Western Australian Census 1859 Report on the general statistics of the colony for the year 1859 by Alfred Durlacher, Registrar General TABLE 1 – The proportion of the population. (p. 4.) B17:M22 Variable name V1 Proport V2 Totpopml V3 Totpopfl V4 Adultml V5 Adultfl V6 Adulttot V7 Marrml V8 Marrfl V9 Marrtot V10 Adsnml V11 Adsnfl V12 Adsntot Variable label Proportion of the population Total population - males Total population - females Adult - males Adult - females Adult - total Married - males Married - females Married – total Adult, single – males Adult, single - females Adult, single - total Table 2 – Increase in districts (p. 4b) B23:H25 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Variable name District Males Females Total Incmales Incrfmls totincr Variable label District Males Females Total Increase in males per cent Increase in females per cent Total increase per cent. Table 3- Proportion of the Sexes (p. 5) B23:D36 Variable name V1 District V2 Adultmale V3 Proport 1 Variable label District MORE SINGLE ADULT MALES THAN FEMALES 100 MEN TO ABOUT FEMALES Table 4: Marital status of adult males on 31ST DECEMBER, 1859 (p. 5b) B18:I23 Include note on military V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 Variable name Marstat Civilian Military Totfree Expcpm Tilemen Prisoner totprtlm Variable label Marital status Free Civilians Military Total who arrived in the Colony as free men, or who was born therein Expirees and Conditional Pardon Men Ticket-of-Leave Men Prisoners Total who arrived in the Colony as Prisoners or Ticket-of-Leave Men Table 5 - THE AGES OF THE POPULATION (p. 6) B20:E31 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 6 - Not including Military, Prisoners, or Ticket-of-Leave Men in Depot, the ages of married and single (p. 6b) B18:F24 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Variable name Ages marstat MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Ages Marital status MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 7 – Male as classed under Free and Bond, the ages, including all classes (p. 6c) B15:D21 Variable name V1 Ages V2 Free V3 Bond 2 Variable label Ages Free Bond Table 8 - RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS (p. 7) C14:J17 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 Variable name Status Cheng wesley indep othprot totprot churrome jewmahpa Variable label Status Church of England Wesleyans Independents Other Protestants Total Protestants Church of Rome Jews, Mahometans Pagans Table 9 - Comparison with 1854, not including Prisoners or Ticket-of Leave Men in Depot (p. 8) B16:G22 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Variable name year Cheng wesley othprot totprot churrome Variable label Year Church of England Wesleyans Other Protestants Total Protestants Church of Rome Table 10 – Religion (p. 8b) B16:F26 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 3 Variable name Religion Sex Number perchu percent Variable label Religion Sex Number Percentage of each Church Percentage of population by sex Table 11 - COUNTRY OF BIRTH (p.8c) B15:I18 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 Variable name Sex England Ireland Scotland Wales OthBrPr WestAust Foreign Variable label Sex England Ireland Scotland Wales Other British Possession Western Australia Foreigners Table 12 – OCCUPATIONS (p. 9) B15:D20 Variable name V1 Occupatn V2 Increase V3 Percincr Variable label Occupation Increase Percentage of increase Table 13 - ADULT FREE IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION (THE LATTER INCLUDING EXPIRES AND CONDITIONAL PARDON MEN) (p.9b) B15:N20 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 4 Variable name Year Immim Immif immtot Emigm Emigf emigtot eximml eximfm eximtot exemml exemfm exemtot Variable label Year Immigration – male Immigration – female Immigration - total Emigration - male Emigration – female Emigration - total Excess of Immigration – male Excess of Immigration – female Excess of Immigration - total Excess of Emigration – male Excess of Emigration – female Excess of Emigration - total Table 14 - TOTALS FREE ADULTS (p. 9c) B17:D22 Variable name V1 Year V2 Eximm V3 Exemi Variable label Year Excess of Immigration Excess of Emigration Table 15 - TOTALS OF ALL AGES (p.10) B12:D17 Variable name V1 Year V2 Eximm V3 Exemi Variable label Year Excess of Immigration Excess of Emigration Table 16 – EDUCATION (p. 10b) B14:G16 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Variable name sex readwrite readonly read notwrite notrewr Variable label Sex Who could read and write Who could read only Who could read Who could not write Who could neither read nor write Table 17 - The total Expenditure under this head since the introduction of Convicts in 1850 (pounds sterling) (p. 11) B18:F28 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 5 Variable name Year Military Convict OthCivSv Total Variable label Year Military Convict Other Civil Services Total Table 18 - Effect of the introduction of Convicts on the Colony (p. 12) B16:G18 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Variable name Years ImpExp Colexp exports shiptons acres Variable label Years The Imperial Expenditure (pounds sterling) The Colonial Revenue (pounds sterling) The Exports (pounds sterling) The Tonnage of Ships arriving No. of Acres cultivated Table 19 - Increase in wealth since the introduction of Convicts on the Colony (p.12b) B15:E20 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Descrip prior since increase Variable label Description PREVIOUS TO THE INTRODUCTION OF CONVICTS SINCE THE INTRODUCTION OF CONVICTS INCREASE PER CENT Table 20 - COLONIAL REVENUE (p.12c) L5:R40 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Variable name Items year1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Variable label Items 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 Table 21 - COLONIAL EXPENDITURE (p. 14) B7:H40 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 6 Variable name Items year1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Variable label Items 1854 (pounds sterling) 1855 (pounds sterling) 1856 (pounds sterling) 1857 (pounds sterling) 1858 (pounds sterling) 1859 (pounds sterling) Table 22 - REPAYMENT OF DEBTS (p. 14b) B17:C23 Variable name Variable label V1 Debts Debts V2 Amount Amount (pounds sterling) TABLE 23 - IMPORTS from 1854 to 1859 inclusive (value in pounds sterling) (p. 15) B7:H70 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Variable name Items year1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Variable label Items 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 Table 24 - expenditure on imported Tobacco, spirits and fermented liquors, 1850 to 1859 (p.16) B29:D37 Variable name V1 Item V2 Amount V3 average Variable label Item Amount (pounds sterling) Yearly Average Table 25 - imported beverages (p. 17) B12:C16 Variable name Variable label V1 Item Item V2 Gallons Gallons Table 26 - Imported items which could be produced by the colony (p. 17c) B17:C21 Variable name Variable label V1 Item Item V2 Amount Amount (pounds sterling) 7 Table 27 - reduction in imports of staples (p. 17d) B16:E20 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Item Year1 Year2 decrease Variable label Items 1854 to 1856 (lbs) 1857 to 1859 (lbs) decrease (lbs) Table 28 - increase in agriculture (p. 17e) B15:E20 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Item Year1 Year2 increase Variable label Items 1854 1859 Percentage INCREASE Table 29 - Importation of Tea, Coffee and Sugar, 1854 to 1859 (in lbs.) (p. 18) B17:F20 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Variable name Item Year1 Year2 avp1854 avp1859 Variable label Items 1854 1859 AVERAGE TO EACH PERSON 1854 AVERAGE TO EACH PERSON 1859 Table 30 - Importations of tobacco, cigars and snuff and rice, 1854 to 1859 (in lbs.) (p. 18b) I8:L12 V1 V2 V3 V4 8 Variable name Item Year1 Year2 decrease Variable label Items 1854 TO 1856 INCLUSIVE 1857 TO 1859 INCLUSIVE Decrease in lbs. Table 31 - Importation of Hardware, cutlery, soap and candles, 1854 to 1859 (pounds sterling) (p. 18d) B12:E15 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Item year1 year2 increase Variable label Items 1854 TO 1856 INCLUSIVE 1857 TO 1859 INCLUSIVE INCREASE Table 32 - THE SHIPPING INWARDS (p. 18e) Use the table in the Census B12:F14 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Variable name Item year1 year2 increase Increasep Variable label Items 1854 1859 INCREASE INCREASE PER CENT Table 33 - EXPORTS (value in pounds sterling) (p. 19) B7:H39 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 Variable name Items year1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Variable label Items 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 Table 34 - The Values of the Exportations of other articles during the last six years (value in pounds sterling) (p. 19b) B14:D20 Variable name V1 Item V2 year1 V3 year2 9 Variable label Items 1854 TO 1856 INCLUSIVE 1857 TO 1859 INCLUSIVE Table 35 - The increase of Cultivation, 1859 on 1854 (acres) (p.20b) B22:D34 Variable name V1 Item V2 acres V3 increase Variable label Items acres Per cent increase Table 36 - INCREASE OF TOTAL CULTIVATION OF WHEAT INCLUDING FALLOWED AND CLEARED LAND (p.21) B19:D28 Variable name V1 district V2 incacre V3 acres Variable label District Increase in acres acres Table 37 - number of Stock in 1859 (p. 21b) M12:Q16 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Variable name stock number increase percent average Variable label Stock Number Increase Percentage increase Average annual per centage TABLE 38 - CROWN LANDS GRANTED AND SOLD IN ACRES (p. 22) B5:H24 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 10 Variable name District year1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Year6 Variable label District 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 Table 39 - CROWN LANDS LEASED SINCE 1852 IN ACRES (p. 25) B5:F13 Huge number of notes to add V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Variable name YEAR CLASS A CLASS B TILLAGE TOTAL Variable label YEAR CLASS A CLASS B TILLAGE TOTAL Table 40 - POST OFFICE (p. 28) B5:E15 V1 V5 V6 V7 Variable name Items year1 year2 Year3 Variable label Items 1857 1858 1859 Table 41 – DEATHS (p. 30) B5:E15 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 42 - THE CAUSES OF DEATH (p. 30b) B8:E19 V1 V2 V3 V4 11 Variable name Causes MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Causes MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 43 - CAUSES of DEATH in six years from 1st January, 1854, to 31st December, 1859 (p. 31) B53:AO94 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 V40 12 Variable name causes und1male und1fml und1tot und3male und3fml und3tot und5male und5fml und5tot tot5male tot5fml tot5tot und15mal und15fml und15tot und20mal und20fml und20tot und30mal und30fml und30tot und40mal und40fml und40tot und50mal und50fml und50tot und60mal und60fml und60tot ovr60mal ovr60fml ovr60tot toto5mal toto5fml toto5tot totmale Totfml tottot Variable label DISEASE AND CAUSE OF DEATH Under 1 years– male Under 1 year – female Under 1 year - total 1 to 3 years – male 1 to 3 years – female 1 to 3 years - total 3 to 5 years – male 3 to 5 years – female 3 to 5 years – total Total under 5 years – male Total under 5 years – female Total under 5 years – total 5 to 15 years – male 5 to 15 years – female 5 to 15 years – total 15 to 20 years - female 15 to 20 years - male 15 to 20 years - total 20 to 30 years - male 20 to 30 years - female 20 to 30 years - total 30 to 40 years – male 30 to 40 years – female 30 to 40 years - total 40 to 50 years – male 40 to 50 years – female 40 to 50 years - total 50 to 60 years – male 50 to 60 years – female 50 to 60 years - total 60 years and upwards – male 60 years and upwards – female 60 years and upwards - total Total 5 years and upwards – male Total 5 years and upwards – female Total 5 years and upwards - total GRAND TOTAL – male GRAND TOTAL – female GRAND TOTAL- total Table 44 - Age at death, 1854 to 1859 summary (p. 33) B5:E12 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Ages MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 45 - The causes of death in children under 1, 1854 to 1859 (p. 33b) B5:E22 V1 V2 V3 V4 Variable name Causes MALES FEMALES TOTAL Variable label Causes MALES FEMALES TOTAL Table 46 - RETURN of the number of Diseases treated in the Colonial Hospital, Perth, from 1st January, 1857, to 31st December, 1859 (p. 34) J6:L71 Variable name V1 disease V2 cases V3 deaths Variable label Diseases NUMBER OF CASES TREATED NUMBER OF DEATHS Table 47 - CHARGES of MISDEMEANORS before the POLICE COURTS in WESTERN AUSTRALIA during 1859, against the FREE POPULATION and TICKET-OF-LEAVE MEN (p. 37) B30:BJ51 