AS Geography Questions complete set 2010-2014

AS Geography Questions: complete set by subject 2010-2014
Compiled in Elians Geography 2015
Hydrology and fluvial geomorphology
Summer 2010
1 Fig. 1 shows changing levels of the water table in an area and the location of two
(a) (i) Which valley will have flowing water only in the wet season? [1]
(ii) What is the process marked X? [1]
(iii) What is the zone marked Y? [1]
(iv) What is the zone marked Z? [1]
(b) Explain how water reaches, is stored in and removed from the zone below the
water table. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the terms solution load and suspension load as they apply to
transportation in rivers. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain the conditions under which rivers entrain (pick up) and transport
sediment load. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, describe and explain two landforms produced by
deposition in rivers. [8]
(c) Describe the processes of erosion in river channels. Illustrate your answer with
reference to the landforms produced. [10]
Winter 2010
1 Fig. 1 shows a storm hydrograph. Fill in your details at the top of the page and attach
it to your answer booklet or paper.
(a) On Fig. 1:
(i) mark and name the peak discharge; [1]
(ii) show lag time; [1]
(iii) draw a line indicating baseflow; [1]
(iv) label the recession limb. [1]
(b) Explain how, in a catchment area, the shape of a hydrograph can be affected by:
(i) geology and soils;
(ii) drainage density. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the terms discharge and velocity as they apply to river channels. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain what is meant by recurrence intervals in flood prediction. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, explain how rivers pick up (entrain), transport and
deposit sediment. [8]
(c) Describe the differences between a braided and a meandering stream channel.
What are the causes of these differences? [10]
Summer 2011
1 Photograph A shows features of a meander on the River Swale in North Yorkshire.
(a) Identify the features labelled in Photograph A.
(i) A
(ii) B [2]
(b) Describe the processes that lead to the features you have identified in (a). [5]
(c) Briefly explain how a floodplain is formed. [3]
7 (a) (i) Define the hydrological terms groundwater and springs. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe how groundwater recharge occurs. [3]
(b) Using diagrams, show how soils and vegetation within a catchment area (drainage
basin) can affect the shape of storm hydrographs. [8]
(c) Describe and explain the differences between the landforms found in braided and
meandering river channels. [10]
Winter 2011
1 Fig. 1 shows a storm hydrograph along with the characteristics of that drainage
(a) Calculate the lag time. [1]
(b) Identify the following features of the hydrograph.
(i) A
(ii) B
(iii) C [3]
(c) Explain how two of the catchment conditions given in Fig. 1 affect the shape of the
hydrograph. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the terms hydraulic action and solution as they apply to processes in a
river channel. [4]
(ii) Describe how variations in discharge could lead to braiding in a river channel. [3]
(b) With the use of diagrams, explain how a pool and riffle sequence may lead to the
development of meanders. [8]
(c) With reference to the Hjulstrom Curve, explain the relationship between velocity and
sediment size in terms of erosion, transportation and deposition in a river. [10]
Summer 2012
1 Fig. 1 shows water flows into a river channel.
(a) Name the flows marked on Fig. 1 as:
(i) A; [1]
(ii) B; [1]
(iii) C; [1]
(iv) D. [1]
(b) Briefly explain the ways in which precipitation reaches the river channel in Fig. 1. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the fluvial terms traction and suspension. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain the differences between laminar and turbulent flow in a river channel. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, explain how river erosion can produce waterfalls and rapids. [8]
(c) Describe how river floods occur. To what extent can the occurrence of floods be predicted
and their effects limited? [10]
Winter 2012
1 (a) Photograph A shows a meandering river. Draw a labelled diagram of the river
naming its main features and landforms. [4]
(b) Explain how the landforms you have identified are produced and how they might
develop in the future. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the terms interception and throughflow as they apply to water in a
drainage basin. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain how the shape of a storm hydrograph can be affected by drainage
basin shape. [3]
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain how drainage basins operate as a system of
inputs, outputs, stores and flows. [8]
(c) Explain how human activities might affect the flows and stores within a drainage
basin. [10]
Summer 2013
1 Fig. 1A shows two river catchments that have the same size and shape but different landuses. Fig. 1B shows a rainfall event that occurred in both catchments.
(a) Draw a labelled hydrograph for river X and a labelled hydrograph for river Y that show the
likely responses to the rainfall event shown in Fig. 1B. [6]
(b) Briefly explain the differences between the two hydrographs you have drawn in (a). [4]
7 (a) (i) Define the terms riffle and pool. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe helicoidal flow. [3]
(b) Draw a labelled diagram to show a braided river channel and its landforms and explain their
formation. [8]
(c) Describe how rivers erode their channels and explain to what extent river erosion has
contributed to the formation of waterfalls and rapids. [10]
Winter 2013
1 Fig. 1 shows a cross-section of a meandering river channel.
(a) (i) Briefly describe an erosional process at A. [2]
(ii) Briefly describe the river transport process at B. [2]
(b) Explain the formation of the main features of a meandering river channel. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the hydrological terms infiltration and overland flow. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe how evapotranspiration occurs. [3]
(b) Explain how rock type and soils can affect flows and stores of water in a drainage
basin. [8]
(c) Explain how river floods may be predicted and the extent to which they can be
prevented. [10]
Summer 2014
1 Fig.1 shows some features of a river valley.
(a) Identify the features marked:
(i) A, [1]
(ii) B, [1]
(iii) C, [1]
(iv) D. [1]
(b) Describe three features you identified in (a) and explain how each was formed. [6]
7 (a) (i) Define the hydrological terms surface storage and groundwater storage. [4]
(ii) Describe how saturated overland flow occurs. [3]
(b) For a similar rainfall event, draw a storm hydrograph for an urbanised catchment
area and a storm hydrograph for a forested catchment area. Explain the differences
between the two hydrographs. [8]
(c) To what extent does flooding in a catchment area only result from storm rainfall?
