Teachers. Materials (books and Audiovisual) for Preservice Elementary and High School Teachers Inservice Teachers Training in Mathematics Research Seminar in Teaching and Learning School Mathematics and Math Tournament for School Students (with USACH Collaboration with Ministry of Education, CIAE, Universities at national level, Michigan State University, Texas Education Energy spin off • • • • Smart grid Risk Analysis of network and generation failures Renewal -micro generation FONDAP--> CMM and CDEC-SING ---> HPC Environment spin off • • • Environmental Modeling with Emphasis on the Dispersion of Atmospheric Tracers and their Impacts South American Emission, Megacities and Climate FONDAP --> CMM • • • • INRIA initiative INRIA France Technological Transfer Energy, Bioinformatics, Natural Resources CORFO grant supporting INRIA-Lab in Santiago-10 years project The NLHPC project • To establish a high performance computing (HPC) capacity in Chile, making it available to all research groups in the country and to promote its use in the large and multi scale problems of Chilean industry • Connectivity and cooperation ! • Near 100 research groups associated to NLHPC The NLHPC project Leftraru 128 Nodos HP SL250, 2640 cores 12 Xeon Phi 5110p 274TB de almacenamiento Competition to use Leftraru for one month National initiatives • Ministerios: Educación, Energía, Minería, Telecomunicaciones, Interior • Público: IFOP, INTA, Fundacion Chile, Academia de Ciencias, Colegio de Ingenieros, CMAT, Embajada EEUU, U. Andres Bello. • Centros de Excelencias. Energía, Medioambiente, Centro Genómico, Neuro ciencias, Sistemas Complejos Ingeniería, Biotecnología, Educación, INIA, Neuro Cirujía. • Encuentro Centros de Excelencia • NLHPC • Comisión Presidencial • Congreso del Futuro • Centro de regulación Financiera • Empresas: Codelco, CAP, Escondida, GesEcology, BioSigma, Empresas Salmones, Antofagasta Mineral, CSAV, Viñas, Aquagen, Metro, Ediciones SM, Fundacion Luksik Gracias