2015 Summer Student Employment and Housing Agreement Print clearly and return completed form to the Student Employment Office at 161 Adirondack View. Submission Deadline: Friday, April 17, 2015 For SEO Use Only This form must be submitted for all work to be completed for Middlebury College between May 20 and September 13 (whether or not on campus housing is requested). Meal Plan Housing Summer Employment May 20 May 26 August 15 August 28 September 13 Please read the Summer Student Employee Handbook on the Student Employment Website for details regarding conduct, employment, and housing information during the summer. http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/business/seo/summer Student Employee Information Name (print): __________________________________________________ Class Year: _______ ID#: ________________________ Commons Dean: _____________________ Will you be housed on campus fall of 2015? Yes No Is the work noted on this agreement occurring outside of VT? If yes, please provide the location below. City: _____________________ State: _____________________ Country: _____________________ Employment Information (for additional jobs please complete and submit additional agreements) Non Research Job (See box below for Research Assistants) Job Title: _______________________________________________ Banner Position #: _________________ Dates Employed (mm/dd): From ____/____/2015 to ____/____/2015 Hours/Week: _____ Job Level (circle one): A B C Timesheet ORG: ____________ Supervisor Name (print): ____________________________________ Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________ Supervisor ID#: _____________________ Research Research Assistants (Position #900572): Supervisor/Faculty Mentor Name (print): ____________________________________ Faculty Mentor must submit an SRA form by April 17th, 2015. You will be housed based upon the dates provided on the SRA form. You will be emailed a copy of this form upon submission; please be sure to review your copy for accuracy. Contact the URO Office for details regarding the SRA. Are you requesting on campus housing and meals for the above mentioned employment period(s)? Please note: if you do not request housing you are required to depart from campus by the posted Residential Life deadlines. Additionally, you may not return to campus or move into Fall Term housing until Monday, September 14th. YES NO Will you have a break in employment of 1 week or more? YES NO If yes, what are the dates you will be off campus? (mm/dd): From ____/____/2015 to ____/____/2015 Charges for summer housing will be assessed on your student account and based upon the employment dates you provide; summer housing will begin no earlier than May 26th and will end no later than August 28th*. It is STRONGLY recommended that all work begin on a Monday and end on a Friday as charges will be billed in weekly increments with weeks beginning Sunday and ending Saturday. To be eligible for on campus housing you must: Be employed on campus by Middlebury College at least 30 hours per week. You are only eligible for housing during the time you are working. Be employed the entire time you are on campus. For example: If you are working during Reunion only, you’ll need to make other housing arrangements between the day after your exams end and Reunion. Sign a 2015 Summer Employment and Housing Agreement acknowledging the conditions of employment. Note: Summer housing is limited and therefore not guaranteed. It will be assigned on a first come-first serve basis. Housing Dates *Housing may begin no earlier than one day prior to beginning work and may end no later than one day after completing work. Employment dates must be listed on page one of this form or on the SRA Form for Research Assistants. NOTE: Students that do not have a spring 2015 housing assignment will be allowed to move on campus no earlier than May 26. If you are requesting housing anytime between August 15 and September 14, you must have secured a job that has been given an approved extension from SEO. Only students who have a fall 2015 housing assignment will be allowed to stay on campus beyond August 15. Room Rates and Meal Plan Costs for Summer Student Employees living on campus On campus housing is $55 per week and covers housing and activities fees. You will be assigned a room based on availability. The summer meal plan is $60 per week from May 26 through August 15. All student employees housed on campus will also be billed for the meal plan. The plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday and brunch and dinner on the weekend. All meals will be served in Proctor Redfield. Students living on campus when a meal plan is not offered (after Language School commencement) are expected to supply their own meals. Housing Charges Your student account will be assessed for contracted room and board by the end of May. Payment will be due in full by August 15th. Expectation is that you will make payments bi-weekly with student employment earnings through BannerWeb or the Cashier’s Office in the Service Building. Please note that your spring student account balance must be resolved unless prior arrangements have been made with the Student Financial Services Office. Fines and Damages Summer Employees are expected to move-out, return their room key to Public Safety, and depart campus by the deadlines. All belongings must be removed and rooms left in move-in condition; any belongings left behind will be discarded. Belongings may not be stored in residence hall storage areas during the summer term. Failure to meet expectations may result in fines and additional sanctions; see go/fines for details. Damages to common areas or adjacent hallways will be billed to the residents of the entire dormitory unless the individual(s) responsible can be identified. Charges for dorm damages may be appealed to the Dorm Damage Appeals Committee. Conduct and English Language Use Given that summer student employees are employees of the College as well as students, problematic behavior may be addressed as an employment matter and/or as a student disciplinary matter as appropriate to the situation. The College may also impose disciplinary action to address employment related concerns, which may include a verbal warning, a written warning, and/or termination from employment. Every action need not be taken in each case and the College reserves the right to terminate the at will employment of any employee at any time, with or without cause or notice. If employment is terminated, housing and on campus privileges will be terminated as well. Due to the unique nature of the summer programs, everyone working on the Middlebury campus in the summer is expected to respect the Language Pledge®. All Language Schools students have pledged to speak, hear, read, and write only the language they are studying. We rely on your discretion in using English in places where you are likely to encounter Language School students—particularly in the dining hall, library, fitness center, pool, and other shared facilities. Intentional and/or repeated violations will be considered a conduct violation. Disciplinary actions to address policy violations outside of the context of the summer student employee’s employment may include employment-related discipline as described above, the loss of campus housing and campus privileges, as well as any processes and outcomes designated in the Middlebury College Handbook. On campus summer housing and summer student employment are privileges. College policies, including but not limited to those related to community standards, conduct, respect, and residence hall regulations, are fully enforceable during the summer employment period (see Student Life Policies: http://www.middlebury.edu/about/handbook/student_policies). Supervisors may contact the prospective student employee’s Commons dean for a reference prior to hiring. Signature of Agreement Your signature below indicates that you acknowledge and agree to the provisions set forth above. It also acknowledges that you are responsible for any applicable room and meal charges based upon dates included in this agreement (or the SRA form). Student Employee: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________ (Please note: SEO/Residential Life will communicate with you via your middlebury.edu email.)