What Do Scientists Know About Earth*s Surface and

What Do Scientists Know About
Earth’s Surface and Interior?
- The Earth consists of
_______ main layers - the
_______, _______and
* The Egg Shell
- The _______layer of the Earth composed of _______.
- Some of the crust is covered with _______and some
with land that is above _______.
- Thickness: ___ to ___ km (3 to 43 miles) The Crust
makes up about 1% of the Earth’s volume.
o The thinnest parts of the crust are called the
_______crust. _______crust is found under the
_______. Although _______crust is thinner that
continental crust, they are denser (3.0 g/cm3).
o The thickest parts of the crust are called the
_______. _______crust forms the _______.
Although _______crust is thicker that oceanic
crust, they are less dense (2.7 g/cm3).
Plate/Plate Movement:
- Earth’s crust is made up of _______.
- Plates: sheets of rock that include part of
Earth’s crust.
- The plates move on the Earth’s crust on
top of the Upper Mantle. Plates can move
_______, _______, _______past one
- Plate Boundaries: the area along the edges of the Earth’s
- As the plates move alone the Earth’s Upper Mantle,
several different geological events can occur.
o When the plates slide past one another they can
create cracks. These cracks or fractures through
rock are known as _______.
o When the plates move towards each other, they
could collide. As the plates collide they begin to
_______. These folds in the Earth’s Crust can
create mountains, called _______like the Rocky
Plate Tectonics: The theory that Earth’s crust is divided
into a number of plates and the study of how the plates
move and interact with on another.
* The Egg White
- The zone of Earth _______the crust and _______the
core. It is divided into the _______mantle and the
- The mantle is made up of minerals that are denser,
darker in color and have higher melting points than those
in the crust.
- The mantle is much hotter than the crust because it is
under tremendous _______.
- Thickness: 75 to 2700 km (43 to 1800 miles). The
Mantle makes up about ___% of the Earth’s volume.
Layers within the Mantle:
- Lithosphere: is the rigid outer layer of Earth, made of
the crust and the solid uppermost part of the mantle.
 Earth’s _______100 km (62 mi) of rock, which
includes the crust and the uppermost park of the
- Asthenosphere: a region of the Earth’s interior
immediately _______the lithosphere where the mantle
rocks are hot enough and under enough pressure to
deform, change shape and flow.
 From about 100 km (62mi) to 350 km (217 mi), this
layer that Earth’s plates move on.
* The Egg Yolk
-The _______ part of Earth made of
_______and _______. It consists of a
liquid outer core and solid inner core.
- Outer Core: the outer layer of the
Earth’s core made of melted,
- Inner Core: the inner layer of the Earth’s core believed to
be made of _______iron and nickel.
- The Inner Core can reach temperature of 5000C (9032F)
- Both the inner and outer core is far _______than Earth’s
mantle and core.
**Draw and label the four main layers of the Earth.
- Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core