IFC Minutes April 6th 2015

April, 6th, 2015
InterFraternity Council Minutes
Call to Order:
Today’s meeting was called to order by Alex Richardson at 3:30 pm.
Roll Call:
Alpha Sigma Phi - 1000
Email: lkesht1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Delta Sigma Phi - 1001
Email: erzego1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 2
Kappa Sigma Email: jsparb1@students.towson.edu
Point total =
Phi Sigma Kappa - 1000
Email: vdacun1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Pi Kappa Alpha -1000
Email: hhaine1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Pi Lambda Phi - 1000
Email: wnewma1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Sigma Alpha Epsilon -1000
Email: mgross15@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Sigma Alpha Mu - 1020
Email: dgolem1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 2
Tau Kappa Epsilon - 1121
Email: cquinn12@students.towson.edu
Point total = 4
Theta Chi - 1101
Email: abrasw1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 3
Zeta Beta Tau - 1000
Email: bander20@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes written on February 23rd, 2015 made by Sigma Alpha Mu and seconded by
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Executive Board Reports:
President: Alex Richardson
Email: aricha16@students.towson.edu
Greek Week is coming up fast.
Be smart, stay safe, and watch what you are posting on social media.
Vice President: Kyle Bamberger
Email: kbambe2@students.towson.edu
Select a delegate from your chapter to be on a committee for each VP position.
By being on a committee, you get to communicate with IFC more and become more involved.
You also get to voice your opinion and vote on decisions.
Rush committee members needed by next week.
VP of Judicial Affairs: Paul Rakhman
Email: prakhm1@students.towson.edu
Stay out of trouble.
Make good decisions.
Planning a resume building workshop in the near future. It will be a hands on activity.
VP of Recruitment: Corey Turner
Email: cturne15@students.towson.edu
Planning to make a recruitment tabling workshop.
You will learn tips and techniques of how to table more effectively.
Send your rush chair’s information to Corey (email seen above)
VP Programing: Tom Chapman
Email: tchapm2@students.towson.edu
Wild N’ Out stroll competition is on April 18th.
More information will be distributed to your presidents in the near future
Wild N’ Out will be on Saturday and Greek Week starts that Sunday
Greek Week is coming up soon
VP of Public Relations: Brian Jensen
Email: bjense1@students.towson.edu
Follow Instagram @TowsonIFC
Follow Twitter @TowsonIFC for updates.
VP of Academics: Evan Francis
Email: efranc1@students.towson.edu
Hope all Mid-Term exams went well.
Try your best to keep up your grades and GPA.
Treasurer: Stephen Scales
Email: sscale1@students.towson.edu
Secretary: Reece Eikenberg
Email: reiken1@students.towson.edu
Remember to read the minutes.
Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life: Matt Lenno
Email: mlenno@towson.edu
No report
Delegate Reports:
Alpha Sigma Phi
Everyone signed up for the Big Event
Rain Day event will be April 30th
There will be prizes, games, and raffles
Delta Sigma Phi –
Our see-saw 48 hour philanthropy event went well
Kappa Sigma –
Phi Sigma Kappa –
Setting up a brotherhood event at Camden Yards when they play the Yankees
Pi Kappa Alpha –
Planning a brotherhood event to go watch “Get Hard” at the movie theater
Pike Fireman Challenge coming up soon
Pi Lambda Phi –
Signed up for the Big Event
Sigma Alpha Epsilon –
We participated in a total of 54 of community service hours last week
Greek Week and Greek Sing are going well
Sigma Alpha Mu –
Planning community service events
Tau Kappa Epsilon –
St. Jude’s Carnival will be on May 10th
Theta Chi –
95 guys signed up for the Big Event
Volunteering at the blood drive all this week
Zeta Beta Tau –
The autism walk went well
Signed up for the Big Event
Old Business:
New Business:
Courting period for homecoming is April 19 th - May 3rd.
Motion to close the meeting made by Sigma Alpha Epsilon seconded by Pi Kappa Alpha. Meeting was adjourned at
3:41 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Reece Eikenberg
Inter-Fraternity Council Secretary