Winter 2014
1 Fig. 1 shows the plan form of a river channel.
(a) Identify the features labelled:
(i) A, [1]
(ii) B, [1]
(iii) C. [1]
(b) Draw a sketch cross-section of the channel from D to E. [2]
(c) Explain the processes responsible for the shape of the channel you have drawn in
(b). [5]
7 (a) (i) Define the hydrological terms throughfall and percolation. [4]
(ii) Describe how precipitation and infiltration can lead to overland flow. [3]
(b) Explain how the porosity and permeability of rocks and soils can affect the flows of
water in a drainage basin. [8]
(c) Discuss the view that river floods cannot be prevented but their effects can be
reduced. [10]
End of Hydrology questions
Atmosphere and weather
Summer 2010
2 Figs 2A and 2B show two temperature / height diagrams of different atmospheric
(a) (i) What is the name of the atmospheric condition shown in Fig. 2A? [1]
(ii) What is the name of the atmospheric condition shown in Fig. 2B? [1]
(iii) Give two differences between the ELR shown in Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B. [2]
(b) Explain how the cloud shown in Fig. 2A is formed and why a cloud is not formed in
Fig. 2B. [6]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms long wave radiation and short wave radiation. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain what is meant by a temperature inversion. [3]
(b) Explain how the global distribution of temperatures is influenced by areas of land
and sea. [8]
(c) What are greenhouse gases? Explain how build-ups of greenhouse gases are
caused and the effects they may have upon global warming. [10]
Winter 2010
2 Fig. 2 shows the distribution of night time temperatures across a large city.
(a) (i) State the location and temperature recorded at A. [1]
(ii) State the location and temperature recorded at B. [1]
(b) Describe the pattern of night time temperatures shown in Fig. 1. [3]
(c) Explain why the night time temperatures vary across the city. [5]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms water vapour and sublimation. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain what is meant by relative humidity. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, explain how land and sea breezes can affect the
weather experienced in coastal areas. [8]
(c) Explain how atmospheric stability, instability and conditional instability can produce
different weather conditions. [10]
Summer 2011
2 Fig. 1 shows a selection of average urban climatic conditions compared with
surrounding rural areas.
(a) Should the table state ‘more’ or ‘less’ in the place of:
(i) X,
(ii) Y? [2]
(b) Using Fig. 1, explain the differences in temperature and precipitation between an
urban and a rural area. [5]
(c) Give reasons why air pollution is higher in urban areas. [3]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms atmospheric stability and atmospheric instability. [4]
(ii) Describe the conditions which may lead to the formation of dew. [3]
(b) With the aid of a diagram, explain the generalised pattern of pressure and wind
systems in either the northern or southern hemispheres. [8]
(c) Explain how the greenhouse effect occurs in the earth’s atmosphere. How have
human activities affected it and with what consequences? [10]
Winter 2011
2 Fig. 2 shows an idealised global pattern of pressure and winds.
(a) (i) Identify the pressure area marked as A.
(ii) Identify the pressure areas marked as B. [2]
(b) (i) Name the winds marked as C.
(ii) Name the winds marked as D. [2]
(c) Explain how the pressure systems develop and how they influence the pattern of
global winds. [6]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms fog and dew. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe one set of conditions under which fog may be formed. [3]
(b) Using diagrams explain the differences between the local energy budget (the
heating and cooling of the atmosphere), during daytime and night-time. [8]
(c) Explain the extent to which the climate in rural areas differs from that of nearby
urban areas. [10]
Summer 2012
2 Fig. 2 is a diagram of unstable atmospheric conditions. Fill in your details at the top of
page 3 of the Insert and attach it to your answer booklet or paper.
(a) On Fig. 2 label:
(i) dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR); [1]
(ii) saturated adiabatic lapse rate (SALR); [1]
(iii) environmental lapse rate (ELR). [1]
(b) On Fig. 2, draw a towering cumulus cloud showing its location and vertical extent.
