BGSMC/Phoenix VA Hospitalist Track Given that internal medicine residency training includes numerous inpatient rotations, there is a myth that residents completing internal medicine training are ready to be skilled hospitalists upon graduation. However, traditional IM training has not emphasized some key areas of hospitalist practice. If you enroll in this elective track, many of these skills and experiences can be achieved prior to starting your practice. You will be ready to be an active participant and leader in QI and patient safety and better positioned to get the job of your choice. This track is a composite of electives and added opportunities to supplement core internal medicine training. Required Rotations: In addition to the basic program requirements which include the VA Medicine Consultative Service (Yellow/consult team), 4 ICU rotations Palliative medicine (PGY 2) Private Hospitalist- DVMA, SIP, IPC, BICN or other Banner or external private hospitalist group. Goal is further exposure to patient volumes, billing, consultative medicine and other practical matters (PGY 3) 5-6 ICU rotations At least one week of wound care and PM&R/long term care Additional required experiences: Initiate and develop QI or patient safety research project- this needs to be presented at a local or national meetings Present during one journal club grand rounds Present during one patient safety conference Be a member of one medical staff committee at BGSMC or VA Didactics to address many of the competencies of effective inpatient care. Other activities: 3-4 meetings per year with the Hospital Medicine interest group addressing job selection, QI/Safety principles, billing and coding, visiting iCARE/eICU. One on one mentoring with an academic hospitalist Financial support to attend the annual SHM meeting if presenting a poster Why should I participate? Completion of the track and its components will be mentioned on letters of recommendations and you can mention your experiences in interviews Gain additional patient care skills and knowledge Differentiate your education to match your potential career goals