Geography 12 Distinctive Landscape Project Each student will produce a powerpoint and worksheet with blanks to describe the unique features of one of the following landscapes: Karst (limestone) landscapes (p266), Arid landscapes (p268), Continental glacer landscapes (p280), Alpine glacier landscapes (p285), Periglacial landscapes (288), Coastal landscapes (291-297). For each project, read the text pages, consult the vocabulary list below pertaining to your landscape, review the picture sheets supplied and build your Powerpoint presentations around the vocabulary illustrating each term with a slide that contains a description or definition of the term and provides both a diagram and an actual photograph of the term being described. Consult the rubric below to help construct your Powerpoint and to guide your presentation. Karst Vocabulary Calcium carbonate, cave, cavern systems, chernozem, cone karst, curtain stalactities, doline, dry valleys, grikes, joints, karst, limestone, limestone pavement, polje, rills/solution furrows, sink hole, stalactites, stalagmites, swallow hole, tower karst, uvala, Arid or Aeolian Vocabulary Aeolian, alluvial fan, alluvium, arroyo, attrition, badlands, bajada, barchans dune, butte, canyon, cuesta, deflation, deflation hollows, deposition, desert pavement, desert varnish, desertification, entrainment, erg, flash flood, gorge, grid dunes, gullies, hamada, loess, longitudinal dunes, mesa, oasis, outwash, outwash plain, parabolic dune, pedestal rocks, pediments, plateau, playa, reg, rill, scarp, sheet flooding, seif dune, star dune, stone pavement, transverse dunes, wadi, whaleback dune Continental Glaciation Vocabulary Ablation, abrasion, alluvium, basal slippage, bedrock plains, clay plains, continental glacier, crag and tail, drumlin, erratic, esker, finger lakes, firn, fjord, glacier, glacial plucking, ground moraine, ice sheet, interglacials, interlobate moraines, kames, kettle, lateral moraines, loch, loess, meltwater, neve, outwash plains, plastic deformation, post-glacial lake, pro-glacial lake, recessional moraines, ribbon lakes, roche moutonnee, rock basin lakes, rock knob topography, sand plains, shearing, snout, spillways, striations, terminal moraine, till, tunnel Alpine Glaciation Vocabulary Abrasion, alluvium, alpine glacier, arête, avalanche, braided streams, bridal veil falls, cirque/corrie, crevasse, crag and tail, esker, exfoliation, firn, frost shattering, glacier, ground moraine, hanging valley, horn peak, icefield/snowfield, ice-dammed lakes, lateral moraine, medial moraine, meltwater, neve, paternoster lakes, post-glacial lake, pro-glacial lake, pyramidal peak, quarrying, recessional moraine, spur, striations, tarn, terminal moraine, till, truncated spur, tunnel, U-shaped valley, valley glacier, Geography 12 Distinctive Landscape Project Periglacial Vocabulary Active layer, cryosol, exfoliation, felsenmeer, frost action, frost creep, frost shattering, gelifluction, ice wedging, patterned polygon ground, palsa, permafrost, pingo, rock falls, rock glacier, solifluction, stone circles, thermokarst Coastal Landscape Vocabulary Arch, abrasion, attrition, backwash, barrier islands, bay, bayhead beaches, baymouth sand bar, breaker(s), constructive waves, corrosion, cutbank, destructive waves, groyne, headlands, hydraulic pressure, lagoons, longshore drift, neap tide, notch, offshore bars, pinnacle, plunging waves, pools, ria coast, ria, sand spit, spilling waves, sea cave, sea stack, spring tides, storm waves, swash, swell waves, threshold, tides, tombolo, undercut cliffs, undercutting, wave-cut platform, wave-cut cliff, Rubric: Item Assessed Excellent Good to Fair Poor All vocabulary words are described in some slide. 10 9 (All or missing one vocab words) 10 9 All or minus one vocab illustrated with diagram and photo 20 19 18 The presentation is clear or unclear is one place 5 4 3 2 1 (missing many vocab words) 10 9 The presentation contains at least 5 additional items not mentioned in the vocab 8 7 6 (Missing more than one vocab words) 8 7 6 Two to four vocab not illustrated with either diagram or photo 17 16 15 14 13 12 There are a few places where the presentation is unclear about causes 8 7 6 The presentation contains at least 2 additional items not mentioned in the vocab 10 9 8 5 20 19 All vocabulary words are illustrated with a diagram and photo The presentation text and visuals clearly explains the causes of this kind of landscape The presentation contains some additional text and visuals besides the prescribed vocabulary to explain the causes of this kind of landscape The presentation shows some creativity either in the slide design, the transitions or some other aspect. A worksheet with blanks to fill in has been made that corresponds to the presentation, for the class The oral presentation 18 The student makes eye contact, uses changing voice modulation and occasionally adds unscripted elements 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 to 9 vocab not illustrated with either diagram or photo 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 There are many places where the presentation is unclear about causes 5 4 3 2 1 The presentation contains no additional items not mentioned in the vocab 4 3 2 1 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 The student makes partial eye contact, shows little voice modulation and virtually no unscripted comments/anecdotes 8 7 6 The student avoids eye contact, shows no voice modulation and reads only the text of the powerpoint 5 4 3 2 1