(c) Explain how instability occurs and describe the weather that may result. [5]
8 (a) (i) Briefly explain the atmospheric terms high pressure and low pressure. [4]
(ii) How do high and low pressure areas affect wind direction? [3]
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain the pattern of radiation excesses and deficits on
the Earth’s surface. Describe one way in which the transfer of heat from areas of
excess to deficit occurs. [8]
(c) Why is it important to understand the nature of greenhouse gases and how they can
affect global warming? [10]
Winter 2012
2 Fig. 1 shows the trend in night time temperatures across an urban area.
(a) Describe the trend in night time temperatures shown, supporting your answer with
data from Fig. 1. [4]
(b) Explain why the night time temperatures vary across an urban area such as that
shown in Fig. 1. [6]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms condensation and convection. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain the conditions needed for atmospheric stability. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, explain how the daytime and night time energy budgets
are different. [8]
(c) Describe the greenhouse effect. Explain how human activities may affect its
operation. [10]
Summer 2013
2 Fig. 2 shows the mean (average) temperatures in July.
(a) Describe the location of the area showing the highest mean (average)
temperatures. [2]
(b) Explain why the highest mean (average) temperatures are found in the location you
have described in (a) rather than at the equator. [4]
(c) Explain why temperatures recorded over land often differ from those recorded over
sea at the same latitudes. [4]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms evaporation and condensation. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the factors that influence the rate of evaporation. [3]
(b) With the aid of diagrams, explain how convectional rainfall and orographic rainfall
are produced. [8]
(c) Explain how greenhouse gases influence the temperature of the earth’s
atmosphere. To what extent could an increase in greenhouse gases lead to climate
change? [10]
Winter 2013
2 Fig. 2 shows, for various weather elements, the differences between a large urban
area and a nearby rural area. The differences are shown as positive and negative
percentage changes.
(a) Identify the weather element that shows:
(i) the largest percentage difference; [1]
(ii) the smallest percentage difference. [1]
(b) Describe the differences in precipitation shown in Fig. 2. [2]
(c) Explain why temperature and precipitation differ between urban areas and rural
areas. [6]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms sublimation and humidity. [4]
(ii) Describe one condition under which temperature inversion may occur. [3]
(b) With the aid of a diagram, explain the nature of orographic uplift of air and how it
may lead to the formation of rainfall. [8]
(c) Explain global warming and discuss its possible effects on global climate. [10]
Summer 2014
2 Fig. 2 shows the summer and winter temperatures for the central business district
(CBD) and rural areas of Melbourne, Australia.
(a) State the highest temperature recorded in Melbourne’s CBD. [1]
(b) Using Fig. 2, describe the pattern of the temperatures in summer and in winter for
the CBD and the rural areas. [4]
(c) Explain why temperatures are different between the CBD and the surrounding rural
areas. [5]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms fog and dew. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the albedo effect at the earth’s surface. [3]
(b) With the aid of a diagram, explain why some parts of the earth have an excess of
radiation energy and other areas have a deficit of radiation energy. [8]
(c) Explain how clouds and rainfall are produced. Suggest reasons why not all clouds
produce rainfall. [10]
Winter 2014
2 Fig. 2 shows the trend in five year average global temperature between 1860 and
(a) Describe the trend shown in Fig. 2. [4]
(b) Suggest reasons for the trend described in (a). [6]
8 (a) (i) Define dry adiabatic lapse rate and orographic uplift. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the conditions which lead to the formation of dew. [3]
(b) With the aid of a diagram or diagrams, explain how latitude influences the global
distribution of temperature and pressure. [8]
(c) Describe and explain the extent to which the climate of a large urban area differs
from that of the surrounding rural area. [10]
End of Atmosphere & Weather questions
Rocks and weathering
Summer 2010
3 Photograph A shows a landslide.
(a) Draw a fully labelled diagram identifying the main features of the landslide shown in
the photograph. [4]
(b) Explain how landslides occur and describe the effects that they may have upon
slopes. [6]
9 (a) (i) Define the weathering terms exfoliation and crystal growth (salt). [4]
(ii) Describe the process of freeze-thaw weathering. [3]
(b) Explain the influences upon weathering of:
(i) rock type and structure,
(ii) vegetation. [8]
Winter 2010
3 Fig. 3 shows the global distribution of tectonic plates.
(a) (i) Name the type of plate margin shown at X. [1]
(ii) Name the type of plate margin shown at Y. [1]
(b) Draw a labelled diagram to show the processes occurring at X. [4]
(c) Explain how volcanoes are produced at Y. [4]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms pressure release (dilatation) and crystal growth (salt
crystalisation) as they apply to rock weathering. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe spheroidal weathering. [3]
(b) Using diagrams, explain the operation of one type of slide and one type of flow on
slopes. [8]
(c) Explain how chemical weathering is influenced by climate, rock type and rock
structure. [10]
Summer 2011
3 Fig. 2 shows a landslide.
(a) Name and briefly describe the feature named A. [2]
(b) Name and briefly describe the feature named B. [2]
(c) Explain the role of rock type and structure in affecting the movement and stability of
slopes. [6]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms oxidation and freeze thaw. [4]
(ii) Explain the process of exfoliation. [3]
(b) Explain how the differences in the chemical composition of limestone and granite
lead to differences in the ways they are weathered. [8]
(c) With the aid of diagrams describe and explain the formation of landforms found
near convergent plate boundaries. [10]
Winter 2011
3 Fig. 3 is a diagram which relates climate to types of weathering.
(a) (i) What type of weathering would be dominant in an area with an annual
temperature of 24C and mean annual rainfall of 1800mm?
