Unit 4: Origins & Evolution

Unit 4: Origins & Evolution
o Eventually switch to DNA (more stable)
Dead Planet: getting to biological molecules
First Cells (Prokaryotes)
Abiotic: Nonliving when formed 4.6 billion years ago
o No nucleus or membrane bound organelles, small
Conditions: lightning, volcanoes, meteorites, UV radiation
More complex cells (Eukaryotes)
Atmosphere: WHAM (H2O, H2, NH3, CH4)
More complex (Eukaryotes)
o Reducing atmosphere: H added; favors organic
o Membrane bound nucleus and organelles
molecules, adds electrons, causes molecule to
o Membrane infolding*
(Autogenous Model):
Eukaryotic cells evolved by specialization of internal
Abiotic Synthesis of Organic Monomers (Stage 1)
membranes derived from prokaryotic plasma
o Organic (living or has carbon) Monomers (building
Cell Structures: Endomembrane System &
o Idea by Oparin (1920): Gases + Energy =
membrane enclosed organelles
Evidence: double & endomembranes
o Tested by Miller–Urey (1953): WHAM + Energy =
o Endosymbiosis*
(Endosymbiotic Model):
Certain prokaryotic species, called endosymbionts,
o Can't happen today: an oxidizing atmosphere where
lived within larger prokaryotes
O2 attacks chemical bonds & Ozone screens UV
Mutualism symbiosis: both benefited
Explains double membrane organelles
1st Polymer or Polymerization (Stage 2)
▫ Chloroplasts: autotrophic prokaryotes
o Concentration of Monomers + Energy = polymer
▫ Mitochondria: aerobic heterotrophs
 Dilute solutions vaporize on hot
Evidence: Similarities to prokaryotes
rocks/clay/sand &Metals ions catalyze
▫ Small size, reproduce by binary fission
reactions that form polymers
▫ Have circular DNA, transcription,
 Tested by Fox: form polypeptides, abiotically
translation, & replication
formed chains of amino acids (a monomer)
RNA the first genetic molecule (stage 3)
▫ Inner membranes & ribosomes
o Replicate themselves, use ribozymes:
Increased complexity often makes more variation possible
Development of Cells – Recognizing life’s FORCES
Limits on cell size
F: Food/energy; constant input for growth & development
o Small: has enough DNA (stuff) to program & carry
O: Offspring; genetic material to pass on, Reproduces
out metabolism
R: Respond to environment; change in physiology /
Large: has enough surface area to transport all
materials necessary for the inside to function
C: Cells
Volume grows faster than surface area
E: Evolve; change over long spans of time
Inside parts can get materials fast via
S: Self control (Homeostasis); maintain internal
diffusion if there are multiple cells rather
than one large one
Path to Protocells
o Easily controlled by one nucleus
Molecular cooperation (1st form)
o Has compartmentalization
o Abiotically produced macromolecules aggregate and
Aggregates of colonies:
stabilize each other. RNA binds AA making 1st
o Increasing cellular specialization & division of labor
polypeptides which stabilize RNA as it copies self
o Loss of flagella
Protobionts* (2nd form)
o Separation of sex cells from body tissues
o Aggregates of abiotically created molecules are
created within a membrane (occurs spontaneously)
o Multicellular algae: 1.2 billon years ago
 Grow by absorbing other protobionts &
divide by splitting when too big (not
evenly) = O
 Respond to the environment by discharging
the electric potential in the membrane = R
 Selectively permeable membrane = C
 Maintain an internal environment different
from external = S
Added Molecular Cooperation (3rd form)
o Protobionts with enzymes inside acting like chemical
factories = F
o Need heredity, RNA, simple can copy itself = O & E
o Best suited RNAs remain; incorporated into
o Through “natural selection” RNA + protobiont