SameSex Essay

Should same-sex marriages be legalized?
December 17,2014
We are all equals in this world whether we are Black, White, Hispanic, Native American, or
any other race for that matter. Why should we not be equals based on sexual orientation?
The Ones Who Say No
Same-sex marriage, Also known as gay marriage is a marriage between two
persons of the same biological sex and/or gender identity. On September 21, 1996, President
Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act banning federal recognition of same-sex
marriage and defining marriage as "a legal union between one man and one woman as husband
and wife” because of this, same sex marriages has been a controversy for many years, and have
also been widely debated in many countries for a long time. Those against this type of union
usually stand firmly behind Bill Clinton and that is; “that marriage is between a man and a
woman”. Also, that same-sex marriage will weaken the true definition of marriage. This change
in definition can lead to an unstable incline to all non-traditional relationships being accepted.
Due to this concept of same sex marriage many religious people expressed their disapproval
based off their beliefs.
Those who support same-sex marriage are most likely upholding the opinion that two
adults have the right to be in a relationship with each other and receive the social, emotional, and
financial benefits that comes in a marriage. Subsequently,having the ability to obtain your
partner's benefits is an important issue for homosexual couples because it concerns basic moral
and human rights. In addition, many gay couples have publicly came out, and expressed their
sexuality choices. Although many people are against the legalization of same sex marriage, same
sex marriage should be legalized because of three main reasons: Civil Rights, Individualism
(love), and
Civil Rights
To begin with, Civil Rights are rights that discus personal liberty which
was established by the 13th (which abolishes slavery) and 14th ( which consist of defining
national citizenship and forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens) Amendments
in the U.S. constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a
minority group. In the United States, there are social dissatisfactions regarding the government’s
disapproval of the right to marry for homosexuals. Plenty of conservatives are completely against
gay marriage; and many of liberals are fighting for equal treatment. The neo-Christian politicians
are using religious arguments to establish that homosexuality is an abomination. Even though
gay marriage should be legalized, some people have opposed beliefs. In most religions including,
Christianity, Islam, and Orthodox Judaism same sex preferences are a sin. While this may be
their belief system, this country (United States) was founded on religious freedom, where people
are allowed to follow what they want. A ground rule, set up from the beginning, states will
consist of separation in which needs to be made between religion and government, so the two
shall never become a theocracy. With the issue of gay marriage, lines are becoming blurred and
religion rears its head to influence a government’s decision of who shall be married and who will
be refused. Moreover, people on the opposing side may argue that same sex marriage is
uncivilized and unmerited; however our civil rights and the Constitution of the United States
give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which homosexual
people are not allowed to chase. Why?? They cannot be married to the person they love without
peoples negativity getting involved. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with making gay marriage
legal, it does not affect anybody, and it only allows everyone to be granted the same rights
Secondly, Individualism: the ability of being oneself in such as traits, abilities,
and beliefs. In that case, Homosexuals want to legally show their love for each other by having a
marriage license. Consequently, others may argue there are other ways for same-sex couples to
be legally tied together, According to, “This would be by going through a civil
union. A civil union is a legal status granted by a state. The State of Vermont created civil unions
in 2000. It provides legal protection to couples at the state law level, but omits federal
protections, as well as the dignity, clarity, security and power of the word marriage". In addition,
a civil union is hardly the same as a wedding, “comparing marriage to civil unions is a much like
comparing gold to silver”. Couples who do want a civil union have to do it in Vermont and stay
there. Likewise, they want the right to marry like anybody else, and for the same reasons too.
They are in love and want to spend their lives with one another. Even though it is possible to do
this without being married; “they want to honor their relationship in the greatest way our society
has to offer”. There’s no reason two people cannot marry despite their sexuality. If a man and
woman get to marry because they love each other, what is the difference between a man and a
man or a woman and a woman wanting to marry because they love each other? There is actually
no logical stand point on why they shouldn’t. We live in a very hypocritical and judgmental
world, in which everybody and every single thing you do or say will be opposed upon, as if, we
all are molded in such a perfect and righteous way.
