Personal Solid Waste Inventory

Personal Solid Waste Inventory
Name ___________________________
Date _______________
Purpose: The purpose of this project is for the students to inventory all solid waste items used in a sevenday period which would enter the waste-stream or be recycled.
Student Objectives: Students will become more aware of their overall resource use (number and type of
materials) and more familiar with various approaches which may reduce the number of overall
“throughput” they have in a given period of time. We all rely on many resources, materials, and products
in our daily lives, many of which are used by the consumer for a relatively short time. The physical act of
recording items used on the Solid Waste Inventory (S.W.I.) This tally sheet has the potential to serve as a
distinct memory for those who thoroughly and honestly complete the assignment.
Background information: Review the sample list of “Solid Waste Items” to record on the required solid
waste inventory and the items which are to be carried and those not to be carried, for those who choose to
do “the carry” option.
Materials: Solid Waste Inventory Tally Sheet (all students) and brown paper grocery bags (or other bag
type) and spring scales for “Carry” folks. Bag(s) should have an AP Envi. Science S.W.A.G. label listing
student name and period.
Procedure: All students are to keep a running inventory of their solid wastes throughout the week, with a
final tally of the number of items in each major material category (paper, paperboard/cardboard, plastic,
aluminum, styrofoam, mixed materials, glass, etc. being tabulated at the end of this time. Students will
save all of their solid waste for a total of 7 days. If the item might present a health concern, such as used
hygiense items and food waste just take a picture of it and record it in your tally sheet. On the last day
students will bring their bags to school to mass their waste materials by category, using spring scales, then
calculate a total mass of all their annual solid waste production based on this seven day period. A total
solid waste mass for the entire class, may then be determined.
For a 10%/1 grade bonus on this assignment – students may choose to carry all solid waste materials
which they use. Students must carry all solid waste materials which they generate/use during the assigned
seven day inventory period, except materials which may be a concern. Students must carry their solid
waste bag(s) in a visible manner with them at all times during the school day. Students cannot simply
store their solid waste bag in their locker, a class, car, or hide it in your back pack. You must educate 2
students per day on what you are doing and generate some awareness between them and their trash. The
educated students will sign your bag. (Students participating in a sport or other extracarricular activity do
not have to carry their solid waste bag(s) during this activity.) You will also need to educate your teachers
(1 per day) on what you are doing and why, and have them sign your bag.
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated based on completion of the Solid Waste Inventory Tally sheet and
responses to the project questions.
Important Terms: 1. Ecoindustrial revolution
2. Life-cycle analysis
3. Low-waste households/communities
4. Municipul solid waste (MSW)
5. Sanitary landfill
6. Service-flow economy
7. Solid Waste
8. “Throughputs”
9. Various ways of dealing with solid waste: Burial in Landfill, Composing,
Incineration, Recycling, Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Alternative products
Modified from Ben Smith
Items that could not go in your S.W.A.G. Bag
Description of Item (napkins, food, etc.)
Approximate Total Mass – Compare to what you Massed (g / lbs)
Modified from Ben Smith
Approximate Mass (g/lbs)
Solid Waste Inventory
Tally Sheet
Date ______________________ Per/Box#_______
Directions: Complete the Tally Sheet for your solid waste inventory; then complete the questions
which follow; use additional paper if you need more space. After tallying, use spring scales to mass each
category of solid waste materials and record values in appropriate spaces. Use the “Other” category for
any materials which do not easily fit in those provide. After massing/recording, place items in the
designated bins/boxes at the front of the classroom. ---Thank you.
Tally Sheet
1. Total Plastic =__________(mass in grams or kilograms) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
Number of Pieces
Beverage containers/Lids
=_______________ Straws
Food Wrappers
=_______________ Forks/spoons =_______________
Non-food wrappers?
=_______________ Other plastic =_______________
2. Total Paper =__________(mass in g or kg) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
School-related papers =_______________
Store receipts =
Pages of Newspaper =_______________
Mail pieces =
Pages of Magazines =_______________
Pages of Catalogs
Paper Bags
Paper towels/napkins =
Toilet Paper (Est. Sqs)= _______________
Other paper
Number of Pieces
3. Total Paperboard/Cardboard =__________(mass in g or kg) =____________ in a year.
Paperboard pieces = ___________
4. Total Aluminum = __________(mass in g or kg) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
Number of Pieces
Cans =
All other Al Containors =
5. Total Glass = __________(mass in g or kg) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
Number of Pieces
Other Glass =_______________
6. Total Mixed Metals = __________(mass in g or kg) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
Assorted Tin and Other Metals = __________________
7. Total Styrofoam = __________(mass in g) =____________ in a year.
Number of Pieces
Assorted Styrofoam pieces = ________________
8. Total Other = __________(mass in g) =____________ in a year.
Description of item:
Modified from Ben Smith
1. Total Solid Waste Items for the 1 week inventory period
2. Total Solid Waste Items for the 1 year
3. Total Mass of Solid Waste Items for the 1 week period
4. Total Mass of Solid Waste Items for 1 year
5. Total Mass of Solid Waste Items for the class for 1 year
= __________ Items.
= __________ Items.
= __________ kg = ___________lbs.
= __________ kg = ___________lbs
= __________ kg = ___________lbs
1. Based on your observations of the solid waste materials displayed on all of the desks in the room,
what type or category of municipal solid waste seems to be the most abundant?
2. Describe three significant and specific environmetal impacts which are associated with the “life
cycle” of the material type which you identified in question 1 above.
3. If your parents completed this same solid waste project, how do you think their inventories would
differ, in terms of types and amounts of materials used in a week or in a year? In addition to your
thoughts on this matter, please discuss this question with your parents/gardian and record their
specific feedback regarding this point.
4. Did you alter your choices about foods eaten and/or intems purchased /used during the last seven
days, due to the type or amount packaging? Describe how your choices were modified during this
assignment. If you did the bonus portion of the inventory, (the carry), was there ever a decision
not to, for example, have a little orange juice, because it would mean needing to carry the large
juice container around in your solid waste bag(s)?
5. Discuss any aspects of this assignment that you found significant, meaningful, and/or worhtwhile.
Describe any experiences you may have had realting to this inventory/carrying of your MSW
around campus for seven days that you think are memorable.
6. Describe 3 things you could do to reduce your solid waste generation.
Modified from Ben Smith
APES Student______________________________ Per/Box#________
AP Environmental Science
Solid Waste
Awarenes Generation
“I Am the Sum of My Throughputs”
Teachers – Signatures
Modified from Ben Smith
Students - Signatures