Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Monday, March 2nd, 2015: Concept: Where Volcanoes Form I. KWL Chart. In the first column (K) , you will record what you already know about volcanoes. In the second column (W), you will record what you want to know about volcanoes. In the third column (L), you will record what you have learned about volcanoes (you will fill this column out at the end of the google document) K-What do you know? W- What do you want to know? L- What did you learn? II. We will now watch the video segment “Introduction to Volcanoes” , use the video segment to answer the following questions. 1. How has scientific thought changed in regards to volcanoes? Hint: Mythology 2. What is the plate tectonic theory, and what does it state? 3. What is a subduction zone, and where can you find them? 1 Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org III. With a partner research the theory of plate tectonics and list the characteristics of the three types of plate boundaries. What is the plate tectonic theory? Convergent Divergent Transform IV. Class Notes Key Vocabulary Vocabulary Word Volcano Magma Lava Hot Spots 2 Definition Picture Example Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Class Notes Continued. CONCEPT CONVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARIES DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARIES HOT SPOTS MAFIC MAGMA 3 DESCRIPTION Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Concept: Where Volcanoes Form I. On my LEARN page under the “Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes”, in the “Volcanoes” folder, uploaded, is a reading passage titled “A Lot on Our Plates”. Identify the two different places where volcanoes form, according to the reading. II. You will fill out the following graphic organizer, that will allow you to make three separate flow charts. Using the video segments “How Does Plate Movement Generate Volcanoes?” and “Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics” COMPLETE YOUR FLOW CHARTS DESCRIBING THE SPECIFIC STEPS AT WHICH VOLCANOES FORM AT EACH LOCATION. At Convergent Boundaries 4 At Divergent Boundaries Over Hot Spots Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Wednesday, March 4, 2015- Concept: Where Volcanoes Form I. Assigned to you on Discovery Education is an exploration titled “Make Volcanoes Erupt”, complete the exploration, fill out the table, and answer the following questions. Density of Magma Amount of Silica Amount of Volatiles LESS LOW LOW LESS HIGH LOW LESS LOW HIGH LESS HIGH HIGH SIMILAR HIGH HIGH SIMILAR HIGH LOW SIMILAR LOW HIGH SIMILAR LOW LOW Eruption Questions to Answer: 1. When the density of magma is similar to surrounding rock, can there be an eruption? Why or why not? 2. When the amount of silica in magma is low, can there be a violent eruption? Why or why not? 3. What factors contribute to a violent volcanic eruption? 5 Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org II. We will then watch the video segment “Lava on Land and in Water”, and answer the following question. - III. What are the two different types of lava, and how are they characterized/different from each other? We will then watch the video segment “Volcanology: The Science of Predicting Volcanoes”, and answer the following question. - IV. What are some ways that volcanologists might predict volcanic eruptions? The following statements are FALSE. Identify why they are FALSE, and rephrase them, so that they are TRUE. ORIGINAL STATMENT TRUE/FALSE Volcanoes occur only on land. FALSE Volcanoes occur randomly across the Earth’s surface. FALSE All volcanoes are explosive. FALSE V. 6 WHY IS IT FALSE? MAKE IT TRUE. Complete the “L” column of your KLW chart from Monday, March 2nd. Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Thursday & Friday March, 5-6th, 2015: Concept: Types of Volcanoes Students- I will be out Thursday and Friday, because I will be taking my Biology test. I expect you to be on your best behavior. You behavior with your sub will determine whether or not we erupt volcanoes at the end of the volcano concepts (next week). You have various assignments to complete while I am gone. Directions: Assigned to you on Discovery Education is a board titled “Volcanoes- March 5th and March 6th”. This board contains all of the videos, reading passage and images that you will need to fill out the last sections of your google document. Assignment #1: Look at the two pictures of volcanoes on your board. The first picture is called “Volcano at Santa Maria” , the second picture is called “Volcano; composite”. Observe the two pictures, and describe the physical features of the volcanoes in each image, and note how the different volcanoes are both similar and different. Volcano at Santa Maria Volcano; Composite Assignment #2 Watch the video segment “Magma Inside the Earth” , and answer the following questions. 1. What are lava fountains? 2. What are lava curtains? 3. What is the difference between magma and lava? 7 Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org 4. How are rivers of fire created? 5. What type of rock is formed when lava cools and hardens? Give an example of this type of rock. 6. What are magma chambers? 7. How was Yosemite Valley formed? Assignment #3 Watch the two video segments that correspond to Assignment #3 “Types of Volcanoes” and “Different Types of Volcanoes”. Use both video segments to fill out the table below with the characteristics of each type of volcano. Shield Volcano 8 Composite Volcano Cinder Cone Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Assignment #4 With a partner read the reading passage “Magma the Magnificent Tells All”. -Define the word VISCOSITY - With your partner, write your own question to ask Magma, and answer it to the best of your ability, you may use other resources (google) to answer your question. QUESTION FOR MAGMA: MAGMA’S ANSWER: Assignment #5 Watch the two video segments for assignment #5 “Deadly Eruptions” and “Volcanoes: Destroyers and Creators of Life”. Use the video to fill out the following table. On the left hand column, brainstorm the different ways that volcanoes can be beneficial to the Earth, and to living things, on the right hand column, brainstorm different ways that volcanoes can be destructive. Different ways that Volcanoes can be beneficial to Earth, and living things. 9 Different ways that Volcanoes can be destructive to Earth, and living things. Unit: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes Concepts: Where Volcanoes form, Effects of Volcanoes, Types of Volcanoes Berumen_7th Grade Science: Class work for the week of MARCH 2- MARCH 6 EMAIL: marcelab@students.susd12.org Assignment #6 Poster assignment- Create a poster display of a specific volcano on Earth (any Volcano you want). - 10 Draw the volcano. Explain the type of volcano (is it a shield, composite, or cinder cone volcano?). List Previous Eruptions Explain how it formed in its location on Earth