(ii) Which weathering process would be most dominant in an area with an annual
temperature of –12 C and mean annual rainfall of 600mm? [2]
(b) In what type of climate would ‘very slight weathering’ occur? Explain why
weathering would be limited in such a climate. [4]
(c) With reference to a specific process, explain why strong chemical weathering
occurs in that area shown in the graph. [4]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms flow and slide as they apply to mass movements. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe how a rock slide can affect the shape of a slope. [3]
(b) With the use of a diagram or diagrams, show how ocean trenches and island arcs
may develop at a convergent plate margin. [8]
(c) Explain how human activities can both increase and decrease mass movements on
slopes. [10]
Summer 2012
3 Table 1 shows two processes of chemical weathering.
(a) (i) Name the weathering process in A. [1]
(ii) Name the weathering process in B. [1]
(b) Briefly describe how climate can aid the operation of one of the processes shown in
Table 1.[3]
(c) Explain how the processes shown in Table 1 weather rock. [5]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms continental plate and oceanic plate. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the formation of a mid-ocean ridge. [3]
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain the formation of landforms at the destructive
plate margin formed by the meeting of two oceanic plates. [8]
(c) Describe the physical factors that can make a slope become unstable. To what
extent can human activities affect slope stability? [10]
Winter 2012
3 Fig. 2 shows the relationship between weathering processes and mean annual
temperature and rainfall.
(a) (i) Identify the main type of weathering occurring at A. [1]
(ii) Identify the main type of weathering occurring at B. [1]
(iii) Name a weathering process occurring at C. [1]
(iv) Name a weathering process occurring at D. [1]
(b) With reference to two different weathering processes explain how they are affected
by temperature and precipitation. [6]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms ocean ridges and island arcs. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the process of subduction. [3]
(b) With the help of diagrams, explain how fold mountains are formed at tectonic plate
margins. [8]
(c) Explain how mass movements can affect the development of slopes. [10]
Summer 2013
3 Fig. 3 shows a map of a plate boundary.
(a) (i) Identify the type of plate boundary shown on Fig. 3. [1]
(ii) Identify the type of plates shown on Fig. 3. [1]
(b) (i) Draw a labelled cross section diagram showing this type of plate boundary and
its associated landforms. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain the formation of this type of plate boundary and landforms. [4]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms humic acid and chelation. [4]
(ii) Briefly explain how hydration weathers rock. [3]
(b) With the aid of diagrams show how
(i) rock slides and
(ii) mud flows occur and can affect the shape of slopes. [8]
(c) Explain to what extent climate, vegetation and relief influence the weathering of
limestone. [10]
Winter 2013
3 Photograph A shows a mass movement in East Yorkshire, UK.
(a) (i) Name feature X. [1]
(ii) Name feature Y. [1]
(iii) Name the type of mass movement. [1]
(b) Describe the effect of the mass movement on the shape of the slope shown in
Photograph A. [3]
(c) Explain why a mass movement such as this may have occurred. [4]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms salt crystal growth and hydration. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the process of exfoliation. [3]
(b) Explain how human activities may affect the nature and intensity of weathering. [8]
(c) With the aid of diagrams, explain how the movement of tectonic plates leads to the
formation of mid-ocean ridges and island arcs. [10]
Summer 2014
3 Fig. 3 shows the relationships between weathering, climate and depth of weathered
(a) (i) State the difference in metres between the greatest depth of weathered material
in the area of strong physical weathering and in the area of strong chemical
weathering. [1]
(ii) State the range of mean annual precipitation shown in the area of strong chemical
weathering. [1]
(b) Briefly describe one type of weathering process that might occur in the area of
strong physical weathering. [3]
(c) Explain why the greatest depth of weathered material is found in the area of strong
chemical weathering. [5]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms heave and slide as they apply to mass movements. [4]
(ii) Describe how a mud flow occurs. [3]
(b) With the aid of diagrams, explain how ocean ridges and ocean trenches are formed.
(c) To what extent do rock type, vegetation and human activities affect the shape of
slopes? [10]
Winter 2014
3 Fig. 3 shows some features associated with plate tectonics.
(a) Identify the features labelled:
(i) W, [1]
(ii) X. [1]
(b) Identify the process occurring at:
(i) Y, [1]
(ii) Z. [1]
(c) Explain how fold mountains are formed at tectonic plate margins. [6]
9 (a) (i) Define the terms chelation and hydrolysis. [4]
(ii) Briefly describe the process of pressure release (dilatation). [3]
(b) Explain how vegetation, gradient and aspect may affect the nature and intensity of
weathering. [8]
(c) To what extent is mass movement on slopes the result of human activities rather
than natural processes? [10]
End of Rocks & weathering questions
Population change
Summer 2010
4 Fig. 3 shows the age / sex pyramid of the world’s population in 2000 and the
predicted age / sex pyramid for 2100.
(a) Identify two differences in shape between the age / sex pyramids for 2000 and
2100. Support your answer with information from Fig. 3. [4]
(b) Explain how the demographic transition model may help in understanding the
predicted decrease in the percentage of the world’s population under 15 years of age
by 2100. [6]
10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term infant mortality rate. [3]
(ii) Outline two reasons why the first year of a child’s life is a very vulnerable period. [4]
(b) Explain why educating mothers is seen as fundamental to reducing child mortality.
(c) To what extent do you agree that in MEDCs, compared with LEDCs, most people
die of old age? [10]
Winter 2010
4 Table 1 shows selected population statistics for Mali, an LEDC in Africa, and Italy, an
MEDC in Europe, in 2005.
(a) Calculate N, the natural increase rate for Mali in 2005. [1]
(b) How did the total fertility rates of Mali and Italy in 2005 compare with replacement
level fertility? [3]
(c) Suggest an explanation for either Mali’s youthful age structure or Italy’s ageing
population. [6]
5 Fig. 4 shows changes in the urban population and rural population of China between
1950 and 2030.
