Dan Jones Writing Prizes Nomination Form

Dan Jones Writing Prizes
Nomination Form
Please submit this form accompanied by two copies of the paper being nominated--(1) the
original paper as it was marked and graded by the faculty member and (2) a clean unedited copy
of the same paper—to the Office of the Dean (LA 2213), College of Liberal Arts, Towson
University no later than January 26.
Faculty Nomination:
I nominate the accompanying paper for the Dan Jones Writing Prize in (please check one)
the Humanities
the Social Sciences
I affirm that this paper was written for a College of Liberal Arts class at Towson University
during the 2015-2016 academic year (may include Spring papers).
Faculty Signature
Printed Faculty Name
Student Certification:
I certify that I am currently an undergraduate at Towson University, that I am the author of this
paper, and that I agree to its nomination for the Dan Jones Writing Prize. I am submitting no
other paper for this award.
Student Signature
Printed Student Name