Lastly, there are always two sides to everything. Those who believe gay
marriage should not be made legal have their reasons as well. One is that homosexuals are
harmful to society. According to, “Homosexuals do not provide the same benefits
to society as heterosexual marriages”. This is true; yet, to a certain point, this would not be a
problem if they were granted the same rights and could give the same benefits as heterosexual
couples. Further, many people on the opposing viewpoint think that having same-sex marriages
could have an effect on a child’s lifestyle. According to “Additionally,
same-sex marriage will only increase sexual confusion in children and encourage dangerous
sexual experimentation among the youth. Children growing up in homosexual households have
been shown to be more likely to experiment sexually, and as same-sex unions (as well as
cohabitation) become the norm, this will only become more pronounced, producing more
heartache, more children born out of wedlock, and more sexually transmitted diseases”.
However, even though some feel strongly about this, overall it is the child’s choice and depends
on the structure of raising them as well. Furthermore, others on the opposing stand point may
argue that children within a same sex house hold disrupts the foundation and structural form of a
more normal and more original conclusion on the basis of Father and Mother parenting roles in
society Because according to “Children need the complementary
balance of the kind of love both a mother and a father provide, the nurture and compassion of a
mother combined with a father's love which calls a child to achievement in order to fulfill his
God-given potential. Plus, children learn how to relate to both sexes later in life by relating to
both a mom and a dad and observing the way in which they relate to each other”. On the
contrary, this is not true. If one could actually say the predicament of being raised in a same sex
household is damaging, then what about the affects of children who live in the households where
they are only being raised by one parent? There are no outcomes where (all) children are affected
in a bad way, some children who are being raised by just one parent, who come out fine. The
possibilities and outcomes of a child’s behavior growing up vary among child to child.
Therefore, no accusation could truly point out the main cause or just pick out one main problem
in the effects of children in same sex households or any households in that matter.
In conclusion, in all of this controversy to protect the traditional foundation of
heterosexual marriage, the government has not provided one good reason, other than an
argument based upon religion (separation of church and state) to deny gay couples the right to
marry. Homosexuals are neither asking for special rights nor separate, but equal rights. They
only want the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. There are countless opinions and
standing views points on gay marriage. The argument regarding gay marriage should be
legalized or not is extremely controversial. There is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to
have the same rights as those who are heterosexual. Every individual person should be granted
equal rights, regardless of sexuality. According to, “Same-sex marriage is legal in 14
U.S states and the District of Columbia. Those states are California, Connecticut, Delaware,
Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington”. Such applause should be made based on this
information; however, Gay marriage should be legalized in all states and countries because it has
been held off for too long. There needs to be a change!! No religious beliefs should be taken in
consideration as making laws nor should personal opinions, if so these people, this government,
and this world all go against the constitution of the United States of America in upholding equal
rights between all who reside in this country. American people have faced such discriminating
actions before revolving race and these situations are continuing to grow with same-sex
marriage. As I stated and protested, same-sex marriage should be and forever be legalized not
only in this government, but in this world also.
In america everyone strives to be equal because that's what the constitution promises.So is it
wrong that homosexuals want to fight for theirs??
● Fischer, Bryan. "Why Same-sex Marriage Is Bad for Children." 7 July 2008: n. pag.
● "Equal Marriage NOW: Civil Marriage v. Civil Unions." (1995-2012): n. pag. Equal
Marriage NOW: Civil Marriage v. Civil Unions. N:p. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.
● United States. Federal Research Council. Family Research Council. By Peter Sprigg.
N:p, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.
● Library, CNN, ed. "Same Sex Marriage Fast Facts." Same Sex Marriage Fast Facts (22
Oct. 2013): n. pag. CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 11 Nov. 2013