DIGITAL PHOTO 1 - Everett Public Schools

Digital Photography 1& 2
Teacher: Mr. Wigre
Telephones: Computer Lab C-121, Art Room C-116
(425) 385.7151 Computer Lab
Planning time:
2nd Period, 8:259:15AM
Lunch: 12:15-1:05
DIGITAL PHOTO 1 (Commercial Photography)
Course Descriptions:
Investigate and practice the exciting career field of digital (commercial) photography. Students will start by
learning the history of photography and how cameras work, and explore lighting, color, composition, and other
subject matter to achieve a solid grounding in both technical and creative photographic processes. They will
then learn and practice several different genres of photography including nature photography, action
photography, and journalistic photography. Students will learn how to bring their pictures alive using Adobe
Photoshop. Students will explore career and business opportunities in commercial photography. The course will
conclude with students preparing their own traditional hard-copy and digital electronic portfolios.
Registration Code:
Grade Levels:
0.5 Occupational or 0.5 Elective credit or 0.5 Art
one semester
DIGITAL PHOTO 2 (Commercial Photography)
This class is for students with a passion for photography and Photoshop who have successfully completed
Digital Photo I. In this class students will learn hands-on how to operate a digital SLR camera, set up and use a
three-point portrait studio lighting system, learn advanced processing techniques using Adobe Photoshop, and
apply advanced design elements and principles. Students will be strongly encouraged to enter multiple local,
regional, and national photography competitions.
Registration Code: CTE 361/362 Preparatory
Grade Levels: 9-12
Credits: 0.5 Occupational or 0.5 Elective Credit or 0.5 Art
Length: One Semester.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Digital Photography I recommended
Other: Upon successful completion students will have the option of earning college credit through Lake Washington Technical College (MMDP 128 – 4.0 credits) A
grade of a “B” or better is required to earn college credit. Work completed in this class may be used for publication in the school yearbook and literary arts magazine.
Students will be encouraged to submit work from class to local, regional, and national competitions.
Course Outline:
Performance and Tasks:
Survey of History of Photography
Business Practices
Critical Analysis
Camera Operations
Functions of a Lens
Exposure Control
Light Meters and Exposure
Design Elements/Principles
Image Quality
Film and Its Characteristics
Black and White Film Processing
Black and White Printing
Digital Camera and Photography
Digital Editing and Printing
Presentation/ Finishing
Analyze basic business practices required to start and run a company/organization.
Manage all resources related to a business/organization
Describe methods for managing, organizing, retrieving and reporting financial data
Apply labor and civil rights law and guidelines to business practice and decisions
Evaluate the effects of community relations on companies and the industry
Apply legal requirements and ethical considerations to business practice and decisions
Grading Scale:
100 – 94.0 = A
93.9 – 90.0 = A89.9 – 87.0 =
86.9 – 83.0 = B
82.9 – 80.0 = B79.9 – 77.0 =
76.9 – 73.0 = C
72.9 – 70.0 = C69.9 – 67.0 =
66.9 – 60.0 = D
59.9 or Less =
Develop employability skills to secure and keep employment in chosen field
Communicate in multiple modes to address needs within the career and technical field
Solve problems using critical thinking
Demonstrate positive work behaviors
Define health and safety regulations
Demonstrate health and safety practices
Demonstrate responses to situations that threaten health and safety
Compare and contrast how the responsibility for health is dependent upon the individual, as opposed to
a supervisor or others
1. Grading is Based on the 4 C’s
a. Creative
b. Composition
c. Communication
d. Craftsmanship
Additional Information:
1. Student may take Digital Photography at Level 1, Level 2 or AP Studio Art
2. Students may take this course for the following credits:
a. .5 CTE Credit
b. .5 Art Credit
c. .5 Elective Credit
3. Digital Photography 2 requires having a passing grade from Digital Photography 1
4. 5 College Credits are offered for Digital Photography 2 through the Lake Washington Technical College
to students that have received a “B” average or above.
JHS Home Page:
Curriculum for Mr. Wigre's classes
Grade book Weights
Portfolio Work = 100%
Late Assignments
All assignments have a deadline date. At the time of the deadline, grades will be placed into the
grade book. Late assignment will be accepted up to the end of the posted HARD deadline.
After this time the assignment is only worth 50% of the score.
Important Dates, Hard Deadlines
February 28th, 2014, (1/4 through the Semester) All Assignments Due
April 11th, 2014, Mid-Term All Assignments Due and Leadership Points
May 16th, 2014, (3/4 through the Semester) All Assignments Due
June 6th, 2014, Last Day for Assignments All Assignments Due and Leadership Points
June 18th, 2014, End of the End of Semester
Final Deadlines for the “Final Project” will be announced at a later time
Progresses Reports
Progresses reports and assignments are posted on line. I will try to post new progress reports within every 3
weeks, but reports could be updated as much as every week. I will grade over the weekends and new grades will
be posted by Mondays. Communications through email is common and the most effective method.
