here - Dominican Volunteers USA

AmeriCorps Partner through the
This form also available at:
Catholic Volunteer Network
Community Application 2016-2017
Dominican Volunteers live in intervocational and intergenerational community with each other and vowed
religious to learn and reflect on the four pillars they experience in their volunteer year. They minister at local
nonprofit organizations from August 15th, 2016 to July 12th, 2017, and the community hosts them during this
time beginning August 12th, 2016. The volunteers provide a contribution to the community budget for
rent/food/utilities/miscellaneous expenses (typically about $600/volunteer unless in a Dominican-sponsored
ministry or other housing circumstances), they do chores and share in cooking, they get their own bedroom, but
the community experience is expected to teach much more than how to pool resources and share tasks.
Dominican Volunteers USA is one of the only post-graduate service programs in the United States that places
lay individuals in residence with vowed religious. The Dominicans’ participation in this great and unique
model is the hallmark of the program and the reason for the deep commitment to service and faith with which
the volunteers end the year. Communities with volunteers are expected to engage in reflection, prayer, and
study regularly. Communities are expected to engage with volunteers on the challenges and opportunities
encountered in ministry service. Communities are expected to help volunteers grow in their understanding of
what it means to be a Dominican, especially regarding Dominican spirituality and the charism.
Successful communities in the DVUSA program have varied widely in their structure, and no standard model is
necessary. However, some things that aid in recruitment include:
The ability to host more than one volunteer, so that they can be placed with peers;
The proximity to multiple ministry placements, so that there are different service options to meet
different skill sets and sustainable options for future site development;
The proximity to public transportation as only about 10% of recruits are able to bring a vehicle. (Note:
Despite the increased transportation costs of rural sites, DVUSA does reserve a percentage of
placements each year for sites that require vehicles.)
An openness to growth in nonviolent communication, conflict resolution, consensus decision-making,
simple living, and any other study that fosters both personal development and communal living.
Volunteers apply to DVUSA online between October and March. DVUSA staff conduct in-person and online
interviews from January to May while also doing ministry and community site outreach and development.
Volunteers interview with ministries first to establish a placement. Volunteers interview with communities
soon thereafter (typically by phone or online, though DVUSA encourages visits when financially possible) for
placement, at which point any concerns or reservations can be openly discussed with the Executive Director.
Communities have the right to approve or disapprove of any referral the program makes, and a community
contact receives the volunteer application and resume (public), and if requested a health history (confidential).
The following form should be filled out and submitted to Margaret Gorman, Executive Director of DVUSA, by
email ( or mail (1914 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60608) no later than February 1st,
2016. Though every effort is made to meet the wishes of each community, we cannot guarantee that all
placements will be filled in a given year. Upon selection, community contacts will be presented with a “Living
With Volunteers” guide to help provide resources for the expectations presented of the volunteer year, and an
initial visit with the Executive Director or other representative will be scheduled. Thank you for your interest in
sharing the charism, and do not hesitate to contact us with questions at 312-226-0919.
AmeriCorps Partner through the
Catholic Volunteer Network
This form also available at:
This form also available at:
AmeriCorps Partner through the
Catholic Volunteer Network
Community Application 2016-2017
About the Community
Name of Community:
Total Number of Residents as of August 2016:
Dominican Congregation/Province affiliation(s):
Community Address:
House Phone Number:
Zip Code:
House Fax Number (if applicable):
Community Prior/Prioress (or simply the “Community Contact”):
Contact Cell Phone Number:
Contact Work Phone:
Financial Contact Person (if different):
Contact E-mail:
Cell Phone Number:
How many volunteers are you requesting?
Is a specific gender of volunteer required?
About the Community Life
Why does the community want to host volunteers? (4-5 sentences):
Community Description and History (Is it a house/convent/apartment? How long have vowed religious lived
there? Have you hosted lay individuals, especially volunteers, in the past? 4-5 sentences):
Please describe the community’s prayer life (style, frequency, times, leader selection, etc.):
Please describe the community’s shared meals (who cooks, how often, times, etc.):
Are there community meetings that volunteers can participate in? Yes
If so, how frequent?
If so, do they include a study component? If so, how?
Please list here all other members of the community (Name, Cong/Prov if different, Age, Ministry, Email):
AmeriCorps Partner through the
This form also available at:
Catholic Volunteer Network
About the Residence
Who is the owner of the residence?
Total Number of Bedrooms:
Are the bathrooms in the residence communal or private?
Please describe the accessibility of the residence (e.g., stairs, small hallways, etc.):
Are there any animals also living in the residence (i.e., cats)?
Does the residence have central air conditioning and/or heating (for asthma or allergy considerations)?
What is the monthly room/board amount the community needs per volunteer (typically is $600/month for
privately owned units and $300 for sponsor-owned units with volunteers in sponsored ministries)? $
About the Neighborhood
Demographics of neighborhood (3-4 sentences on ethnicity, cultures, languages spoken, religion, economic
background, etc.):
Please describe the means of transportation available and if public transportation is accessible, it’s proximity (34 sentences):
Please describe the crime rate or other factors that might affect a volunteer’s safety. If the crime rate is above
average, what precautions do neighborhood residents take live safely?
Most of our incoming volunteers do not have cars. If placement depends on an available vehicle, would your
community be willing to consider providing one?
To Be Determined
If possible, please describe any potential ministry sites nearby (including contact people) that might be
interested in hosting volunteers:
Other Comments to DVUSA Staff:
Thank you for your time and interest in Dominican Volunteers USA! Questions? Call Margaret Gorman, Executive
Director, at 312-226-0919. Please send the completed form by email ( or mail (1914 S Ashland
Ave., Chicago, IL 60608).