(a) In what year are the urban and rural populations predicted to be equal in number?
(b) Compare the changes in the urban and rural populations of China between 1970
and 2010, supporting your response with data from Fig. 4. [4]
(c) How may the growth of China’s urban population, shown in Fig. 4, be explained?
10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term life expectancy. [3]
(ii) Explain two ways in which education may help to increase life expectancy. [4]
(b) With the help of examples, explain why, in LEDCs, life expectancy is usually higher
in urban areas than in rural areas. [8]
(c) Why may attempts to increase life expectancy sometimes fail? [10]
Summer 2011
4 Fig. 3 shows the top 10 risk factors to health for MEDCs and LEDCs in 2002
according to the World Health Organization.
(a) Using Fig. 3, identify the greatest risk factor to health in:
(i) LEDCs,
(ii) MEDCs. [2]
(b) Use data from Fig. 3 to describe the impact of ‘unsafe sex’ on length of life in
LEDCs and MEDCs. [3]
(c) With the help of examples, briefly explain why it is difficult for governments to
address the health issues identified in Fig. 3. [5]
10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term natural increase rate. [2]
(ii) With the help of examples, describe the differences in natural increase between
countries. [5]
(b) Outline the main features of one country’s population policy regarding natural
increase. [8]
(c) Assess the results of seeking to manage natural increase in the country you chose
in (b). [10]
Winter 2011
4 Table 1 shows the actual and predicted percentage of world population by region
between 1950 and 2100.
(a) Using data from Table 1:
(i) which region had experienced the largest decline in its share of population between
1950 and 2008?
(ii) name the region with the largest predicted increase in its share of population
between 2008 and 2100. [2]
(b) Describe how the share of world population shown in Table 1 changes for Asia and
Northern America between 1950 and 2100. [3]
(c) Outline the possible demographic consequences of the predicted population
change in Africa. [5]
10 (a) With the help of examples, briefly explain how food shortages can occur. [7]
(b) Describe and explain the possible impacts of food shortages. [8]
(c) To what extent is the level of education the most important factor in determining
fertility rate? [10]
Summer 2012
4 Fig. 3 shows the main elements of population change.
(a) Using Fig. 3, name:
(i) A; [1]
(ii) B. [1]
(b) Explain how variations in the birth rate can affect population change. [3]
(c) Describe and explain the economic factors that can influence birth rates. [5]
10 Fig. 6 shows the ‘S’ curve that models how population may change over time.
(a) (i) Give the meaning of the term carrying capacity. [3]
(ii) Suggest reasons why the population may level off as it reaches the carrying capacity. [4]
(b) Outline the main features of underpopulation and consider whether underpopulation is a
useful concept. [8]
(c) Assess the success of attempts to sustain an increasing population using technology and
innovation. [10]
Winter 2012
4 Tables 1A and 1B show countries with population aged over 65 years in 2004.
(a) Name the country which appears in both Table 1A and in Table 1B. [1]
(b) Compare the data given for the countries ranked 1 in Tables 1A and 1B. [3]
(c) Use your knowledge of the demographic transition to help explain the differences in
the percentages shown in Table 1B. [6]
10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term fertility rate. [3]
(ii) Explain how two factors influence levels of fertility. [4]
(b) Outline the two components of population change and explain how they affect the
size of the population. [8]
(c) How far do you agree with the view that population change is unpredictable? [10]
Summer 2013
4 Fig. 4 shows age-specific death rates for three countries in 2004.
(a) In which age group is the death rate lowest for the two LEDCs shown in Fig. 4? [1]
(b) Describe the age-specific death rate for Japan, using data from Fig. 4. [4]
(c) Explain why death rates in most countries are highest amongst the very young and
the very old. [5]
10 (a) (i) Describe how natural increase rate is calculated. [3]
(ii) Briefly explain two ways that migration may contribute to population increase. [4]
(b) Describe and explain variations in the rate of population growth between the
different stages of the demographic transition model. [8]
(c) To what extent do you agree that population growth leads to an increase in food
supply? [10]
Winter 2013
4 Fig. 3 shows the relationship between fertility rate and GDP per person, 2007.
(a) Using Fig. 3, compare the data for Ghana and the USA. [3]
(b) Describe and explain the relationship between fertility rate and GDP per person,
shown in Fig. 3. [7]
10 (a) Explain why a declining population may be a problem in some countries. [7]
(b) With the help of one or more examples, suggest reasons why a country may
introduce a population policy to control its natural increase. [8]
(c) Assess the success of one or more attempts to control natural increase. [10]
Summer 2014
4 Fig. 4 shows the percentage of married women using modern contraception and the
total fertility rate, by country, in 2012.
(a) State the total fertility rate for India shown in Fig. 4. [1]
(b) Describe the relationship between the two variables, using data from Fig. 4. [4]
(c) Explain three other factors, apart from contraception, which influence fertility rates.
Population / Migration
5 Fig. 5 shows an age/sex pyramid of immigrants to an MEDC in one year.
(a) Describe the main features of the population structure shown in Fig. 5, supporting
your answer with data from the figure. [5]
(b) Suggest reasons for the features you described in (a). [5]
Population / Migration / Settlement dynamics
6 Fig. 6 is a diagram of the development of Seoul urban region, South Korea, between
1970 and 2000. South Korea is an NIC in East Asia.
