Oceanography: Semester Project

Oceanography: Semester Project
This semester you will be in charge of researching one problem currently facing our oceans. You will discuss
the causes and effects of your chosen issue, what is currently being done to help solve the problem, and offering
additional suggestions or modifications in hopes to progress or restore the issue better. You will also integrate
the content from each of our units (chemical, physical, and biological) this semester. You will show how some
of the topics we discuss are affected by, involved in, contribute to, or could help prevent the issue you chose.
(Examples may include things such as: currents that are involved or affected, properties of water that contribute
to the problem, food web alterations, ecosystem depletion, tidal effects, etc.) You can communicate your
information in a variety of ways (powerpoint, poster, prezi, TedTalk, Selfmade video, etc), but you will be
evaluated on your research and analysis of the items outlined in the rubric. This will be worth half of your final
exam grade.
Sections of Project
Introduction of Issue
a. Thorough description of the issue
b. How has this become an issue? How has it changed over time? What is the
current condition of the ocean and its ecosystems due to the issue?
c. What are the implications of the issue? Why should we be concerned?
Causes of Issue
a. What are the direct and indirect causes of the issue?
Effects on Oceanography
a. Chemical Oceanography- How is the chemistry of the ocean affected by,
involved in, or a contributor to your issue?
b. Physical Oceanography- How are the physical processes of the ocean
affected by, involved in, or a contributor to your issue?
c. Biological Oceanography- How are ecosystems and/or organisms affected
by, involved in, or a contributor to your issue?
ALL of these topics must be explained, but, depending on the issue you choose, one
or more may need to be addressed in further detail.
Current Ideas & Solutions
a. Researched-based and detailed explanation of what is currently being done
to help fix or restore the issue (i.e. - management, policies, innovations, etc.)
b. Analysis of current solutions- Is what we’re currently doing effective? Why
or why not?
c. Evidence of effectiveness of current solutions
Suggestions &
Modifications to Current
a. Suggestions of how to increase effectives of any current solutions of issue
and/or new ideas to further progression of restoration of issue
b. Rationale behind why your suggestions or new ideas will work
c. How will you know if your ideas are effective?
Provide a list of all the resources (books, websites, etc.) you used (MLA Format)