Patient Centered Care

Selected QSEN KSA’s
(This list can be provided to
students on a separate sheet
before the simulation)
Demonstrate knowledge of basic
scientific methods and processes ( K)
Describe reliable sources for locating
scientific evidence about SIRS and sepsis
Explain how the validity and relevance
of available evidence influences the
interventions (K)
Locate evidence based reports related
to clinical practice/topics ( S)
Value the need for continuous
improvement in clinical practice based
on new knowledge (A)
Integrate multiple dimensions of
patient centered care ( K)
Value seeing health care through the
patient’s eyes (A)
Communicate patient values,
preferences and needs to other
members of the health team (S)
Value the active participation with
patients or designated surrogates in
planning, implementing and evaluating
care (A)
What the Student will do
during the simulation
Prior to the simulation :
Identify one clinical question about Multiple
Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, and find
evidence to determine best practice for the
question you indentify.
Research one article to explain the rationale
for the Sepsis Bundle protocol. Compare
your information with others in the online
Use information literacy criteria to determine
the validity and reliability of the information
you researched.
Modify the plan of care when the patient
experiences an undesired outcome (
pulmonary edema)
Communicate therapeutically with the
patient’s family , considering caregiver role
strain and guilt
Consider cultural and developmental factors
when assessing the patient’s pain
Acknowledge the family’s expertise, and
ensure they are involved in care decisions
Answer the family's questions clearly and
explain the treatment plan
Consider the patient's rights and wishes
related to end of life care and communicate
these to the health team members,
Debriefing and Reflection
Describe evidence based interventions that were
implemented to manage Systemic Inflammatory
Response Syndrome and septic shock for this
Which sources did you utilize to find evidence
based information?
What modification was made when there was an
unintended outcome?
Did you feel there was any conflict with the
patient’s values or preferences?
How has evidence based practice improved
outcomes for patients with sepsis?
Describe the level of “caring” that was
demonstrated in communication with this patient
and family.
What was being done to facilitate the
patient/family’s empowerment and shared
decision making?
How did developmental level and culture
influence your interventions for the patient's pain
and discomfort?
(For the patient’s daughter) Describe the extent
to which you felt were involved in the care being
provided to your family member.
Provide patient centered care with
sensitivity and respect for human
diversity (S)
Assess own level of communication skill
in encounters with the patient and
family (S)
Examine human and environmental
factors that impact patient safety (K)
Use strategies to reduce reliance on
memory (S)
Use error reporting systems for error
reporting (S)
Participate in root cause analysis to
analyze errors (S)
Implement specific interventions
addressed in the National Patient Safety
Goals (S)
Communicate observations or concerns
related hazards or errors to members of
the health care team (S)
Describe factors that create a culture of
safety ( K)
Demonstrate effective use of standard
practices to support patient safety (S)
(recognize and intervene when patient’s
status changes)
Perform a physical assessment, comparing
findings with textbook norms for the geriatric
What psychosocial and ethical considerations
guided communication with the patient’s
What cultural considerations influenced the care
for this patient?
National Patient Safety Goals
 Identify a “Do not use” abbreviation
and implement appropriate action
Complete a medication reconciliation
Validate the accuracy of telephone
orders through “ read back and
Respond immediately to critical lab
Identify a change in patient’s
condition and call a “Rapid response”
Utilize an organized format to
provide hand-off communication
Scan the environment to identify threats to
patient safety and address problems.
Provide feedback to ancillary staff when
asepsis is broken
Take appropriate action when a wrong IV
solution is hanging. ( reporting and root
cause analysis)
Utilize strategies to validate information and
to decrease reliance on memory.
How did the nurse use initiative to resolve issues
related to patient safety?
What signs of multiple organ dysfunction did the
patient exhibit and how did these impact safety?
How did nurse implement strategies to minimize
distraction and chaos during the stress of
managing an unstable patient”?
Describe factors that create a “culture of safety”
in health care.
What were possible root causes of the error that
occurred in the simulation? What steps should
the nurse take to prevent such errors in the
How did the implementation of the sepsis bundle
protocol contribute to patient safety?
What are the criteria for a rapid response and
which of these did you identify in this scenario?
Which National Patient Safety goals were met
during this scenario?
What environmental factors did the nurse
consider to ensure safety for this patient?
Describe the scope of practice and roles
of health team members (K)
Communicate assessment findings to the
health care team, using SBAR format.
Describe how interdisciplinary collaboration
helped promote safe patient outcomes
Function competently within own scope
of practice as a member of the health
care team. (S)
Delegate appropriate tasks to unlicensed
personnel and provide corrective action as
needed to ensure patient safety.
What led to your request to call for help?
Initiate requests for help when
appropriate to the situation. (S)
Collaborate with other members of the
health team (respiratory therapist, radiologic
technician, case manager )
Collaborate and communicate with
health team members to ensure
continuity of care (S)
Initiate actions to resolve conflict (S)
Report critical information to the members of
the Rapid Response team
Manage conflict proactively when the
resident asks the daughter to leave
Describe the respective roles and responsibilities
during the crisis?
Describe the strengths and limitations of the
teamwork in this scenario.
Explain how conflict was resolved?
How did the various team members prevent gaps
in communication?
Provide a comprehensive report to ICU
Identify gaps between actual and best
practices in this simulation (S)
Identify tools that can be used to collect
data to understand variations in care (K)
Describe approaches for changing
processes of care (K)
Seek information about Quality
Improvement projects in the care
setting (S)
Work in a small group in the classroom or
online to create a simulated quality
Improvement project to reduce the incidence
of nosocomial urinary catheter infections
 Identify factors in the scenario that
would contribute to infection risk
 Explain how data would be collected
 Design a plan to effect a change to
reduce the incidence of nosocomial
 Explain how outcomes would be
How would you describe the quality of care in
this scenario?
Who is responsible for quality in a health care
Describe the steps you would encounter in
designing a quality improvement project to
prevent nosomcomial urinary tract infections.
How can the nurse motivate staff to implement
changes directed to improve quality care?
If you could experience this simulation again,
what would you do differently?