(a) Using Figs 6A and 6B, identify two changes to Seoul between 1970 and 1980. [2]
(b) Describe Seoul urban region as shown in Fig. 6C. [3]
(c) The population of Seoul decreased from 10.4 million in 2000 to 9.8 million in 2010.
Suggest reasons why the total population of some cities is decreasing. [5]
10 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term death rate. [2]
(ii) Describe how the death rate changes in the demographic transition model. [5]
(b) Suggest reasons for the recent increases in mortality rates in some LEDCs and
MEDCs. [8]
(c) Explain why it is easier for government action to decrease the death rate rather than
decrease the birth rate. [10]
Winter 2014
4 Fig. 4 shows the global hunger index (GHI) for Africa in 2012.
(a) (i) Name one country with a moderate GHI of 5.0 to 9.9. [1]
(ii) Describe the distribution of countries where GHI is alarming (20.0 and over). [3]
(b) Explain how technology can help reduce food shortages. [6]
10 Fig. 6 shows the demographic transition model.
(a) (i) Describe the changes to the death rate shown on the model. [3]
(ii) Outline two reasons for the changes you have described in (a)(i). [4]
(b) Suggest why, within a country, the death rate may fall more rapidly in some areas
than in others. [8]
(c) Assess the challenges for countries at stage 5 of the demographic transition. [10]
End of Population change questions
Summer 2010
5 (a) Fig. 4 shows the main movements of Afghan refugees, 1979–1990, from the war
with the Soviet Union, mapped by the United Nations Refugee Agency.
Using Fig. 4, compare the scale and destination of the refugee flows into Iran with
those into Pakistan. [4]
(b) Outline the impacts of refugee flows on areas which receive refugees. [6]
11 (a) With the help of examples, explain the terms push factors and pull factors in
relation to internal migration. [7]
(b) Describe some of the ways in which constraints, obstacles and barriers affect
internal migration flows. [8]
(c) Assess the extent to which patterns of internal migration may be identified. [10]
Winter 2010
Population / Migration / Settlement dynamics
5 Fig. 4 shows changes in the urban population and rural population of China between 1950
and 2030.
(a) In what year are the urban and rural populations predicted to be equal in number? [1]
(b) Compare the changes in the urban and rural populations of China between 1970 and 2010,
supporting your response with data from Fig. 4. [4]
(c) How may the growth of China’s urban population, shown in Fig. 4, be explained? [5]
11 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term international economic migration. [3]
(ii) Suggest two reasons why international migration is increasing. [4]
With reference to one case study of international migration:
(b) describe its causes, character and scale; [8]
(c) assess its impacts on the places people left (source areas) and the places people
migrated to (receiving areas). [10]
Summer 2011
5 Fig. 4A shows the age/sex structure of migrants to Switzerland. Fig. 4B shows the
age/sex structure of the Swiss born population.
(a) Compare the age/sex structure in Fig. 4A with that in Fig. 4B. [5]
(b) Suggest reasons for the age/sex structure of the immigrant population. [5]
11 (a) With the help of examples, describe the ways in which potential migrants receive
information about possible destinations. [7]
(b) For any one voluntary migration, explain how push factors and pull factors
combined to promote the movement. [8]
(c) ‘Migration is about taking risks.’ How far do you agree? [10]
Winter 2011
5 (a) Fig. 4 shows the main countries of origin of international migrants seeking asylum in 2008.
Asylum-seekers who are granted the protection of the country to which they migrated are called
refugees. Describe the distribution shown in Fig. 4. [5]
(b) Outline the impacts of the flow of refugees on the countries to which they migrate (the
receiving countries). [5]
11 (a) (i) Explain the term internal migration. [3]
(ii) Explain why urban-rural migration occurs in LEDCs. [4]
(b) With the help of examples, describe how constraints, obstacles and barriers affect internal
migrations. [8]
(c) To what extent are pull factors more important than push factors in voluntary migration? [10]
Summer 2012
5 Fig. 4 shows the population structure for immigrants (foreign born) in the USA, an MEDC, in
(a) (i) Which age group has the greatest number of male immigrants? [1]
(ii) Using data from Fig. 4, describe the main characteristics of the immigrant population. [4]
(b) Outline the possible impacts of an immigrant population, like the one shown in Fig. 4, on a
receiving country. [5]
11 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term intra-urban migration. [2]
(ii) Describe and explain two types of intra-urban migration. [5]
(b) Using one or more examples, explain how push factors and pull factors cause internal
migration. [8]
(c) ‘The social and economic impacts of internal migration are as important in source areas as
in receiving areas.’ How far do you agree with this view? [10]
Winter 2012
5 Fig. 3 shows remittances received from international migrants as a percentage of the
country’s GDP in 2006. Remittances are money sent back home to families.
(a) Describe the global distribution of remittances received shown in Fig. 3. [4]
(b) Suggest reasons why receiving remittance money sent back by relatives working in
other countries may be significant for the migrants’ families left at home. [6]
11 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term rural-urban migration. [3]
(ii) Suggest two ways of reducing rates of rural-urban migration. [4]
(b) With the help of examples, explain some of the circumstances in which urban-urban
migration occurs. [8]
(c) How far do you agree that pull factors are more powerful than push factors in migration
decisionmaking? [10]
Summer 2013
5 Fig. 5A shows net international migration, by country, in North and South America,
2000–5. Fig. 5B names the countries. (Note: Fig 5a not in the insert.)
