ADLT notes_Oct_14_2015

ADLT meeting – October 14, 2015 10am
Student Success conversation
Hayhurst – dashboard metrics to mark progress toward the goals. Key indicators
Add in transfer oriented information to the GS100 and UNV101 course. Modules to get students
through the information. Awareness building through the modules, even if they aren’t lifechanging.
Dashboard elements added to any of the initiatives on the list…
Academic integrity integration into maxient? Or starfish
Trends with interim grades and grade point average below 2.0 – metrics for this or number of W
grades over time as well as NA grades
Numbers of students on each campus and online via headcount – dashboard.
GP, persistence to degree…
Be able to make targeted, efficient decisions about programs.
Time to graduation – Gulf Park students, full time/ part time market
UNV 101 / 301 – different approach to the student on the Coast. Work/life family balance.
Caregiver roles, etc. How do these things translate for the heavy concentration to this campus.
Financial aid around financial literacy
How to archive data? How do we capture our data and place it somewhere – STARFISH?
DASHBOARD provides awareness.
Action initiatives:
o A means for the Associate Deans on the GP campus to serve as a SSLT on the Coast
o Develop the transfer online success course, modifying GS 100 concept for transfers?
How to tailor the videos/modules
o Early Alert moving to Maxient – PR about how and why to use Maxient
o Metrics to gather data about our students and work/life balance
 What modules are most closely related to student success?
o Track new steps taken (2.0 at interim) and then intervention strategies.
Priorities/reactions from Associate Deans
o Communication problems with CARES in feedback
o Information about how to get the word out about these ideas?
 What do students know about these?
 What do faculty know about these?
o Contacting the 2.0 interim grades – positive improvement
o Implementation of the SS ideas, relying on additional systems to log these issues. To
what extent are we trying to integrate these through itech?