Doctoral Confirmation Report Form (DOC,48KB)

Postgraduate Office
Doctoral Confirmation Report Form
Date Last Modified: August 2015
This form is to be completed after the student has completed all aspects of the confirmation
process (submission of written report; oral presentation). Detailed written and oral feedback on
the whole confirmation process (written report and oral presentation) must also be provided to
the student. Please complete the form and send as an email attachment to the PG Office
This form should be completed 12 months after initial enrolment as a Doctoral Candidate unless
the Department/School has an agreed different timeframe – please check with the
Department/School Postgraduate Coordinator.
Section A: To be completed by Assessment Panel (including the
Independent Assessor and Supervisory Team)
Candidate’s name:
UC Student ID:
Date of First Enrolment
or Part-time
(tick as appropriate)
Working title of thesis:
Senior Supervisor:
Other members of the supervisory team*:
Independent Assessor(s):
Date of oral presentation:
* If there have been any changes to the student’s supervisory team since the Supervisory
Agreement was submitted please ensure that a Change of Supervisor Form is submitted
to the PG Office so that these changes can be recorded.
Written Report
For each of the statements below please indicate whether you agree with the statement (Y) or
not (N) or if the item is not relevant to this student (N/A).
Where the response is N please provide information about the shortcomings and whether these
can be remedied
The literature reviewed was appropriate and set up the research objectives
appropriately (e.g., for future publication)
The proposed research methodology was clear, including (as appropriate)
research hypotheses.
The quality of writing was clear and of appropriate quality
Progress to date is appropriate for the stage of candidature
Application of research to Māori has been suitably addressed
If appropriate, ethics application forms have been submitted or are in
Any results and data analysis presented were clear and interpretation of the
results appropriate
The candidate is clear about the future research plans for the remainder of
his/her candidature
Sufficient consideration has been given to publication of research findings
If you have responded N to any of the items above please provide more detail below,
including whether the issues of concern can be remedied by the student, and in what time
Oral Presentation
For each of the statements below please indicate whether you agree with the statement (Y) or
not (N) or if the item is not relevant to this student (N/A).
Where the response is N please provide information about the shortcomings and whether these
can be remedied
The candidate was able to clearly present, and answer questions on,
his/her research, including the overall conceptualization of the research
The candidate was able to present, and answer questions on, the
theoretical framework for his/her research
The candidate was able to present, and answer questions on, research
The candidate was able to present, and answer questions on, (planned)
data analysis
If appropriate, the candidate was able to present, and answer questions
on, the application of research to Māori
The quality of English (spoken and comprehension) was of appropriate
The candidate has a clear plan for the rest of his/her candidature
If you have responded N to any of the items above please provide more detail below,
including whether the issues of concern can be remedied by the student, and in what time
Overall Assessment:
Does the candidate have any significant weaknesses that need to be addressed?
Suggested Action Items:
Was the student required to complete any courses during this period of enrolment?
If so were these completed to the level required?
We recommend that:
the candidate’s enrolment be confirmed
the candidate’s provisional enrolment be extended for a period of
months. The
conditions for this extension and requirements for confirmation are detailed below
the candidate’s enrolment not be confirmed, as detailed below
Where the recommendation is for an extension of the candidate’s provisional enrolment, please
specify below the achievements necessary in this extension period to ensure confirmation of
candidature. Please note that this information will be provided to the candidate.
When the recommendation is that the candidate’s enrolment not be confirmed, please specify
below whether an alternative qualification is possible (e.g., transfer to Master’s degree).
Any additional comments:
Name/ Signature of Supervisor
Section B: To be completed by the Head of Department/School or nominee:
Please tick the appropriate box below
I endorse the panel’s recommendation above
Please add any additional comments below
I do not endorse the panel’s recommendation but instead suggest the following:
Has the student been provided with written and oral feedback on his/her written document and
oral presentation?
Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
Has the recommendation regarding confirmation been discussed with the student?
Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
Please detail below the arrangements for meeting any costs of the student’s research
Name/ Signature of HOD/S or nominee
Section C: Dean of Postgraduate Research:
I recommend that the candidate’s enrolment be:
the candidate’s enrolment be confirmed
the candidate’s provisional enrolment be extended for a period of
months. The
conditions for this extension and requirements for confirmation are detailed below
the candidate’s enrolment not be confirmed, as detailed below
Specified conditions for extension of provisional enrolment
Name/ Signature of Dean of PG Research