What is one-X Speech? - Villanova University

QuickStart Guide
one-X Speech
What is one-X Speech?
one-X Speech is a new voice-activated feature from
our phone vendor, Avaya, which allows you to use
speech commands from any phone to:
► Read, send, reply to, or forward email
messages in your Outlook Inbox
► Read, send, reply to, or forward voice mail
messages in your Avaya voicemail box
► Make calls and conference calls
► Manage Outlook calendar appointments
and tasks
► Manage Outlook contacts
► Set personal contact rules.
This new feature allows you to get your voicemail
and email messages or appointments/tasks as you
are traveling to/from work so you can be prepared
for your day or be in touch. It is also great if you
are not in the vicinity of your office phone and
need to be connected to what is happening.
Login to one-X Speech
UNIT will create an account for you to access oneX Speech. The phone number for access to one-X
Speech is 610-519-5100. (or ext. 95100)
a) How to Access a Demo:
To get started quickly, dial 95100 on your phone.
Use your telephone password followed by the
pound (#) sign when prompted for your password.
You will be prompted to record your name. You
also can say your password and don’t need to say
Say “Give me a demo” to begin the 8 minute
demo. (You cannot pause the demo.) Instruction
will be provided on managing your messages,
appointments and tasks; placing calls and
conference calls and other tips.
At the end of the demo, you can hang up the phone
or say “Good Bye.”
b) Setting Up Your Preferences
Use your internet browser to access the one-X
Speech User Preferences web page at:
Use your account number (your phone extension,
e.g., 98076) and password (your voice mail
password) to log in.
Your account number will be 9 and your phone
extension. Your password is your voicemail
First Steps
1. Make sure your own contact information is in
your Outlook contacts with your email and
phone numbers.
2. Add the one-X Speech access
number (610-519-5100) to your Outlook
contacts, and PDA or other address book
for quick access.
3. You can either (a) do a demo of the system
features and commands or (b) set up your user
preferences and print out documentation.
May 2011
Links appear at the top which you should go
through in order to customize how one-X
Speech will work for you.
GENERAL TAB: On the General tab, you
will select yourself as a contact from the drop
down list so Avaya knows your information.
(You must be a contact in your Outlook
contacts.) You may have to scroll down to
find your name in the list. (Blanks appear at
the top if there are contacts in your Outlook
address book with no name.)
Villanova University UNIT Training©
QuickStart Guide
one-X Speech
In the Express Logon Phone Numbers area, it
is a good idea to input all of the telephone
numbers you may be calling one-X Speech
from to avoid lengthy login prompts, e.g.,
your PDA phone number or home number.
CONTACTS TAB: This page lists your
Outlook contacts that interface with one-X
Speech. Use the “Refresh Contact
Recognition” button at the bottom if you
update any Outlook contacts while you are in
the preferences website.
to print out documentation as a handy
reference of the features and voice commands
until you are fully familiar with using one-X
You may want an extra copy of the Wallet
Card commands for your car or home.
INTERACTION TAB: Use this page to
customize the duration and style of prompts,
and what information is delivered in your
login message.
As a reminder, the URL is
See UNIT’s website for instructions on enabling these
May 2011
Villanova University UNIT Training©
QuickStart Guide
one-X Speech
Getting Help
If you have trouble accomplishing a
task, you can request help simply by
saying "Help me." one-X Speech
responds with information to assist
you. Also, in some cases, if you are silent for
some time and you seem to be having trouble,
one-X Speech offers help by reading you a list
of possible options.
one-X Speech provides two types of spoken
Help prompts:
Global Help: To request global Help, say
"Help me" after one-X Speech asks "What
can I do for you?" one-X Speech responds
by listing the major activities you can
carry out. You can then state the option for
which you want help.
Context-sensitive Help: In some
situations, one-X Speech can provide
context-sensitive Help as you carry out
particular activities. For example, if you
ask one-X Speech to “Send a message,”
one-X Speech asks to whom you want to
send the message. If, at this point, you say
"Help me," one-X Speech tells you ways
to provide the name of the message
Look for the one-X Speech
Newsletters on the Avaya.com
website for tips on how to use the
features and commands.
Barge In
You do not need to wait for one-X Speech to finish
speaking in order to give a command—barge in at
any time with your voice command. Jump
between messages by saying, “Next Message” or
“Previous Message.”
Putting one-X Speech on Hold
one-X Speech can be placed on hold by
saying “Take a Break.” You are still
connected to your session. To bring oneX Speech back, say “Avaya Come Back,” and it
will ask you what it can do for you.
You can create an appointment for
yourself; however, creating meeting
appointments with others is not
Additionally, resources are not available, e.g.,
creating an appointment does not ask you the
location; so record that for your subject, as well.
Ready, Set, GO!
Refer to the Documentation tab
of the User Preferences web page
to access User Guides and a
Command Summary.
May 2011
You are now ready to: do a demo,
configure your settings,
print out useful documentation, and
start using one-X Speech.
Villanova University UNIT Training©