(a) Describe the pattern shown on Fig. 5A, supporting your answer with information
from both figures. [5]
(b) Suggest reasons for the pattern you described in (a). [5]
11 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term forced (involuntary) migration. [3]
(ii) Outline two different circumstances in which forced migration may occur. [4]
(b) With the help of one or more examples, explain how push factors and pull factors
work together to cause economic migration. [8]
(c) “Emigration is a door to the modern world and once it’s open, it is very difficult to
close.” How far do you agree with this view? [10]
Winter 2013
5 Fig. 4 shows the top 10 source countries of refugees in 2006.
(a) Using Fig. 4, state the country which was the source of the greatest number of
refugees. [1]
(b) Suggest reasons why the data in Fig. 4 is estimated rather than actual. [3]
(c) Outline possible causes of refugee flows. [6]
11 (a) Explain why rural-urban migration may occur in LEDCs. [7]
(b) Using an example from an LEDC, explain how rural-urban migration has both
advantages and disadvantages for source areas. [8]
(c) To what extent do forced migration and voluntary migration cause different impacts
on receiving areas? [10]
Summer 2014
Population / Migration
5 Fig. 5 shows an age/sex pyramid of immigrants to an MEDC in one year.
(a) Describe the main features of the population structure shown in Fig. 5, supporting
your answer with data from the figure. [5]
(b) Suggest reasons for the features you described in (a). [5]
Population / Migration / Settlement dynamics
6 Fig. 6 is a diagram of the development of Seoul urban region, South Korea, between
1970 and 2000. South Korea is an NIC in East Asia.
(a) Using Figs 6A and 6B, identify two changes to Seoul between 1970 and 1980. [2]
(b) Describe Seoul urban region as shown in Fig. 6C. [3]
(c) The population of Seoul decreased from 10.4 million in 2000 to 9.8 million in 2010.
Suggest reasons why the total population of some cities is decreasing. [5]
11 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term rural-urban migration. [2]
(ii) Describe two circumstances in which rural-urban migration may occur. [5]
(b) With the help of one or more examples, describe what stepped migration is and
explain why it occurs. [8]
(c) ‘International migration causes more problems than it solves.’ How far do you
agree? [10]
Winter 2014
5 Figs 5A and 5B show the age/sex pyramids for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in
1950 and 2010.
(a) (i) Using Figs 5A and 5B, compare the percentage of the population aged 10 years
and below. [2]
(ii) Using Fig. 5B, describe the differences between the age structure of males and
females in 2010. [4]
(b) Outline the impacts of the loss of male migrants on a source area. [4]
11 (a) Suggest the factors that influence a person’s decision whether or not to migrate.
(b) Explain why the scale of rural-urban migration is greater in LEDCs than in MEDCs.
(c) How far do you agree that the impacts of urban-rural migration on receiving areas
are negative? [10]
End of Migration questions
Settlement dynamics
Summer 2010
Settlement dynamics / Population change / Migration
6 Table 1 gives information about the world’s urban population, by region, in 1975 and
2000, and its predicted urban population in 2030.
(a) Name the world region which experienced between 1975 and 2000:
(i) the greatest absolute increase in urban population,
(ii) the greatest percentage increase in urban population. [2]
(b) Suggest two reasons why some of the data in Table 1 may be unreliable. [3]
(c) Briefly explain why the percentage of urban population predicted for 2030 varies
among the world regions. [5]
12 (a) Describe the character and main functions of world cities. [7]
(b) Explain the factors which have encouraged the emergence and development of
world cities. [8]
(c) To what extent is Fig. 5 helpful in understanding the hierarchy of world cities? [10]
Winter 2010
6 Fig. 5 shows settlement dynamics in the city of Chicago and its region, USA, in 2005.
(a) Describe the location of the areas of decline shown in Fig. 5. [2]
(b) Compare the location of the areas of slow growth and of expansion growth in Fig. 5.
(c) Suggest reasons why Chicago is growing in the areas shown in Fig. 5. [5]
12 (a) With reference to one or more examples, describe the location of shanty towns
(squatter settlements) in urban areas in LEDCs. [7]
(b) Study Photograph A, which shows part of a shanty town within Manila in the
Philippines, an LEDC in Asia.
(i) Describe what risks the residents may face living in such areas. [4]
(ii) Suggest two ways in which the city authorities could improve the quality of life for
people who live there. [4]
(c) ‘Where people live in urban areas is about their ability to pay’. How far do you
agree? [10]
Summer 2011
6 Fig. 5 shows the population of selected cities in 1950 and 2005, their projected
population size in 2025 and change in the cities’ world rank 1950–2025.
(a) Give the name of the city in Fig. 5 which is expected to have:
(i) the greatest increase in world rank,
(ii) the least population growth after 1950. [2]
(b) Using Fig. 5, compare the growth of New York and São Paulo. [3]
(c) Outline some of the challenges associated with the continuing growth of cities in
either MEDCs or LEDCs. [5]
12 (a) Explain why shanty towns (squatter settlements) develop. [7]
(b) Why is it difficult for the authorities to manage shanty towns (squatter settlements)?
