The Sunday Newspaper

The Sunday Newspaper
Kharif Hazar and Other Peasants
By: Shruti Shah
Kharif Hazar was a hard working farmer/
peasant. Kharif Hazar, or as I would say in
general, Farmers and Peasants were towards the
bottom of Egypt’s social scale.
He grew crops to support families. Growing
Crops was mostly a difficult task because they
depend on floods like the Niles regular flood to
grow their crops. Kharif Hazar used wooden,
sharp rake plows to prepare for the floods. The
floods that happen, damage the farm lands.
They wash away all the plant that have took a lot
of patience to grow. They grew crop such as
wheat, barley, etc…
At the end of growing season, Kharif Hazar,
and other farmers gather and harvest together.
It is a tradition.
Pharaohs and governors also get involved in
farmers’/ peasants’ lives. To pay taxes to
pharaohs, they have to give up the crops. The
governors also paid the peasants with grains, not
money. The peasants work for the pharaohs
24/7 when they needed more grains or more
food and money after floods.
Kharif Hazar and other peasants have a more
advanced life but this is a broad description of
Kharif Hazar’s everyday life. They have suffers,
memories, and slave like problems……………..maybe
not as extreme as a slave but close to it.
There you have it! The daily life of Kharif
Hazar and other peasants.
A Day In The Life of Being a Scribe
By Sofia Shah
In Ancient Egypt there are people called Scribes.
Scribes are people who work for the government,
the temples, and the state. They wrote and copied
religious and literary texts. Scribes were well
respected and did not have to pay taxes. They
were even more honored than Priests and
Government Officials. This is how a Scribes life
would go, if we went back in history, to Ancient
To start off the day, she [a scribe] would wake up
and get dressed. The clothes that a scribe would
wear if is a women, were linen straight fit dresses.
After, she would go to the village and write letters
for fellow villagers who could not write. She wrote
the letters with reed brushes dipped in ink. Then,
she would record the amount of crops harvested.
While, she records the amounts of crops
harvested, she would calculate the amount of food
needed to feed the tomb workers. Later, she would
work for the temples, and the government, and she
would also, collect taxes. Since she was more
honored than anyone in Egypt, other than priests
and government officials, she didn’t have to pay
any taxes.
She and other scribes were luckier than
other Egyptian. They were the only
Egyptians who were allowed to read and
write. Most scribes became wealthy but
Life as a Merchant
By: Nathen Bautista
In ancient Egypt there are people called
merchants. Merchants lived in mud brick houses
because they didn’t make a lot of money.
Merchants would travel places to trade goods for
things much better when merchants are done with
trades they would come back to Egypt to trade the
goods for high class stuff. Some merchants would
trade native stuff like gold, papyrus, linen, cloth,
and jewelry for cedar. Farmers and could double as
the merchant and sell the fish at the fishers market.
.Most merchants would spend time in the sun so
they would have to wear wigs and protective
makeup. Recently it was discovered the Nile was a
great place for merchants to trade with the use of
boats. This trading system could create a good
wealth especially for foreign trade. Merchants who
exchanged goods to royalty good make a good
living. As some foreign items were treasured in
temples. Ancient Egyptian merchants had a
The Sunday Newspaper
important role in society because Egypt thrived on
material possessions
Types of Artisans
By Sean Lam
1)Carpenters (makes furniture)
The Daily Life of a Slave
By Johnny Botelho
A lot of people in Egypt were slaves. Some of
them came originally from Egypt often children
sold into slat very by poor families. Others were
sold from other countries into slavery in Egypt.
A lot of people are from Meroe and Kush, south
of Egypt and a lot of people from Libya. The
most famous story about Egyptian slaves is the
one in the bible about how the Jews were slaves
in Egypt, about 1400-1200 bc. Because the
Egyptians had just conquered Isral at this time,
probably many Jews were enslaved about this
time. Then when the Egyptians new kingdom
collapsed, they stopped being able to enslaved
Jews. There is the slaves.
The Daily life of a Slave
2)Metal workers
3)Jewelers (makes jewelry
4)Painters(portrayed scenes of
everyday life)
7)Stone carvers
8)Weavers(Women can be weavers!)
This picture shows hard workers of
Ancient Egypt known as Artisans. Here you see
a picture of people working on making a portrait
so they would be painters.
The Sunday Newspaper
The Daily life of an Ancient Egyptian Soldier
by Auston Bera
Did you know that originally that Ancient
Egyptian’s were farmers not fighters. They did
not see the point of having an organized army.
Pharaoh would call the farmers to defend the
country. The Egyptian’s learned to build strong
army and chariots. Their strongest weapon was
the bow and arrow. The army could shoot six
hundred feet and they could kill their enemy like
snipers from far away. The ground army had
axes, spears and short swords. The ground army
was also known as infantry. The chariots are one
of the most important because they are like
cars but slower and they can delivering to
destination. This is one out of five weapons.