ranges latitude

Social Studies:
Fossils Rivers and Mountains Dingler, Sanders, Wetherington, Whorton
Third Grade
Week Of September 21 - 25
Focused Standard/Element (s)
SS3G1 The student will locate
major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the
United States of America:
Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande,
Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain ranges
of the United States of America:
Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime
Meridian, and lines of latitude and
longitude on a globe.
d. Locate Greece on a world map.
SS3G1 The student will locate
major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the
United States of America:
Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande,
Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain
ranges of the United States of
America: Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime
Meridian, and lines of latitude
and longitude on a globe.
d. Locate Greece on a world
SS3G1 The student will locate
major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the
United States of America:
Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande,
Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain
ranges of the United States of
America: Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime
Meridian, and lines of latitude
and longitude on a globe.
d. Locate Greece on a world map.
WIDA Standard
Standard 4 ELL communicate
information, ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
Standard 4 ELL communicate
information, ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
Standard 4 ELL communicate
information, ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
Essential Question
What is a river and a mountain?
What are the major rivers in
the United States?
Activating Strategy
Name any rivers or mountains that
you are familiar with.
Do the Nearpod on Mountains and
Rivers. ( I emailed it to you.) If you
need to go on my Nearpod to get it
my username is ksanders@... And
my password is Hensley17.
Ask students what the difference
is in a river and a mountain.
Introduce the standard and the
EQ. Explain the directions to
making a flip book.
Study Island: Under All third
grade – Rivers and Mountains
practice. Work on the flip books
for the rivers. There are two.
Then have the students color and
label the rivers on the given map
What are the two major mountain
ranges in the United States?
Kahoot on Directions, Map Skills,
etc. (emailed to you)
Work on the flipbook for
mountains. Then have the
students label and color the
mountains on the map page.
Science: Fossils
Third Grade
page of the US.
Interactive Reading on Newsela
Interactive Reading on Newsela
Answer the question What is a
river? on the Social Studies Blog.
Answer the question What is a
river? on the Social Studies Blog.
SS3G1 The student will locate
major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the
United States of America:
Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande,
Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain ranges
of the United States of America:
Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime
Meridian, and lines of latitude and
longitude on a globe.
d. Locate Greece on a world map.
SS3G1 The student will locate
major topographical features.
a. Identify major rivers of the
United States of America:
Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande,
Colorado, Hudson.
b. Identify major mountain
ranges of the United States of
America: Appalachian, Rocky.
c. Locate the Equator, Prime
Meridian, and lines of latitude
and longitude on a globe.
d. Locate Greece on a world
WIDA Standard
Standard 4 ELL communicate
information, ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
Essential Question
Can I find information on the
internet about rivers and
Standard 4 ELL communicate
information, ideas, and concepts
necessary for academic success in
the area of science.
What do I know about rivers and
Activating Strategy
Have the students write the names
of the 5 rivers on their Instasketch
Differentiation Offered
Closure Activity
Focused Standard/Element (s)
Kahoot on Rivers and Mountains
(Emailed to you)
Leveled reading on maps, put into
red, gray, and black groups.
Additional Notes
Science: Fossils
Third Grade
App on their IPADS and let them
hold them up for you to scan check.
Work-Time Activities
Have the students do the
Internet Scavenger Hunt on
Rivers and Mountains. It is
linked on my OLC.
Do the Map Skills Jeopardy game
with the students as a review for
test next week.
Interactive Reading on Newsela
Interactive Reading on Newsela
Have students retell what they have
learned today.
Have students retell what they
have learned during this unit.
Differentiation Offered
Closure Activity