IFC Minutes March 30th 2015

March, 30th, 2015
InterFraternity Council Minutes
Call to Order:
Today’s meeting was called to order by Alex Richardson at 3:30pm.
Roll Call:
Alpha Sigma Phi - 1000
Email: lkesht1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Delta Sigma Phi - 1010
Email: erzego1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 2
Kappa Sigma - 1110
Email: jsparb1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 2
Phi Sigma Kappa - 1000
Email: vdacun1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Pi Kappa Alpha - 1000
Email: hhaine1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Pi Lambda Phi - 0000
Email: wnewma1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon - 1000
Email: mgross15@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Sigma Alpha Mu - 1000
Email: dgolem1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Tau Kappa Epsilon - 1011
Email: cquinn12@students.towson.edu
Point total = 3
Theta Chi - 1100
Email: abrasw1@students.towson.edu
Point total = 2
Zeta Beta Tau - 1000
Email: bander20@students.towson.edu
Point total = 1
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes written on February 23rd, 2015 made by Sigma Alpha Mu and seconded by
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Executive Board Reports:
President: Alex Richardson
Email: aricha16@students.towson.edu
Nationals from Delta Chi contacted Towson University IFC and inquired about starting a new chapter on
campus. If voted to come onto campus, they could not start rush until fall 2017.
Be smart with PR.
Good behavior over spring break.
Vice President: Kyle Bamberger
Email: kbambe2@students.towson.edu
Select a delegate from your chapter to be on a committee for each VP position.
By being on a committee, you get to communicate with IFC more and become more involved.
You also get to voice your opinion and vote on decisions.
Only heard back from three chapters so far, please contact Kyle (email seen above) immediately with the
delegates information.
VP of Judicial Affairs: Paul Rakhman
Email: prakhm1@students.towson.edu
Good job over spring break, no one got in trouble.
Reminder: Initiation, and big and little reveal are historically the most dangerous days in a fraternity.
Please be safe and make good decisions.
VP of Recruitment: Corey Turner
Email: cturne15@students.towson.edu
Corey is making a Rush Committee.
Send me the current or new rush chair’s information to be on the committee
VP Programing: Tom Chapman
Email: tchapm2@students.towson.edu
Greek Week lyrics and music were due on Friday.
We will look over them and see if there are any problems.
Wild N’ Out stroll competition is on April 18th.
More information will be distributed to your presidents in the near future.
Wild N’ Out will be on Saturday and Greek Week starts that Sunday.
VP of Public Relations: Brian Jensen
Email: bjense1@students.towson.edu
Follow Instagram @TowsonIFC
Follow Twitter @TowsonIFC for updates.
Watch what you post on Social Media.
VP of Academics: Evan Francis
Email: efranc1@students.towson.edu
Hope all Mid-Term exams went well.
Try your best to keep up your grades and GPA.
Treasurer: Stephen Scales
Email: sscale1@students.towson.edu
Stephen will be emailing your presidents about any outstanding fines your chapter has or if there were any
problems with your checks.
Secretary: Reece Eikenberg
Email: reiken1@students.towson.edu
Remember to read the minutes.
Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life: Matt Lenno
Email: mlenno@towson.edu
 Be more careful with Facebook pages. A private Facebook is not really private. If something happens, you
can be subpoenaed to show the Facebook page to officials.
 Penn State is going through this issue right now with inappropriate pictures displayed on their private
Facebook page.
 Take initiation and “Big Brother” night seriously. Please be careful.
 Please work with events managers when planning events on campus.
 Example: Make sure the room will be big enough, and try to get an accurate number of how many people
are going to attend the event.
 Report all drops, any brothers who have disaffiliated or new members who dropped, by next week.
 Leadership Banquet May 6th for Greek life (2 people per chapter, dress up, dinner provided)
Apply for awards online and you can win.
Be careful when barbequing and expensive brisket.
Nicole and Megan AXiD Football Frenzy Flag, dif frats, newl field sat April12 trophy and $50 towards
$45 registration fee
Xi Man Paws April 14th, intro talent, attire, questions $20 1 st contester, $10 every person after that
Glory, talk about lip dub music video
Get in contact with groups and greek life.
Facebook event Towson university lip dub viral video
Delegate Reports:
Alpha Sigma Phi
Planning philanthropy events for the future.
Delta Sigma Phi –
Philanthropy event Wednesday-Friday, 9:00am-9:00am.
They will be see-sawing throughout the night to try to raise money.
Kappa Sigma –
Blood drive coming up soon.
Two philanthropy events planned for next week.
April 7th and 8th outside of Susq.
Phi Sigma Kappa –
Raised over $11,000 for Tigerthon.
Planned a friendly football game with SAE.
Pi Kappa Alpha –
Won Tigerthon with Phi Mu.
Pike Fireman Challenge coming up soon.
Pi Lambda Phi –
No Report
Sigma Alpha Epsilon –
Trying to get everyone signed up for The Big Event.
Bone Marrow donation event outside Susq from 11:00am-2:00pm on Wednesday, April 1st.
Raised over $18,000 for Tigerthon.
Our away weekend is in a few weeks.
Sigma Alpha Mu –
Setting up philanthropy events.
Getting the chapter signed up for The Big Event.
Tau Kappa Epsilon –
Tigerthon went well.
Getting ready for Greek Sing and Greek Week.
Bringing back TKE Carnival.
Theta Chi –
Raised $23,000 at Tigerthon.
Their new sweetheart is from Phi Mu.
Practicing for Greek Sing.
Zeta Beta Tau –
Signing up for The Big Event and practicing for Greek Sing.
Old Business:
New Business:
Quartering for Homecoming will be decided after next IFC meeting.
Motion to close the meeting made by Sigma Alpha Epsilon seconded by Sigma Alpha Mu. Meeting was adjourned
at 4:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Reece Eikenberg
Inter-Fraternity Council Secretary