Curriculum Map Year Gp 3 Term Spring 2 Teacher Theme Miss Santopietro Ancient Egypt Teaching Assistant Mrs Handley The information within this leaflet will help you to help your child. The Curriculum Map shows the main areas of learning that your child will undertake during the forthcoming term. The Class Timetable will enable you to talk to your child about their school day!! This is what we will be teaching through our creative curriculum The creative curriculum for this term will be Ancient Egypt. In this unit children find out about the way of life of people living in ancient Egypt from archaeological discoveries. Children will develop their understanding of characteristic features of a society; identify the different ways the past is represented; and use sources of information to make simple observations, inferences and deductions. This topic will include; geography, literacy and design and technology. The Numeracy aspect will include links made to Pyramids through perimeters The Art aspect will include Hieroglyphics The Literacy aspect will include Mummification Process Through our RE lessons this ½ term the children will cover the following. Do try and attend your child’s class Mass These are the main objectives that will be taught during this ½ term The RE curriculum this term will focus on Lent and Holy week. In Lent children will think about: Knowing that Lent is a special season when Christians pray for forgiveness and try to change to become more like Jesus Knowing some of the miracles of Jesus which recall his words and actions. Understanding that through his miracles, Jesus was able to show people the love and forgiveness of God and bring about change in their lives. In Holy week children will think about: That the bible is Gods’ living Word; begin to find their way round the Bible; that in word and deed Jesus revealed the love and mercy of god his father Know the story of Palm Sunday. Understand why Jesus was so popular. Identify the titles given to Jesus and their meanings. Literacy Numeracy Stories with a familiar setting -Read and compare stories with familiar settings. -Engage in investigations and analysis of various settings. -Discuss atmosphere and common features and themes. -Reread and analyse, investigate and write sentences through modelled and shared composition. -Investigate and write sentences to describe a setting. Geometry – Properties of Shapes -Draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them. -Recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn. -Identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle. -Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines. Y3 Class Timetable 9:00-10:40 Mon Mass and Hymn Practise 10:4010:55 Guided Reading Tues 10:55-12:00 12:001:00 Numeracy Swimming 1:00-3:20 Literacy Mental Maths RE Literacy ICT Sports coach Creative Curriculum Guided Reading Thurs Fri Literacy Guided Reading/ Spellings Assembly Guided Reading K2M Literacy Numeracy K2M Numeracy Numeracy Lunch Time Wed Break Time Guided Reading Library Literacy Science RE MFL Please Remember Dinner money Monday (clearly labelled please) P.E. Kit In school each day. Taken home for wash at holiday time To read at home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Reading books and records should be in school every day. Library Books Changed Thursday Spellings Given Thursday to learn, tested the following Thursday Violins and Cellos Children bring instruments into school on Wednesday Swimming Children attend swimming lessons every Tuesday morning. Girls should ensure they have swimming costumes and swimming caps whilst boys should bring swimming bottoms and a cap if hair covers their eyes. No goggles are necessary. Please look in Reading Record for any communication. Use Reading Record to record Reading Book comments and Library Book comments. Many thanks for your co-operation. If you have any queries regarding this information, then please speak to Miss Santopietro or Mr Breeze. God is at the centre of our lives and as a school community we try to grow in love and care by following the example of Jesus