Excessive Tardies (over 3):
Students with over 3 tardies will be required to earn 5 additional leadership points for each
Needed for class
Needed in class on Monday February 3rd, 2014
1” 3 ring binder
Digital Camera (optional)
Plastic Sleeves (optional)
USB Drive (suggested 2-4 gig, (optional)
Leadership Skills and 21st Century skills
10% of the grade for this class is based on these points
The Career and Technical Education programs for the Everett Public Schools promotes the
development of the student in the classroom and beyond through expecting academic growth,
positive character development, and the acquisition of actual skills that can be applied in the
vocational field. Each student will complete a variety of activities that teach leadership skills as
a means of developing these essential qualities.
Points are deducted and awarded for the following: Tardiness, Working hard, Off task, Not
working, Working to until the bell rings, Out of seats not working, lining up by the door
before the bell rings, Excusing your absences, Food in class, Having electronics, Swearing,
Disruptive, Electronics in class (Cell Phones, Headphones on, gaming, Playing games on the
computer, Points given to helpfulness.
Definition of a good leader: Participates in all class activities; help others; volunteers time and
talents; sets a good example; has good attendance; extends learning beyond the classroom;
shares experiences with others; works in groups cooperatively; knows the subject; develops new
innovative ideas; knows how to problem solve; shows initiative by learning more on their own.
Ethics, Artistic Integrity and Plagiarism
Any work that makes use of (appropriates) photographs, published images and/or other artists’
work must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This is
demonstrated through manipulation of the formal qualities, design and/or concept of the source.
The student’s individual “voice” should be clearly evident. It is unethical, constitutes
plagiarism, and often violates copyright law simply to copy an image (even in another
medium) that was made by someone else and represent it as one’s own. JHS School
policies will be followed from the student handbook.
Recommended vs Required
Digital photography classes have materials for check-out that will allow students to meet all assignment
requirements. Therefore all items are considered recommended. The issue is that the resources are limited and
may not be available when a student wishes to check them out. Typically, materials are checked out as an
assignment deadline approaches. In addition, students must have parent permission to check out materials since
loss or damage of checked out materials becomes the responsibility of the student's family. Costs of school
materials for this class ranges from $50 for a digital voice recorder or ion-lithium battery to the least expensive
camera package that students can check out is a point and shoot camera with a camera bag valued at
approximately $350. In addition, students are required to return cameras in at the beginning of the next school
day and a $10 per day late fee will be added to a student's ASB account when a camera is turned in late.
Digital Storage Devices
Students should have either a thumb drive or a USB portable hard drive to connect to school computers for the
purpose of saving and backing up their work. Due to the size of media files, students' My Document server
folders provided by Everett Public Schools is not large enough for student work in yearbook or digital
photography classes. Student work can be saved on the student's local computer, but if a computer has a
problem that computer may have the contents of the hard drive erased or inaccessible if damaged. A thumb
drive of 4-8 gigabytes is recommended. It is recommended that items saved on a thumb drive also be
downloaded and saved on a computer's hard drive at home. A portable USB hard drive of 320 GB is very likely
to exceed the needs for these classes.
Digital Cameras
Most digital cameras on the market will allow students to complete most class assignments. Here is a list of the
preferred features to look for in order of their importance:
6 megapixels or better
traditional manual settings capabilities
fast shutter speeds for sports/action photography (1/200 of a second or faster indoors)
low noise at high ISO ratings
the best possible optical zoom (24X available on some point & shoot models)
face recognition
rechargeable ion-lithium batteries
image stabilization
large back-lite view screens
USB cable to connect to computer (current computers have card readers built in, but do not
always operate)
cameras with protruding lenses vs flat cameras
DSLR cameras preferred for serious photographers especially in Digital Photography 2 class
Student Art Works
Displays: All artworks done with JHS equipment is the property of JHS. Students may make copies and back
ups of all work to build portfolios. All artworks done by the students may also be mounted on a digital portfolio
on our home page.
Technology Students Association
I encourage all students to be a part of activities at JHS. Jackson has a Technology group that competes at State
and National levels. I encourage all students to be a part of this state and national award winning group of
students. I will ask all students to participate. This is a great opportunity for students to be creative, compete in
competition, to use leadership skills, to add on to their resumes and to develop material for a portfolio that is
Please Print Clearly…….Sign and Return by January 31st, 2014
Student Name (Print) _______________________________________________________
Please Sign
Student _______________________________________________________
Parent (Print) _______________________________________________________
Parent Signature___________________________________________________
Contact information:
Email: _________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________
Mr. Rick Wigre
Henry M. Jackson High School
Photography can be very challenging and is designed for motivated students in the
visual arts. I look forward to working with you and /or your student and helping you
create your portfolio.
Mr. Rick Wigre
Henry M. Jackson High School