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 13 Variable name crime perthfrem perthexpm perthdpm perthtlm perthfeml perthtot fremfre fremexpm frecpm fretlm frefeml fretotl Variable label Crime Perth – free [males] Perth – expirees [males] Perth - Conditional Pardon Men Perth - Ticket-of-Leave Men Perth - Females Perth - total Fremantle – free [males] Fremantle – expirees [males] Fremantle - Conditional Pardon Men Fremantle - Ticket-of-Leave Men Fremantle - Females Fremantle - total V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50 V51 V52 V53 V54 V55 V56 V57 V58 V59 V60 V61 14 Guilfrem Guilexpm Guilcpm Guiltlm guilfml Guiltotl Yorkfrem Yorkexpm Yorkcpm Yorktlm Yorkfml yorktot Toodfrem toodexpm toodcpm Toodtlm Toodfml Toototl Bunbfrem Bunbexpm Bunbcpm Bunbtlm Bunbfml Bunbtot Vassfrem Vassexpm Vasscpm Vasstlm Vassfml vasstot albfrem Albexpm Albcpm Alvtlm Albfml Albtot Victfrem victexpm Victcpm Victtlm Victfml victtotl Totlfrem Totlexpm Totlcpm totltlm Totlfml totltot Guilford – free [males] Guilford – expirees [males] Guilford - Conditional Pardon Men Guilford - Ticket-of-Leave Men Guilford - Females Guilford - total York – free [males] York – expirees [males] York - Conditional Pardon Men York - Ticket-of-Leave Men York - Females York - total Toodyay – free [males] Toodyay – expirees [males] Toodyay - Conditional Pardon Men Toodyay - Ticket-of-Leave Men Toodyay - Females Toodyay - total Bunbury – free [males] Bunbury – expirees [males] Bunbury - Conditional Pardon Men Bunbury - Ticket-of-Leave Men Bunbury - Females Bunbury - total Vasse – free [males] Vasse – expirees [males] Vasse - Conditional Pardon Men Vasse - Ticket-of-Leave Men Vasse - Females Vasse - total Albany – free [males] Albany – expirees [males] Albany - Conditional Pardon Men Albany - Ticket-of-Leave Men Albany - Females Albany - total Victoria – free [males] Victoria – expirees [males] Victoria - Conditional Pardon Men Victoria - Ticket-of-Leave Men Victoria - Females Victoria - total Total – free [males] Total – expirees [males] Total - Conditional Pardon Men Total - Ticket-of-Leave Men Total - Females Total - total Table 48 - Civil Court (p.40) B28:O44 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 Variable name court charges year1pds year1shl year1pnc year2pds year2shl year2pnc year3pds year3shl year3pnc year4pds year4shl year4pnc Variable label Court Charges 1856(pounds 1856 (shillings) 1856 (pence) 1857(pounds 1857 (shillings) 1857 (pence) 1858(pounds 1858 (shillings) 1858 (pence) 1859(pounds 1859 (shillings) 1859 (pence) Table 45 – Causes of death children under 1 year Variable Groups Population Table 1 – Proportion of population Table 2 – Increase in districts Table 3 – Proportion of sexes Table 4 – Adult males marital status Table 5 - Ages Table 6 – Free men ages Table 7 – Males, free and bond Table 14 – Free adult males Table 15 – Totals all ages Death and Disease Table 41 - Deaths Table 42 – Causes of death Table 43 – Causes of death 1854 to 1859 Table 44 – Age at death 1854 to 1859 15 Table 46 - Diseases Religion Table 8 – Religious denominations Table 9 – Comparison with 1854 Table 10 – Religious denominations by sex Education Table 16 Occupation Table 12 Emigration and Immigration Table 11 – Country of birth Table 13 – Adult free immigration and emigration Agriculture Table 28 – Agriculture comparison with 1854 Table 35 – Increase in cultivation with 1854 Table 36 - Wheat Table 37 - Stock Revenue and Expenditure Table 17 – Total expenditure since Convicts Table 18 – Effects of convicts on Colony Table 19 – Increase in wealth since Convicts Table 20 – Colonial revenue Table 21 – Colonial expenditure Table 22 – Payment of debts Imports Table 23 – Imports 1854 to 1859 Table 24 – Expenditure tobacco, spirits etc. Table 25 – Imported beverages Table 26 – Imported items which could be produced by the Colony Table 27 – Reduction of imports of staples Table 29 – Importation of tea, coffee & sugar Table 30 – Importation of tobacco products and rice 16 Table 31 – Importation of hardware etc. Exports Table 33 – Exports (pounds sterling) Table 34 – Exports 1854 to 1859 Land Table 38 – Crown lands granted & sold Table 39 – Crown lands leased Post office Table 40 Courts and Police Table 47 – Police Court Table 48 – Civil Court 17