CENTER FOR SECURITY STUDIES HELLENIC POLICE FIRE SERVICE COAST GUARD GENERAL SECRETERIAT FOR CIVIL PROTECTION Dr. Georgios Leventakis Senior Security Expert NATIONAL INTELLIGENCY AGENCY FCT 14 - 2014 FCT 14 - 2014: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 2: Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens - Community policing KEMEA • Combines Research and End Users Experience (18 active officers from Police and First Responders Agencies + 35 Senior Researchers) • Participates in more than 25 on going projects under FP 7 in the Security Theme (+ 7 Projects to start within 2014) • Intention to lead a consortium • Strong Relationship with LEA’s FCT 14 - 2014 • KEMEA could: – Review the existing National and EU Policies in Community Policing – Analyze needs and requirements of users, such as National and local Law Enforcement Agencies. – Support to the Identification of Best Practices for cooperation between Police and Citizens – Provide training to Law Enforcement Agents – Assist to the Legal – Data Privacy and Ethical Issues – Support the Design and Use of Smart Apps and Innovative solutions CENTER FOR SECURITY STUDIES Contact : Georgios Leventakis Cell: +30 6978994406