Examples of Sustainable Actions/Resources for University and College
Club Sports Participants
Learn About Your Destination – Enjoy a rewarding experience by learning more about the natural environment, culture and history that makes every destination unique.
Seek out information about green products and services through the local Convention and
Visitors Bureau or Tourism Office. b.
Use www.wikipedia.com
to get some background on your destination. c.
Research everything local--food, goods and services. d.
Use the green business directory (e.g. www.ncgreentravel.org
) provided in over 40 states.
Don’t Leave Your Good Habits at Home –
While traveling, continue to recycle, use water wisely, and turn off lights as your would at home.
Earth 911 - http://search.earth911.com/ b.
If you recycle at home, recycle while traveling. c.
Keep air temperature in your room the same as your home temperature. d.
Turn off the lights, TV and AC when leaving your room.
Be a Fuel-efficient Traveler
book direct flights, rent smaller cars and keep your own vehicle operating at maximum efficiency. Once in your destination, walk or bike where possible. a.
Kayak - www.kayak.com
Rent a Bike - http://www.rentabikenow.com/ c.
Bike and Roll - http://www.bikeandroll.com/ d.
Sierra Club - http://www.sierraclub.org/transportation/
Make Informed Decisions – Seek out destinations or companies that engage in energy efficiency or recycling programs and that take actions to preserve their communities and the natural environment. a.
Green Hotelier - http://www.greenhotelier.org/ b.
Green Hotels - http://www.greenhotels.com/ c.
Green Hotels and Responsible Tourism Initiative - http://green.hotelscombined.com/ d.
Use linen reuse programs, and if not available, ask the hotel why one is not offered.
Be a Good Guest – Remember that you are a guest in your destination. Engage with locals but respect their privacy, traditions and local community. a.
10-easy-steps/ b.
Be respectful and friendly to all locals--waitresses, bartenders, shop owners and residents. c.
Do not litter, and be as respectful as you wish people to be in your home. d.
Leave the destination in better condition than you found it.
Center for Sustainability www.sustainabletourism.org
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Support Locals – As a visitor, the money you spend on your trip can help support the local artisans, farmers and business owners whose livelihood depends on tourism.
Independent We Stand - http://www.independentwestand.org/support-independentbusiness/search/ b.
Local Harvest - http://www.localharvest.org/organic-farms/ c.
Eat Well Guide - http://www.eatwellguide.org/i.php?pd=Home d.
Real Time Farms - http://www.realtimefarms.com/
Dispose of Your Waste Properly – Leave a beautiful place for others to enjoy – recycle where possible and always dispose of your waste with care.
Zero Waste - http://www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/at-home/recycle-right b.
Green Maven - http://www.greenmaven.com
Dispose of all cigarette butts in trash receptacles (Better yet, don’t smoke!) d.
Seek out recycling opportunities, and be aware of the local recycling policies.
Protect Your Natural Surroundings – Be mindful of the plants, animals and ecosystems that you impact. Avoid feeding wildlife, stay on designated trails and strictly follow all fire restrictions. a.
EPA - http://www.epa.gov/epahome/home.htm
Sustainable - http://www.sustainable.org/environment c.
Resist the temptation to feed animals in state and national parks. d.
Leave only footprints—Take only photographs.
Make your Travel Zero Emissions – As an additional step, consider the option of purchasing carbon credits to fully offset your travel’s impact on climate change.
Native Energy - http://www.nativeenergy.com
A-Gas – Rem Tech - http://remtec.net/carbonoffsets/index.html?gclid=CO6W_MbAprwCFSUS7Aodql4Axg c.
Infinite Earth - http://infinite-earth.com/solutions/ d.
Sustainable Travel International Carbon Calculator https://sustainabletravel.org/utilities/carbon-calculator/ or Carbon Fund - http://www.carbonfund.org/
Bring your Experiences Home – Continue practicing your sustainable habits at home and encourage friends and family to travel with the same care.
New Leaf Energy - http://www.newleafgreenenergy.com/learn/articles/encourage-friendsto-use-green-energy b.
Simple Homemade - http://simplehomemade.net/3-easy-ways-to-encourage-your-family-to-
%E2%80%9Cgo-green%E2%80%9D-without-being-pushy/ c.
Do Something - http://www.dosomething.org/actnow/actionguide/action-tips-encouragefriends-and-family-to-recycle-efficiently d.
Share your travel experiences and how you traveled sustainably with your family and friends.
For further information, contact: Dr. Patrick Long, Director, Center for Sustainability at longp@ecu.edu
, Justin Waters,
ECU Club Sports Assistant Director at watersj@ecu.edu
or Kris Schoech, Club Sports Director UCB at
Center for Sustainability www.sustainabletourism.org
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