(c) Assess the extent to which shanty towns can be seen as positive forms of
settlement. [10]
Winter 2011
6 Fig. 5 shows population change in two villages in a rural area of an LEDC.
(a) (i) State the 5 year period in which village X had the greatest increase in population. [1]
(ii) Compare the population changes in the two villages since 1970. [3]
(b) Suggest reasons for the population changes in the two villages between 1970 and 2010. [6]
12 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term urbanisation. [3]
(ii) Outline two possible causes of the rapid urban growth experienced by some cities in
LEDCs. [4]
(b) Explain the slow rate of urban growth in MEDCs. [8]
(c) With reference to examples from either LEDCs or MEDCs, assess the attempts made to
solve the problems associated with rapid urban growth. [10]
Summer 2012
6 Figs 5A and 5B show the population in urban areas in 1975 and 1995, and predicted for 2015.
Fig. 5A shows percentage urban population and Fig. 5B shows total urban population (millions).
(a) (i) What percentage of the population in LEDCs lived in urban areas in 1975? [1]
(ii) Use the data in Figs 5A and 5B to describe the differences between the numbers living in
urban areas in MEDCs and LEDCs. [3]
(b) Name the processes that lead to an increase in the numbers of people living in urban areas
in LEDCs. [2]
(c) Suggest why there is a small percentage increase in urban population in MEDCs. [4]
12 (a) Outline the problems faced by people living in shanty towns (squatter settlements) in
LEDCs. [7]
(b) Compare and explain the locations of low-income households in the cities of LEDCs and
MEDCs. [8]
(c) To what extent is government action the most important way of solving the problems of
shanty towns (squatter settlements) in LEDCs? [10]
Winter 2012
6 Fig. 4 shows the percentage urban population in 1950, 1975 and 2000 and the predicted
percentage urban population in 2025.
(a) In which year did the urban population in LEDCs reach 40%? [1]
(b) Compare the trends in percentage urban population in LEDCs and MEDCs between 1975
and 2025. Support your response with data from Fig. 4. [4]
(c) Give reasons for the increase in urbanisation in LEDCs over time. [5]
12 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term spatial competition. [3]
(ii) Outline two reasons why spatial competition occurs in urban areas. [4]
(b) With the help of one or more examples, describe how the locations chosen for
manufacturing industry in urban areas change over time and explain why this occurs. [8]
(c) To what extent has providing infrastructure for a named city created more problems than it
solved? [10]
Summer 2013
6 Table 1 gives the City development index (CDI) and its components for different
groups of cities in 2008.
(a) State the range of values of the CDI in Table 1. [2]
(b) Using data from Table 1, show how the different components contribute to the CDI
of cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. [3]
(c) Suggest three reasons why it is difficult for many city authorities to provide cities
with services such as waste management, health and education. [5]
12 (a) Describe the different locations in which retailing (e.g. shops and supermarkets)
is found in urban areas. [7]
(b) With the help of examples, suggest reasons why the Central Business District
(CBD) in urban settlements is changing. [8]
(c) Assess whether, in urban settlements, it is preferable to live in the CBD or in a
residential suburb. [10]
Winter 2013
6 Photograph B shows part of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, an NIC in South America.
(a) Compare the features of Area X and Area Y in Photograph B. [4]
(b) Briefly explain the problems when attempting to improve urban areas in LEDCs. [6]
12 (a) (i) Give the meaning of the term counterurbanisation. [2]
(ii) Describe briefly the impacts of counterurbanisation on urban areas in MEDCs. [5]
(b) With the help of examples, outline the causes of urbanisation in LEDCs. [8]
(c) Assess the impact of one or more strategies for reducing urbanisation in LEDCs. [10]
Summer 2014
Population / Migration / Settlement dynamics
6 Fig. 6 is a diagram of the development of Seoul urban region, South Korea, between
1970 and 2000. South Korea is an NIC in East Asia.
(a) Using Figs 6A and 6B, identify two changes to Seoul between 1970 and 1980. [2]
(b) Describe Seoul urban region as shown in Fig. 6C. [3]
(c) The population of Seoul decreased from 10.4 million in 2000 to 9.8 million in 2010.
Suggest reasons why the total population of some cities is decreasing. [5]
12 With the help of a case study of one or more shanty towns (squatter settlements) in
an LEDC:
(a) outline reasons why people live in the chosen shanty town(s) (squatter
settlement(s)); [7]
(b) describe one or more attempts to improve living conditions in your chosen shanty
town(s) (squatter settlement(s)); [8]
(c) evaluate the success of the attempt(s) you described in (b). [10]
Winter 2014
6 Photograph A shows a settlement at the edge of a city in an LEDC.
(a) Using evidence from Photograph A, suggest problems faced by people living in this
settlement. [4]
(b) Describe and explain the positive aspects of living in a shanty town or squatter
settlement. [6]
12 (a) (i) Explain why land values and rents are high in Central Business Districts
(CBDs). [3]
(ii) How do high land values and rents help explain the characteristics of Central
Business Districts (CBDs)? [4]
(b) Explain why migrants tend to live in distinct areas in urban settlements in MEDCs.
(c) With reference to one named city in an MEDC, assess the view that inner city
problems are difficult to solve. [10]
End of Settlement questions