Lasswade High School S1 Broad General Education Modern Languages Department Unit of Work Timeframe Activities Significant Aspects of Learning Course Outline Myself My Family (and Friends) My School (and Homelife) Special Events First term Second term Third term First term – third term (eg European Day of Languages, Halloween, Christmas, Easter) Meeting and greeting; name; alphabet; age; birthdays; numbers 131; date; days; months; seasons; ; pets; zodiac; where you live. Family members; descriptions; colours; relationships; jobs; pets / animals; friends. understanding and using a range of vocabulary; understanding and using a range of vocabulary; Classroom language; my school; opinions; school rules; subjects; teachers; numbers 31-60; time; timetable; pencil case; colours; daily routine; breaktime and lunch; evening activities and chores understanding and using a range of vocabulary; understanding and using more complex sentences; understanding and using more complex sentences; understanding and using more complex sentences; understanding and using a variety of spoken language; understanding and using a variety of spoken language; understanding and using a variety of spoken language; producing oral responses and talks of greater length, complexity and accuracy; producing oral responses and talks of greater length, complexity and accuracy; producing oral responses and talks of greater length, complexity and accuracy; understanding and using a range of texts; understanding and using a range of texts; understanding and using a range of texts; deploying a range of reading strategies; deploying a range of reading strategies; deploying a range of reading strategies; producing language for a variety of purposes; producing language for a variety of purposes; producing language for a variety of purposes; producing written language with increasing complexity and accuracy. producing written language with increasing complexity and accuracy. producing written language with increasing complexity and accuracy. Homework At least once a week, with advance notice given, although pupils can at any time take home folders to revise. At least once a week, with advance notice given, although pupils can at any time take home folders to revise. At least once a week, with advance notice given, although pupils can at any time take home folders to revise. Assessment Formative assessment (of class and homework) is ongoing throughout year, although pupils can expect to be assessed slightly more formally several times a year in the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing. The department’s assessments are under constant review. Pupils are confident in talking (and writing) about theselves and asking others about themselves (and are able to understand the answers they receive). They are also able to read simple texts on this topic. Encourage pupils to : Formative assessment (of class and homework) is ongoing throughout year, although pupils can expect to be assessed slightly more formally several times a year in the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing. The department’s assessments are under constant review. Pupils are confident in talking (and writing) about their families and friends and asking others about theirs (and are able to understand the answers they receive). They are also able to read simple texts on this topic. Encourage pupils to : Formative assessment (of class and homework) is ongoing throughout year, although pupils can expect to be assessed slightly more formally several times a year in the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing. The department’s assessments are under constant review. Pupils are confident in talking (and writing) about their school and homelife and asking others about theirs (and are able to understand the answers they receive). They are also able to read simple texts on this topic. Encourage pupils to : complete homework on time, neatly and to best of ability - as well as getting involved and helping with homework; complete homework on time, neatly and to best of ability - as well as getting involved and helping with homework; complete homework on time, neatly and to best of ability - as well as getting involved and helping with homework; and take jotters home between homeworks to revise (and bring them back). and take jotters home between homeworks to revise (and bring them back). and take jotters home between homeworks to revise (and bring them back). Invest in a dictionary for use at home. Invest in a dictionary for use at home. Invest in a dictionary for use at home. Encourage pupils to explore useful target- language websites (Teachers can advise on which sites). Encourage pupils to explore useful target- language websites (Teachers can advise on which sites). Encourage pupils to explore useful target- language websites (Teachers can advise on which sites). What success could look like How Parents/Carers can support the coursework Pupils develop an awareness of life and culture in the countries whose language(s) they are learning.